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Kravin Ace Ampaso PSYCH LEC-121


I. Give 5 examples of independent and dependent variables in psychology experiments. (3pts. each)

Independent variable

1. Amount of exercise
2. Time spent on social media
3. Parenting style
4. Type of meditation
5. Amount of sleep

Dependent variable

1. Self-reported mood
2. Self-esteem
3. Academic performance
4. Stress levels
5. Cognitive function

II. Define the following Research Designs: (5pts. each)

 Experimental Design

- a research method used to investigate the interaction between independent and dependent variables, which
can be used to determine a cause-and-effect relationship.

 Quasi-experimental Design

- aims to identify the cause-and-effect relationship between two variables, the independent and dependent
variable. The only difference is that the quasi-experimental design employs non-random criteria while assigning
subjects to groups.

 Correlational Design

- measure two or more relevant variables and assess a relationship between or among them. The variables may
be presented on a scatter plot to visually show the relationships.

 Descriptive Design

- the goal of these designs is to get a picture of the current thoughts, feelings, or behaviors in a given group of
people. Descriptive research is summarized using descriptive statistics.

 Case Study Design

- refers to the use of a descriptive research approach to obtain an in-depth analysis of a person, group, or
phenomenon. A variety of techniques may be employed including personal interviews, direct-observation,
psychometric tests, and archival records.

 Observational Design

- a form of qualitative research in which the researcher observes the participants' behaviour. There are different
types of observational studies, such as controlled, naturalistic, and participant studies.

 Longitudinal Design

- the study of a variable or group of variables in the same cases or participants over a period of time, sometimes
several years.

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