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The Honest Thief

With the climbing cost of living, many were forced to either work second jobs or partake in
activities to earn a quick buck. Lionel a single father who works as an English teacher at Backsville
Elementary. He is the father to 2 young girls Emily, 8 and Sofia 6. Lionel became a single father a few
months after Sofia was born when his wife sadly died. He was receiving help from his family before
moving from Stony Brooke to Backsville.

One day Lionel got home and noticed there was a notice on his front door notifying him of the
upcoming increase in his rent. He started to worry seeing that he can barely survive on his salary and
mostly always left with nothing after paying for all his expenses. Lionel always tried to make sure his girls
were happy and never in need of anything and that news caused him to worry. He instantly started to
think of other ways he can make money and decided he was going to work a night job. The next day after
work he set out to a nearby convenience store that he noticed had a "help wanted" sign up and applied
for the job. The owner of the store immediately gave him the job seeing the financial situation he was
put in.

Thursday evening Lionel got home from his day job at the school and made dinner for himself his
girls. While he waited for them to arrive home from school, so he could sit and eat with them before he
went to his second job. It was finally 7 pm and he was starting his first shift at the store many customers
made their way in and purchased various items. The night slowed down before eventually Lionel got up
to lock the doors. It was 1:46am and he saw that he had a lot more time in his shift and since it was
quiet, he decided to take a nap before his conclusion at this job at 5 to start his other job at 8am.

The following day Lionel went through his regular day before starting his shift at the convenience
store. It was a normal day with a few inconveniences considering his inability to stay awake most times.
Nevertheless, he pushed through the day with the thoughts of his daughters in mind. The usual things
happened and the idea to steal money from the cash register popped into his head and he decided that
at the end of his shift he would take 150 dollars from the register to put towards his expenses. He carried
on with his night and at the end of his shift when he was getting ready to leave, he took the money.

Lionel felt bad about his actions and decided to return the money in full to the cash register as
soon as he started his shift He went home and completed his evening routine before leaving for his shift.
Lionel learned from his mistake and promised to make an honest living.

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