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PCS-403 Microprocessor Lab

Experiment based on 8085 and 8086.
I. To perform Data Transfer operation on given no’s.
1. To swap two no’s stored in different memory location.
2. To swap block of data from one contiguous memory location to
other contiguous memory location.

II. To perform Arithmetic and Logical operation on given

3. Program to add two 8 bit numbers.
4. Program to subtract two 8 bit no’s with and without borrow
5. Program to add 10 numbers stored in contiguous memory
6. Program to add two 16 bit numbers.
7. Program to perform addition of BCD numbers.
8. Program to find multiplication of two 8 bit numbers.
9. Program to perform division operation on two 8 bit numbers.
10. Program to find 1’s, 2’s complement of two numbers.

III. Miscellaneous programs

11. Program to find square/square root of a number using look
up table.
12. Program to find largest no. from an array of no’s.
13. Program to find smallest no. from an array of no’s.
14. Program to arrange series of numbers in ascending order.
15. Program to arrange series of numbers in descending order.
16. Program to multiply or divide a no. by 2^n using RLC and
RRC instruction

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