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Rev. 9: P1; G:(\.



With this symbol, 1\ • we greet you as we come again into communion of
thought. The Eighth Revelation explained to you that this symbol, 1\, which is
two equal sides of a perfect triangle, represented the first two Mayan Passwords.
Though these words are of nine and eight letters respectively, yet they are of
equal power in the triangle. Soon you will receive the third password of the
Third Degree.

In this Revelation-Lesson we again consider some of the aspects of Time.

Time flows. Ceaselessly, constantly, Time always flows away from us. Time flows
in two directions; it flows into the past and into the future; yet, Time is with
us. Everything we see on the physical plane occupies space and we say it "takes
time." Time and space are the limiting boundaries of physical life; yet, they
are illusions. The Mayans of old devoted most of their scientific studies to
Time. Much of their learning will be transmitted to you "in Time".

THE TIME "The time is at hand 11 , says Revelation. Verily, the time is at hand
IS AT when man will be absolute master of this world, when he will control
HAND the winds and the waves, when the elements and their energies will
be completely subject to his command, when conscience will be so de-
veloped, when right living will be so desirable that jails and prisons will not
be needed and wars will no longer lay waste the land. "Impossible," you say?
Not at all. Man has existed on this earth approximately one million years but as
far as science knows, only in the last ten thousand years has he had any glimmer-
ing of brotherhood~ of conscience.

There are 7 parts of the'
Pyramid. It rests on the The Future
8th part and is surmount-
ed by a Temple, which is
4 Age of Man - 1,000,000 Years
the 9th Part. These parts Age of Mammals
correspond to the letters
in the three passwords
for the Third Degree.

Age of Fishes
Age o£ Primitive Li£e Forms
Traces of Life 800,000,000 Years
Formation of Earth's Crust
800,000,000 Years Beyond That

Gaseous Stage of Earth 400,000,000 Years That

Rev. 9: P2: G:R: 9.79

For one million years man has devoted a large part of his thought to the
development of weapons; to the seeking of means to destroy his fellow creature.
One million years of development of methods of warfare. Is it any wonder that
many occult students believe there once existed a race of man whose science was
far, far in advance of our greatest knowledge today; a race of which all traces
have been completely wiped out? One million years - and only a few thousand years
of civilization. It is strange that we have advanced as far as we have.
The oldest history, the most ancient writings, reveal only the tick of a
clock as the age of Earth is measured. If it sometimes seems difficult to believe
that the ancient Mayans could know so much, as revealed in the higher degrees, re-
member that all this was but a comparative breath ago.

All that you can write, say, sing, or put into histories or into lessons
is only valuable if it make6 other men think. Wl1at a man thinks for himself is
what develops his mind and increases his power. Mere listening, hearing, absorb-
ing theories as a sponge absorbs water does little good. It is only that which
you think out for yourself that will build your Mind, Spirit, and your Soul.
Think about this: MOdern Scientists agree that the Earth is at least three bil-
lion years old - three thousand million years old. Physicists, chemists, geolo-
gists, astronomers and mathematicians believe that it is probably much older. The
Pyramid graphically illustrates some of the stages through which the earth has
The Time is at hand 11 when man shall truly come into his glory. Sixty

million years of life. A few thousand years since the dawn of conscience, and
less than a hundred years since war has been considered wrong. The last twenty-
five yeare have oeen the greateet advancemente in underetanding 1 yet for your
lifetime and mine wars may continue and prisons and man~de punishment may be
deemed necessary.
How long, then, will it take? The tick of a clock, the passing of an hour
or a day at most, for "the time is at hand. 11 We, as Mayans, are contributing our
efforts to the spreading of "the word", the education of our brothers, the civi-
lizing of our world. This is merely the dawning, the beginning of the Mental Era,
the age of Mind.
SPIRIT AND "Matter is nothing but electricity." Through Mind we can control
MAN all this, all matter, all Energy, all of our being, for God so con-
stituted us that we have the potential means to do so. He has
given us Mind.
The "electricity" that composes matter is rather a special kind of elec-
tricity or, to state it better, electricity as we understand it is a special kind
of matter. Had the writer of the article we quoted from the New York Herald
Tribune on Page 8 in the Eighth Revelation used the word "Spirit" instead of
"Electricity" we would have liked it better, for Spirit is Energy. Electricity
is also Energy. Electricity, then, is a manifestation of Spirit. Material things
are the Physical manifestation of (or crystallization of) Spirit impressed upon
Vital life Energy within You is the manifestation of your Spirit. It may
be dynamic or it may be static; it may be negative or positive but the life Energy
Rev. 9: P3: G:R: 9.79

within you is your Spirit. It may run high or it may go to low ebbs but it is
within you, waiting for you to manifest it whenever you desire. Desire and Will
are controlled. by your Mind.
If you Desire to rise from your chair, your Mind dictates the degree of
your desire. If the desire is active, you say to yourself, "I will arise and do
so and so." Notice that second word, "WILL". Then, if you really actively desire
it, you will arise and carry out your thought. You release the ~nergy to your
muscles and limbs. Energy is Spirit and this illustrates the way Spirit is used
and how it is controlled by Your Mind, and this Energy permeates every part of
your Being, not only the cells of your physical Being but the other parts of your
Being as well.
The Mind requires Energy to mani£est itsel£ as Thought 1 both Conscious
Thought and Sub-conscious Thought. It draws Energy to itself. The Soul requires
Energy but Energy is sent to the Soul as it is directed to the body by Mind.
You are surprised to think of the Soul as requiring Energy? Remember,
Energy is Spirit and Soul is Substance. Your activities, every minute you live,
are impressed on Soul by this Energy. It is the department 2£ the Soul that ~
call Character.
Yes, there is a duality of Soul just as there is of Spirit and of Mind;
a part that receives and a part that sends forth, a negative and a positive part.
THE NATURE The Soul's duality is Character and Creative Imagination.
Its symbol is: EiJ
The Spirit's duality is Will and Desire.
Its symbol is: l'f!~~
The Mind's duality is the Conscious and the Sub-Conscious.
Its symbol is: lfJ
The Body's duality is Life and Death.
Its symbol is: lJI
The manifestations of all these are Action, Motion and Change. The
symbols of these are the diagonal lines.

To aid you in grasping this teaching that so few teachers grasp and that
even great schools of aetaphysical training stuable over, we picture (on the fol-
lowing page) a square as representing Body, another square as Mind, etc.
These illustrate the two departments., or duality, of the four parts of
your Being. The fourth square is the only one that has a department that cancels
out its other department. It, therefore, is mortal. Death is not present in the
other departments of your Being; therefore, the invisible part of You, the Greater
part of You, is immortal.
Rev. 9: P4: G:R: 9.79

, -- ---------- --- - ------------ --=-

• ~ I •
• ••• ~ I ~ ./
' ~~o.V I

. I
- - - - - - - - - - __ _:_JJ

There iB a temple Btill Btanding today in

Mecca whose walls are laid identical to this
symbol, even including the outer portion of
The four squares (numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4) make up the Great Square, which
is the symbol of your Being.
The outer square (shown by dotted lines) represents the hereditary charac-
teristics. As we develop our ovn characteristics, this takes an outer form, as
symbolized here, only in the departaent ot the physical body. The outer square
may be disregarded at this time and you may consider nov only the part of the
symbol with which you were firat made familiar in the Fifth Revelation on Page 1.
E. in the section numbered 3, represents the part of the Soul de-
voted to your Character. Its nature is governed by every
thought you think; it is shaped by every act you perform. You,
in every instant's occupation, in every degree of your thought
or activity, add to this depar~ent of your Being. Good or
bad, all is recorded and becomes an immortal part of you.
Character is influenced by the outer world and, because of its
receptive nature, is classified as negative. It is the Re-
cording Angel who abides within you and whispers to you in the
Rev. ~: P5:' G:rt'· 79

voice of Conscience.

F. represents the part of your Soul devoted to Conceptive Imagi-

nation (creative Soul Substance). It is the source of all
inspirational creation, invention, progress, etc. Its nature,
too, may be good or evil. It projects its nature ~the outer
world and, because of its projective nature, is classified as
positive. It is the Creator within you.
c. represents the part of your Spirit where Desire has its
abode, while

D. represents the part of your Spirit where Will directs. C re-

ceives and is negative whereas D goes forth and is positive.
A. represents the part of your Mind devoted to Sub-Conscious
B. represents the Conscious Mind. A receives and is negative
and B projects and is positive.
H. represents ~ Force in your physical body.

G. represents the destructive forces, or Death, in your physical

body. Death does not exist in any other part of your Being
and even here is hemmed in by F, Creative Soul Substance, and
HJ the Life Force. G receives, whereas H projects. G is not
evil but a cleanser for the physical body. It rids the body
of worn out cells and parts. Without it physical life could
not exist. Without physical life it (G) could not exist. If
there were no life there could be no death. Life is first
but ~ ~ not ~ for it is followed by the posit~s­
pect of Soul {f).
Study this well and familiarize yourself with it. Later Revelations will
go into much further detail regarding it and, later still, will lead you to an
astounding discovery and an astonishing physical demonstration of immortality.
The Spirit, which is Energy, is dominated by the Mind. The Soul receives
from the Mind in the department of Character and projects through the Mind in
Creative Imagination. The Body is a solidified reflection of Spirit and Soul and,
therefore, is acted upon by Mind in the same manner as Spirit and Soul.
You will see when you study these statements that Mind (Conscious and Sub-
conscious) is the part of You that controls and directs all parte of your Being,
including Death, as well as your Creative Abilities. It is to your incorporeal
Being what Brain is to the Body.

THE NATURE Is it any wonder that Modern Science is coming more and more to a
OF YOUR realization that what we call "matter" is the result of the action
WORLD of a force, wholly subject to the control of the Mind? You have
just seen that matter is only Energy impressed upon substance, and
Energy is Spirit; Spirit, in turn, is wholly subject to Mind.
Rev. "'9: P6": G09.79

As a youngster, did you ever see the experiment wherein a thin glass
tumbler is shattered by merely sustaining a certain note on a violin? In the same
manner, a sound wave is used to destroy germs and could be used to shake down our
tallest buildings. A vibration of sound that the ear is incapable of hearing
could readily be adapted by our "civilization" and could be used in warfare to
penetrate earth, air or water to kill our brothers without their being awttre that
death was present.
How is this possible? It is possible because every known object, no
matter how dense it may appear, is really not solid. MOuntains and oceans, earth,
rock, iron, gold - all can be reduced to the point of pure energy, which is
Spirit. That physical body of yours is more than 85 per cent water. The rest of
it is ash. The ash residue of your body can be vanished by changing it into gas
and vapor. Are You gone then? Do You exist no more?
REALIZING ALL THIS (and please spend some time thinking about it before

THE NATURE In physiology we have what is known as the Doctrine of Specific Nerve
OF YOUR Energies. This was first formulated by Johannes Muller. This doc-
BRAIN trine expresses the fact that ~ fibers give only ~ kind of
reaction no matter in what way they may have been stimulated. The
Optic Nerve, as an example, brings to us the sensations of light, usually because
light waves fall on the retina of the eye and, in this manner, stimulate. But i f
you apply other forms of stimulation to the Optic Nerve, they will also give a
sensation of light. A blo-w upon the eye -will cause you to "see stars". Cutting
the Optic Nerve or stimulating it with electric currents gives visual sensations.
The same stimulus applied to the Auditory Nerve gives the sensation of sound. If,
as has been said, one could attach the Optic Nerve to the ear, and the Auditory
Nerve to the eye, then we should see the thunder and hear the lightning.

This is no idle theory but one accepted by men of science. All the sen-
sations delivered to our brain by our nerves are so delivered because they are
vibratory in nature. The impressions you form of anything in the outer world
depend entirely upon what part of your brain is connected with the particular
nerve end that receives the impression from the object.
You can see a painting without being able to hear it; yet, if the nerve
ends terminating in the Auditory area of the brain could be attached to the visual
area, you would hear the painting instead. If the nerve ends terminating in the
Visual area of the brain could be implanted in the Auditory area, you would see
the music that pours forth from your radio in what would appear to be light.
Rev. 9: P7: G:R 9.79

BRAIN Visual Auditory
Area Area

Diagram of the left Cerebral Hemisphere,

indicating the localization of functions
- from Morris

THE NATURE To state it in another way, the kind of impressions we receive from
OF YOUR all the world about us, the very character and nature of it as it
PERCEPTION appears to us, depends entirely on how we are put together. As the
impressions received in our brains are what our minds accept and act
upon, so then is our whole world governed by our individual mental make-up.
Two young men are discussing a young lady of their acquaintance. One
says, "That girl is positively homely. She has squinty eyes and straggly hair
and a terrible disposition." The second young man looks at the first in utter
astonishment. "My young friend", he replies, "you must be blind or crazy. She
is positively gorgeous; her hair is lovely and her eyes simply divine. She has
the disposition of an angel." Needless to say, the second young man was seeing
with the eyes of love. This world around us, you see, is pretty much one of
Mind's own creating. A field of waving grain may be beautiful to you, but to
another it only brings thoughts of hay fever or asthma. A thing that you enjoy
doing may be hardship to another. It all depends on your viewpoint.
Did you ever stop to think that you are very much like a radio rece~v~ng
set? Every second, countless thousands of vibrations are rushing at you, cours~
ing through you. These vibrations are all impressions brought to your conscious-
ness by your brain. You can tune in on whatever impressions you choose. You can
select Station J-0-Y or Station S-0-R-R-0-W. Your set will get for you either
Station S-U-C-C-E-S-S or Station F-A-I-L-U-R-E. There are many more stations to
choose- and they are all 500 1 000 watters. You can bring any of these in. You
need only to select which particular sort of impressions you want to get. If you
enjoy the programs from Station F-E-A-R or D-E-S-P-A-I-R, you can hear them all
you want, day or night, but you only need turn the knob and, without using up any
more power, you can receive Stations H-A-P-P-I-N-E-S-S and 0-P-T-I-M-I-S-M.
You can choose! Within You is a force against which the whole world is
powerlesS. Use it and make what you desire of life, of yourself and of your
It is true that objects themselves don't change; it is merely the way you
look at them. But doesn't that make a great difference? In the end, we find
what we look for. On your ;;dio, you can tune in whatever station you wish to
hear. In life, you can tune in whatever you wish to materialize. In the propor-
tion that you try to put the good things that you desire into your environment
Rev: ,9: PS : Gh•. 9. 79

and tune out the wrong ones or the ones you fear, you will receive the things you
desire. Many people have done it. Many people are doing it. Many people will do
it in the future. I want you to be one of those who can claim membership in all
three of these groups. Just as certain as is the fact that others have done it,
is the fact that you can, !2.2_.
In Nature, the most powerful forces are invisible. You cannot see elec-
tricity; you can only see the effects of it. You cannot see air; yet, life on
ow:· planet could not exist without it. You cannot see heat; yet, .few things as
we know them now could be without the principle of heat. The most powerful forces
are invisible in Nature and in You. Just as heat and electricity can fuse iron,
so can your mental forces make or mar your physical body; yes, even your destiny.
Be cautious of what you tune in. Tune out doubt and disbelief; let faith, joy,
success and happiness come in on your radio receiver.
- 0 -

Moo-lu Ah-kin, the Priest, while walking one day came upon a group of
men quarreling among themselves on the merits of an unusual pottery jug.

One said it was an abomination, entirely unlike anything seen before in

the land, unworthy of its clay and the artist who had fashioned it. Another said
that it was a work of great originality and a daring artistic conception of great
beauty. A third man said he didn't know whether it was good or bad, that it was
just "different". The last man in the group asked Moo-lu Ah-kin, the wise old
priest, to render judgment on the piece to determine whether they should destroy
it or set it up in a place of honor.

Moo-lu .A.h-kin replied: 11 Am I an artisan or a potter, then, in your

11 No 11 , replied the men, "but you are wise and you have a sense of beauty.

Is it art?"

"What think you?", the Priest replied. "If you can see art in it, then
to you it is art. If ye look and fail to see art, then to you it isn't. But if
you look and see neither art nor its lack, then you are a dullard, and whether it
is art or isn't to you doesn't matter. For whatever you yourself perceive, that,
to you, is truth.

"There is an old fable from a land far away", lvk:>o-lu Ah-kin continued.
"The story is that once there were three blind men and one day they came upon the
Sacred Elephant of the Prince of the country. The first blind man grasped the ele-
phant by the leg. 'Why', he said, 'an elephant is like a tree.' The second blind
man stretched out his hands and, by chance, felt the elephant's side. 1 0h, no',
said he, 'an elephant is like a wall.' The third blind man had seized the ele-
phant's tail. 'What faulty senses you two havel 1 , he exclaimed, 'an elephant is
like a rope.'"

To every one of us the world is exactly what we perceive it to be. That

your perceptions may be keen and true, that your appreciation may be worthy and
your understanding complete, is our wish £or you, Our Beloved Companions.

Rev.~: P9! G:~-79


In the Eighth Revelation-Lesson, you received an explanation of some of

the significations of the numeral eight which is the number of letters in the
second o£ the triad o£ Mayan passwords £or the Third Degree. It was the practice
of the ancient prophets and leaders to conceal esoteric meanings in symbology.
In this way, the initiated could read and understand; the profane could not. As
a Mayan, you will want to be well informed in all ancient mystic symbology. In
esoteric writings you will often meet with the symbol 888. Few have attempted
to explain this symbol and most of those who have done so have been in error.
Here is the true Arcane meaning of 888: In the Eighth Revelation-Lesson, we
showed you how the numeral eight is the symbol of resurrection. Jesus arose on
the eighth day; that is, on the first day of the new week or the day after the
seventh. This you do not know, however; the name 11 Jesus", in Greek numerals
corresponding to its Greek letterB 1 iB 10, 8 1 200 1 70 1 400 1 200 which, when
added up, is 888.
8 8
This is sometimes shown as £ and always refers to Jesus ~His promise
2f "Life Everlasting". As a Mayan, you will be expected to recognize the meaning
of this symbol in the future. It also represents the duality of EB , the mean-
ing of which you are in the process of understanding. The square 1l is, of
course, four-sided. The lines within the square ::"*:: afl:d representingthe depart-
ments of your Being are also four in number. Thus,· b<lalso represents 8. As
you have learned, three parts of your Being are immortal and one part mortal. The
three 8 1 s distributed so fE then have the same meaning in Mayanry as ~ •
TIME Here is one more peculiarity of 8. Multiply the
ACTION, three 8's: 8 X 8 = 64 and 64X 8 ;;;; 512. Now,
MOTION, add the numerals of 512; that is 5 + 1 + 2 8. =
The single figure S in its most important meaning
refers to Time. This was exemplified by the
ancient priests in the shape they selected when
they invented the hour glass with which they mea-
sured time. Accidentally or otherwise, the
vestiges of this symbol are still to be found on
the face of many modern timepieces where the dial
showing seconds is superimposed on the hour dial.
Throughout all Arcane philosophy you will meet with the oft-repeated
statement, "As above, .§2. below". There are many pictorial representations of this
statement but almost all include somewhere the symbol of two triangles, one above
the other X • In the Mayan Symbolic representation of the four departments of
your Being, which is shown on the next page, you will readily recognize the tri-
angles X • Furthermore, you will observe the triangles repeated, no matter to
which of the eight possible angles you may turn this symbol.
........ .... '

Rev. 9: P10: G:R: 9.79

While there are eight places of observation, yet there are, through
duplication, really only two; that is 1 you may observe it from any of the four
sides or from any of the four corners and it remains the same. ~ The tri-
angles are also symbolized in ancient drawings of the human faceWby consider-
ing an imaginary line running from the tip of the nose to one eye and across
to the other eye and back again to the tip of the nose. The lower triangle is
obtained in the same way by an imaginary line from the tip of the nose to the
jawbone. across to the other side and back to the tip of the nose.
This same statement is found in the six-pointed star (r which is used
by many churches today. Later, the complete symbology of this star will be
explained to you.
In symbology, the circle <:) represents All. It indicates that which is
without end, boundless, limitless, the Infinite. The Cosmic System is so repre-
sented because it is the greatest conception of the All.

- 0-

The circle<:) also has always represented the smallest form of life. In
ancient Greece, these two circles were called the ~crocosm and the Microcosm.
From the second of these words comes the familiar name of microbe for a very
small form of life. The Macrocosm refers to an infinitely great Cosmic complete-
ness, the All. The ~crocosm refers to an infinitely small reflection of the
Cosmic world, a micro-world, an infinitely small system comparable to the greater.
Science today still uses the circle ~with the nucleus ~(the sun) in its
center to illustrate the appearance of a living cell. How did the ancients,
without benefit of high-powered microscopes, gain ~his correct conception o£ in-
finitely small divisions of physical life?
Because the ~crocosm is made up of an infinite number of microcosmic
particles and because the microcosmic particles would have no place in which to
exist except within the ~crocosm, we say one could not exist without the other.
Therefore, the circle representing the ~crocosm and the circle representing the
~crocosm are shown as of equal power or size.

When illustrating the statement. "As above. so below". with the circles
of Macrocosm and Microcosm then, the circles are shown as 8 As you already
know, the diagonal lines in the Mayan symbol for Being represent Action, Motion
and Change. Draw this symbol and emphasize these diagonal lines, then close in
the base by connecting the diagonal lines at the bottom; do likewise at the top
and you have the symbol for Cosmic Motion and Change \J. Place this complete
symbol within the two circles 8and you get ~, A~ symbol for~· But
this symbol also tells you THE TRUE NATURE OF ClJ TIME. Remember our teaching
that Time is an illusion. The true nature of Time is here before you in this
symbol. You will perhaps feel something vaguely stirring within you as you seek
"""' • JJ L

to grasp the meaning of the statement and the symbol you have drawn. Perhaps the
true nature of Time will be revealed to you by the processes of your own mind
through study of this symbol and how it is formed. If it is, then indeed you are
making progress. If it is revealed to you, then be sure your genius is being
developed. If it is not revealed, do not be discouraged, for Revelation will
come as you continue in /\. along the Path. Purposely, we have only partly re-
vealed it to you now so that you will heed the s~irring within you of new forces
and new abilities. Later, a stirring Revelation-Lesson will bring to you a glori-
ous Revelation on the true nature o£ Time.
The ancients also knew of what science today is only recently convinced
and that is THAT UNDER PROPER CONDITIONS the microscopic £ill! of tissue of ~
~ !!:.! composed ~ PRACTICALLY IMMORI' AL.

Make a copy of the Earth pyramid shown on the first page of this Revelation-
Lesson, filling in each step and, with eaoh step, letting your imagination transport
your immortal consciousness through these immensities of Action, MOtion, Change -
visualizing each step as you do so.
Now, take a mirror and place it at the apex of your pyramid. Contemplate
the reflection. 11 As above, so below." Note particularly that you have created in
the reflection of the topmost step the complete symbol of Time ~ • The topmost
step, the shaded area of your Earth pyramid, is being completed~ but is not com-
plete yet because it lies in the Future. Its reflection above is in absolute
harmony with its image below. The reflection and the image, crowned by the circle
above and below, make the complete symbol, the promise o£ immortality and resur-
rection. Ponder over it, Beloved Companion. Our Path leads that way - to the
very summit.
Note also the eight points on the ancient Calendar Stone which forms the
central portion of The Mayan Emblem on the front cover of this lesson.
Again note the cross beneath the calendar. Observe that it possesses
eight ends although it has only three arms.
An exercise of your intuition: What discoveries do you make, if any,
after contemplation of this emblem? What symbologies do you sense as being illus-
trated there? Write a brief letter after the third night of study of this lesson,
telling i£ you have received any impressions and describe them. In your letter,
please state whom there is about you that you would particularly desire to help
through application of Mayan principles. Also state whether or not they are re-
ceptive to your help, whether or not they desire help. Place your name and
address at the bottom of the first page of your letter and mail to us to keep with
your record.

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