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Hello, So before we begin there are a few things I would like you to take into consideration before I
share with you what I think we should be doing instead of your average SJW agenda. Firstly, my
intention is not to spite or ridicule anyone. If I happen to offend anyone with my words, pardon my
ignorance. Secondly, I acknowledge that I am not particularly an expert in politics, but I consider myself
something of a philosopher, yes, I sound like a pretentious redditor but the truth of the matter is that
we all are to some degree. Everybody thinks. At least that is what I believe to be true. Finally, I want you
to know that I am coming to you today because I have no choice. I am beholden to you or rather we are
beholden to each other. So this is not about justice or virtue, I’m not saying that I am a saint or a moral
paradigm, in fact I’m willing to go as far as saying that in this World Today, Morality as is commonly
defined is almost non-existent, like let me give you an example of what I am saying. From the
perspective of a sweatshop worker, is a BLM Social Media Activist using iPhone to spread awareness,
Hell they don’t even have to be a social media activist or black, just any individual that feels strongly
oppressed and uses an iPhone. Does the sweatshop worker see the outrage and protest as pursuit of
justice or is it more like warranted self interest on a communal scale masquerading as Justice. What is
the difference between the apathy an iPhone buyer feels towards the sweatshop owner and the one
that is supposedly felt by White People. Sorry to use THIS FOR AN EXAMPLE BTW I’m not an uncle tom,
Please don’t cancel me, I’m not even black. I’m from Africa. I just want you to know that this is not about
being right or wrong or intellectual superiority or whatever fuels political discourse today, because that
shit normally feels like supporting your favorite football team. This is simply my critique of modern
politics and how we as Gen Z as well as all Generations can find a way forward. Now I have dedicated
most of my life thinking about life. Unfortunately, I picked the wrong persona at age 13, and I just stuck
with it. So yeah, you can imagine what I’m like but on a serious note, I can say that I have been thinking
purposely about the nature and course of our existence for almost 7 years. I had a book in development,
until my laptop was stolen, so I decided to just keep thinking about it until I was ready, then find a way
to bring my thoughts to you, because like I mentioned earlier, I am beholden to you and you to me. Even
if we do not want to acknowledge each other, we share this physical space however much we feel it
spans, we affect each other. Also, I obviously do not have the answers to everything and I am hoping
that you may help me by either pointing out the flaws in my thinking, or even suggesting anything you
feel is better. I will be doing more, because I think that there is a lot to talk about, but I thought that this
would be a good place to start.

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