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Arsi University

College of Business and Economics

Department of Information Technology
Industrial Practice (Internship) Report

PREPARED BY: [Your Full Name (IdNo)]

COMPANY NAME: [Company Name]
COMPANY ADDRESS: [Company Address]

Supervisor: [Supervisor's Full Name]

Submitted to: Department of Information Technology

December 30, 2023
Assella, Ethiopia
Industrial Practice (Internship) Report
[Company Name]
Internship Period: [Start Date] to [End Date]

Executive Summary
Provide a brief overview of the internship, including the company's background, your role, major
responsibilities, and key achievements.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1. Background of the Company
1.2. Objectives of the Internship
2. Internship Position and Responsibilities
2.1. Job Title
2.2. Department
2.3. Supervisor Information
2.4. Key Responsibilities and Tasks
3. Professional Development
3.1. Skills Acquired
3.2. Training and Workshops Attended
3.3. Challenges Faced and Overcome
4. Projects and Contributions
4.1. Overview of Projects
4.2. Your Role in Each Project
4.3. Achievements and Outcomes
5. Team Collaboration
5.1. Team Structure
5.2. Collaborative Projects
5.3. Communication and Interpersonal Skills Developed
6. Learning Outcomes
6.1. Lessons Learned
6.2. Application of Academic Knowledge
6.3. Areas of Improvement Identified
7. Reflection on Goals
7.1. Comparison of Initial Goals and Achievements
7.2. Personal and Professional Growth

8. Recommendations
8.1. Suggestions for Improvement
8.2. Areas Where the Company Can Enhance the Internship Program
9. Conclusion

Samples of Work- pictures
Attach relevant documents, reports, or samples of your work.
Certificates and Training Materials
Include certificates of completion and any training materials.
Feedback and Evaluations (If Any)
Supervisor evaluations or feedback received during the internship.

Express gratitude to the company, your supervisor, and colleagues for the support and
guidance throughout the internship.

Contact Information
Provide your contact information for any follow-up inquiries.

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