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How to Get Rid of Cellulite

Cellulite is fat deposits pressing up on the underlying tissues of the skin. This
gives the skin's surface a lumpy or dimpled appearance. Women are at higher risk
for cellulite than men are, but men may also suffer from it. It can cause a person
to become self-conscious about the way her or his legs, buttocks or other affected
areas of the body appear. Luckily, you can learn how to get rid of cellulite. We
will share effective information for eliminating it from the body after we explain
possible causes for it.

Possible Causes for This Condition

Heredity - There is no cure for hereditary traits.

Overweight - It is important to remember that a person can have this issue even
when she or he is thin. However, being overweight increases the risk for cellulite.
Poor Eating Habits - You can improve your eating habits, but we will discuss
this later in this information
Slow Metabolism - A slow metabolism hinders how fast your body burns calories.
This can cause weight gain and put you at risk for cellulite.
Hormonal Changes - Women experience drastic changes in their hormones
periodically throughout their lives. This affects their bodies in a number of ways
including weight gain or pockets of unsightly fat.
Lack of Exercise - Cellulite accumulates in areas of the body where there is
inadequate circulation. Exercise increase circulation and is an effective
preventative treatment for this condition.
Dehydration - Every part of the body needs water to function correctly
including your skin. Dehydration will cause the skin to dry and cellulite will be
more apparent.
Amount of Body Fat - The higher percentage of body fat you have the higher your
chances for this issue is.
Improper Dieting - This can lead to losing weight for a brief period of time
just to gain the weight back when you quit dieting. Make lifestyle changes that you
can live with on a daily basis to prevent this from happening.

What You Need to Know to Rid Your Body of Cellulite

The two best methods for ridding the body of the lumpy appearance of cellulite are
proper nutrition and exercise. Let's examine both of these solutions closer.

Proper nutrition includes fresh vegetables and fruit, healthy fats, whole grains,
lean protein and low-fat dairy. It does not contain foods full of sugar, salt and
unhealthy fats such as the processed food so common in the grocery stores today.
The proper foods will help you attain and maintain a healthy weight and this in
turn reduces the occurrence of cellulite. Losing weight will reduce the fat that
pushes up on the tissues that cause the lumpy, dimply appearance of the skin
brought on by cellulite.

Cardiovascular exercise is ideal for heart health, but strength training tones your
muscles and skin to diminish or eliminate cellulite. Weight training is ideal
strength training along with resistance training. You should exercise for 30
minutes to 1 hour daily for optimal benefits. Exercise your entire body and not
just the areas where cellulite is present. This will improve circulation, increase
your metabolism and make your body healthier.

How to get rid of cellulite is a combination of both the right diet and exercise on
a daily basis. You may not be able to rid your body of a 100% of it, but you will
eliminate part of it. Try both of these solutions today to learn how they help you
combat your cellulite.

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