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Microfiction – Creating a Sense of Place

Checkpoint 1 – Annotated Setting

1. Choose a setting
Choose 1 of the iconic Brisbane settings below for your microfiction story (Note: You may also choose your own setting, if you would
like to do so then please consult with your teacher).
2. Annotate your setting with descriptive imagery
o Copy and paste the image of your chosen setting in the space below.
o Take a few moments to examine your setting and consider; What makes that place unique? How will you create a sense of place
in your microfiction story?
o Close your eyes and imagine you are there, what can see, hear, smell, taste and feel? Write vivid descriptions of each of the
sensory details you are imagining.

Copy and paste a picture of your setting

3. Write a paragraph introducing your setting. Use descriptive imagery and at least 2 figurative devices to create
a sense of place for your reader.

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