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Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to complain about a situation with your employee.

On 31st February, I went to your store to buy a pair of glasses from
your store in Oxford. When I got to your store I was treated badly and
your store atmosphere was so bad that as if I got into a landfill full of
trash. The shop assistant didn’t even care that I got into the store and
was still on his phone playing games. I asked him where I could find
the sunglasses and he was so focused on the game that he even
swears at me. We got into a fight and the manager came into the store
and thought that I was the one who was wrong and kicked me out. Not
only did she kick me out, she even called a cop on me. I was detained
in custody for a day. It was the worst experience ever.
I want CCTV footage of your store and want your employee to be
fired. I also want an apology letter ASAP and I am suing you guys for
2.5 million USD for the damage that you guys caused to me and my
I am looking forward to your response to me ASAP.
Harry Jordan.

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