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The New Deal

By: Ali Atta and Hamza Yasser

What are the causes of the economic problems that the new deal
aimed to fix?
The cause was the Great Depression which was caused by:

The stock market crash of 1929

The collapse of the world trade
The government policies at the time
Bank failures and panics
The collapse of the money supply
What were the economic policies in response to these?

Franklin D. Roosevelt solution to these problems was the new deal which was a collection
of new government projects, reforms, regulations and policies. The New Deal could be
divided into three categories:
Relief was aimed at the assistance of those in need especially since during the
Great Depression, America was in a major period of unemployment. The
leading relief organization was the public works administration which created
jobs by raiseing the funds for schools, hospitals, roads and government
buildings which led to thousands of people finding work. Relief also targeted
helping rural America which the great depression hit hard by providing relief
for farmers and getting them out of debt.
The next new set of the new deal programs were targeted at economic
restoration. The agency that was responsible for this was the national
recovery of administration and blue eagle , in which business leaders
received their official blue eagle stamp which represented the determination
of the buissness to pay their employees a specific minimum wage and giving
them an 8hour work day and refraining from using child labor. Recovery also
aimed to assist home owners by transforming the way mortgage loans carried
out and in turn helping the home owners who having trouble paying their
Reform aimed to regulate the financial sector, empower labor unions to
negotiate fair wages and working conditions and provide a social security net
for vulnerable populations through the Social Security Act, The National
Labor Regulations Act and The Securities Act. Reform aimed to prevent
future crises from happening aswell as stabalize the current economy aswell.
What were the effects of the policies on the recovery?
The enactment of multiple new federal agencies like the Civil Works Administration,
Civilian Conservation Corps and more.
Both political parties came to accept the New Deal reforms as a permanent part of the
national life
New reforms in industry, labor, water power and more were brought on.
The effects of the Great Depression were not fully diminished but they were stemmed.
“The New Deal (Article).” Khan Academy, Khan Academy,
a/the-new-deal. Accessed 10 Feb. 2024.
“New Deal - Programs, Social Security & FDR.” History.Com, A&E Television
Networks, Accessed 10 Feb.
“New Deal.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., 5 Feb. 2022,
Hayes, Adam. “The New Deal: Meaning, Overview, History.” Investopedia, 18 Oct.
Recovery Programs | DPLA.

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