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Biology project

By Alejandro
characteristics of jellyfish
Jellyfish are one of the oldest
organisms that live on planet Earth,
where they have been present for more
than five hundred million years.
It is a group of invertebrate marine
animals that is included within the
phylum of the Cnidarians.They move
very slowly but elegantly; in fact, it is
believed that ocean currents are a key
factor in their movements.They have a
bell-shaped gelatinous body from
which the tentacles and the tubular
trunk emerge.
parts of a jellyfish
They have a bell-shaped gelatinous
Jellyfish do not have a bone structure. They are
body from which the tentacles
soft and delicate, so they can be easilyand the
damaged. They trunk
require evenemerge.
more water to be
able to move and if they do not remain in their
aquatic habitat, they collapse and die.

A common analogy used to describe how

jellyfish move in water is one that describes
their movement as “a simple form of jet
propulsion.” It takes water into its muscular bell
and then squirts it, creating a jet of water that
propels it forward. It also takes advantage of
water currents to move
They can produce light
Despite having very little advanced
anatomy, some jellyfish are capable of
emitting light to attract prey or when
they are in danger. They have a light
protein in the back of the body; some
use it to defend themselves and others
to attack. The Pelagia Noctiluca
jellyfish is best known for its
luminescent qualities. It lives in all
oceans, but it usually hangs around
the Mediterranean Sea.
They are almost as advanced as those
of humans. While we have a pair of
multipurpose eyes that detect color,
shape, size and light intensity, cube
jellyfish have four types of eyes with
different purposes. The most
primitive ones basically function as
light/dark detectors to guide their
navigation, and they are the ones that
the rest of the jellyfish have. The two
most advanced detect shape and help
them stay within the safe territory that
the underwater vegetation provides
them. The rest of the primitive eyes
have them around the body as if
forming a belt.
The importance of the jellyfish
Jellyfish have a huge impact on the composition of our oceans. These animals, together with plankton and copepods, are
capable of moving large amounts of water from the bottom towards the surface, this helps to break the stratification of the
water and promote faster nutrient regeneration. As we have said, it is no coincidence that they have been on Earth for so
long (more than 500 million years). They fulfill a specific role in marine ecosystems. They keep the population of some
varieties of fish in check, as they feed on their fry and eggs. They also eat shrimp or squid. Without them the seas would
be a soup of zooplankton, since they balance the amount of this substance. Without them, a step in the food chain would
be missing. In Mediterranean waters, for example, they serve as food for species of turtles or sunfish. They join other
species to provide shelter, transportation or food. When they die and their remains descend to the bottom of the sea, two
things can happen: they serve as food for other animals "or they close the cycle, returning to the polyp phase." Here is one
of its fascinating keys. Its reproduction is sexual and asexual.

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