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Situations when Dumping when it be permi

Alternative method
Normal Value Calcualation
Weighted Average Price

Normal Value Calcualation
Weighted Average Price

Non Market Economy

Price less than its home market price

Material Injury
Causal Link Between the two

International Price discrimiation which was injurious to certain domestic industries
GATT was first Article 6
Products are introduced at less than normal price
Material Injury
Marially retards the establishment of domestic industry

Kennedy , Tokyo
Article 6

Article 6 of the GATT and Anti Dumping Agreement

Definity Anti Dumping Duties
Provisional Measures
Price Undertalings

Selling of product at the price below normal value

Which is the price of the product under investigation in the home market
Antidumping agreement allows an investiagting authority
to disregard the actual price in the home market

No sales of the like product in the home market in the ordinary course of trade
A proper comparison cannot me made because of the particular market situation or low volume of sales

Third country price of the product or so called constructed normal value

Exclude sales outside oridnary course of trade for normal value calculation
Anti Dumping Agreement does not define the term Ordinary Course of Trade

Anti Dumping agreement does not define the ordinary course of trade

Ordinary Course of Trade is not defined

Weighted average per unit cost

Sales price is less than production cost

Such below cost sales cannot be ignored

80 percent of sales must be made at profit

80 percent are not above cost
Norma Value on constucted value
Below cosit

Not all below costs sales are considered for antidumping

Certain loss making sales during certain period of business cycle

OCT is employed
Insignficant volume in sales in the exporting country

Domestic sales made to related party

Domestic price were effected by related parties

China , Vietnam Antidumping investigation NME treatment

Surrogate country
Not reliable
Governemnt countrol over resource allocation
factors of production in surrogate country

China as Paraguaty
Company situated in Paraguay

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