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Your Failure is not Final

The dictionary defines failure as a lack of success or the inability to meet an expectation. I’m sure
everyone of us can recall a time where we failed at something. Maybe an exam, interview, in a
relationship, maybe in business we’ve all had a taste of failure and even in our walk with God (which
is the more important `than anything else) we fail God when we walk by sight and not faith, when
we give into temptation and when accustom ourselves to the things of this world rather then the
things which are above. But I’m here to encourage you today because failure in not an option

Nolin shared 2 weeks ago about how failure is not your name… so it doesn’t get to define who you
are and I’m here to say to you that your failure is not final, which means its cannot and will not
dictate to you who you should be. I want to draw your attention to the life of Peter. And I’m going to
be bouncing around scriptures just to give us a better understanding of Peters Journey.

Slide 2: The reason why chose Peter was because his life was like a roller-coaster. Throughout the
gospels we see how highs but we just as many lows. I think that Peter is the disciple most of us can
relate to.

Matthew 26: 31-35

31-33: Jesus saying these things to show his disciples that everything that is going to happen is the
fulfilment of scripture. He’s basically saying to them that everything that is going to happen must
happen, and that he is still in control of the situation. 33: (Prideful) who insists, you see me, me I’m
not like them, even if they all abandon you I won’t. He overestimated his abilities instead of listening
to the words of Jesus. 34: Jesus was forewarning Peter. Jesus knew Peter better than Peter knew
himself. 35: But again, Peter Had to boast in himself and then we see the other disciples follow
Peters lead ad they vow to the same.

#1- God knows you better you know yourself. When God Looked at Simon (which means the one
who hears) he said no that not who you are and Jesus renamed him to Peter (small Rock). Now a
rock speaks about strength and steadfastness but calling him a small rock Jesus is making a point.
You need to rely on me because I am the rock of all ages. The bible says trust in the lord… We are
the biggest reasons why we fail. Jesus paved the way for us but where busy being own stumbling
blocks. We always want to rely on our wisdom and our strength, we always think we know better
but I’m here to remind you that the wisdom of this world is but foolishness for our God. God knows
you better then you know yourself. He sees your end before your beginning and he guides you
toward your destiny.

Matthew 26: 40-46

In this portion of scripture, we see that Jesus’ takes Peter and some other disciples. Jesus is
distressed so he tells the guys keep watch and he goes a little further to pray and we all know the
payer he prayed but when he returns and finds them asleep, he speaks directly to Peter in verse 41.
Jesus knew that Peter would be tempted and that’s why he urges him to pray. Jesus was in such
anguish at this point but he found strength in prayer. But Peter on the other hand gave into
temptation because he failed to watch and pray. God give us only what we can handle and he also
gives us the means to resist temptation but we stuck in a cycle of failure. The reason peter failed and
why we fail in our lives is because we don’t watch and pray. #2 Be Watchful (discern and predict)
and pray. And we all know what prayer is, but I want us to realise that if prayer was so important to
Jesus, the Son of God, how much should it be to us! Jesus was in such a sore place he knew the cross
was coming, betrayer, soldiers were getting ready, he knew that his closest scatter in his most crucial
hours but still he prayed himself through.

Jesus said “the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak” Doesn’t this sum us up... These disciples just
pledged to die with Jesus if they had too but now, they couldn’t even stay awake to pray with him!

In the verses that follow we see that Jesus is betrayed by judas with a kiss. John 18:10 says that
Peter drew his sword and cut off a soldier’s ear which Jesus had to them heal… This guy couldn’t
draw his hands together to pray but here he is drawing his sword to fight fire with fire, violence with
violence. In this verse we see just how the dominate Peters flesh was and so often as believers
operate in our flesh, but prayer changes our focus. Prayer takes us from being self-centred to being
Christ entered. Peter was so full of himself because that he couldn’t see the bigger picture.

And so, when the hour had come the disciples where nowhere to be found… Peter followed in the
distance as they took Jesus. Imagine when the rubber hit the road none of these men were able to
stand firm. How disappointing! Matthew 26:69-71: Notice that Peter wasn’t questioned by and angry
mob of soldiers that would’ve intimated him or tortured the truth out of him like how we would see
in the movies. Twice he was approached by girls and he just blatantly denied Jesus #3 Faith over
fear. Peters fear of death overpowered his faith in Jesus. The bible says that faith cometh by hearing
and hearing the word of God... So, we’d expect peter who was taught by Jesus himself! The one
whose name literally meant to hear; we’d expect his faith to be stronger than this! But we get to
learn from this mistake and as believers we need to equip ourselves with the word of God so when
we face temptation like Jesus, we would be able to speak his word in our situation. The problem is
that like Peter we want to speak our own words

First¬- LIES Second- Lies and takes and oath. But the final time He curses ad swears. He was probably
irritated by the same questions being asked over and over again but more than that he was
desperate to show these people that he didn’t know Jesus and so he began to speak as they did.
Every time we act like the world, we deny Christ in our conduct. #4 Are you a sheep or a wolf. The
bible always refers to us as sheep but the bible o=also cautions us to be watchful and weary of the
wolves in sheep’s clothing. Romans (16:17-20). So often we claim to be sheep but then we go out
and act like wolves because our conduct leads people away from Christ instead of leading them to
Christ. Are you a sheep or a wolf? When preparing this word, I had to do an introspection… When
the rooster crows peter realises what he has done, he’s so embarrassed and ashamed that he runs
away weeping.

Mark 16 vs 7 “And Peter” Repetitive. Jesus wants to meet the ones who abandoned him but he also
to meet that disappointed him the most. The one who publicly rejected him not once... He singled
out peter because he had a special plan of restoration of Peter. I don’t know how you’ve failed in
your walk with God but I’m here to say to you today that God has a special plan of restoration for
you. I wana remind you today that you are never too far gone that God cannot reach out and touch

Throughout the bible we see people who have messed up but they were still used by God. What
been pressed on my heart is that contrary to popular believe, #5 Your failure does not disqualify you
it enables you. The world might say 3 strikes and you’re out but Jesus says it’s just half time wait and
watch how I restore you in round 2. Like Go did for Abraham, Davin, Paul and so many others he will
use your failures to forge your testimony. The enemy will amplify your failure. The enemy will tell
you your failure is Fatal but Jesus says your failure is not final.
3 Seven of the 11 disciples were together at the Sea of Galilee as Jesus instructed. Peter originally a
fisherman and so as he’s still whaling in his sorrows and grief, he reverts back to his comfort zone.
He decides to fish but yet again his expertise fails him because the bible says they caught nothing.

4-6 Because they had caught no fish, Jesus instructed them to let their nets on the right side of the
boat. When they obeyed, they caught so many fish that their nets almost broke Jesus wanted the
disciples to #6 face their failure: (AA)He wants us to face our failures and admit them just like the
disciples did when they said No, we haven’t got anything.

Now Jesus did this to make point. There is a huge difference between doing something on your own
and doing something at the leading of the Lord... Because let’s be real, I’m no fisherman but is there
really a difference between fishing on one side of the boat over the other it’s the same water, same
vicinity, same bait. But Jesus showed the that our own expertise will fail us. He’s also showing us the
benefits that are attached to doing things through Gods leading. Without Jesus we are doomed to
fail but With Jesus we are guaranteed the victory.

7-8 Peter after being told that hey that’s Jesus... Peter put on his cloak and jumped into the sea.
Here we see a fisherman who leaves such a great catch to get to Jesus. The other disciples remained
in the boat cos they weren’t far from reaching the shore but not Peter, peter couldn’t wait, so one
hand we see denying Jesus ran away weeping but here, we see him plunging into the water
desperate to get to Jesus.

9 The Greek for the charcoal fire is identical to the fire the one when Peter denied Jesus. Around the
first fire, Peter denied the Lord three times, just as Jesus had predicted and fell into sin. Around the
second, he affirmed his love for the Lord three times, and was restored. In the first, Peter received
something from wicked men (warmth), and in the second he received something from the Lord
(food, and forgiveness).

10- 13 Before Peter denied Jesus, we saw how he relied on his strength to “protect Jesus” by cutting
of the man’s ear… for which he was rebuked. But now we see Peter using his strength to obey the
lord and get the net of fish. Are you using your gifts and abilities for selfish gain and for self-
recognition or are you using it for the glory of our God?

15-17 Do you love Me more than these?" Possibly referring to the other apostles. Peter had once
said he loved Jesus more than the others did. Agapaó = to love be 100 percent, self-sacrificing love.
The kind of love God gives. Peter responded that yes, he loved Jesus, Used the word phileó. He
admired Jesus. Jesus asked Peter again, using the word agapaó. Peter responded again, using the
word phileó. The third time Jesus asked Peter, He used the word phileó. He moved down to Peter's
level. Peter was grieved because Jesus was questioning whether he even admired Him. Peter
appealed to Jesus' knowledge of him. When Peter said that he would die rather than deny Jesus, he
was essentially saying Jesus did not know him. Here he acknowledged that Jesus knew him. #6
Renew your mind. Jesus commissioned Peter three times.

Jesus entrusted Peter with His sheep God took Peter from being a fisher of men to being a shepherd
of sheep. We would all understand if he gave this responsibility to someone else. I would probably
have chosen John… But God chose the one who received the most grace to become the mascot the
grace. The world will look upon him and say he’s not worthy enough Luke 22:32 But I have pleaded
in prayer for you, Simon, that your faith should not fail. So when you have repented and turned to
me again, strengthen your brothers.” The world will use your failures to tramp you diwn but God will
use it pick you up.
Peter failed miserably but God restored him. Not long after Peter preached on the day on Pentecost
where 3000 people came to Christ. It was Peter who received the vision that both Jews and gentiles
can come to Christ. Peter went on to save Cornelius who was the first gentile to follow Jesus. Peter
goes on to raise the dead and heal and sick. Peter writes to books in the New Testament to
strengthen his brothers and uses his failures to encourage others.

Your Failure is not Final. The world looks at your failure with an exclamation mark but Jesus looks at
it with an ellipsis. Failure doesn’t have the authority to dictate your future. If God could restore
Peter, he can restore you. Failure is a delay but not a defeat. So don’t let a pitstop become a final
destination because if failure didn’t keep Peter down, Failure won’t keep us down.

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