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To Tokenize raw text into individual tokens for subsequent NLP tasks, such as
text analysis, feature extraction, and language understanding."


Tokenization in natural language processing (NLP) refers to the process of

breaking down text into smaller units called tokens. These tokens can be
words, phrases, symbols, or other meaningful elements depending on the
specific task or language. Tokenization is a crucial pre-processing step in NLP
as it helps in preparing text data for further analysis or processing.

There are different approaches to tokenization, including:

Word Tokenization: This involves splitting text into words based on spaces or
punctuation. For example, the sentence "Tokenization is important for NLP."
can be tokenized into ["Tokenization", "is", "important", "for", "NLP", "."].

Sentence Tokenization: This involves splitting text into sentences. For example,
the paragraph "Tokenization is important. It helps in preparing text data for
analysis." can be tokenized into ["Tokenization is important.", "It helps in
preparing text data for analysis."].

Subword Tokenization: This approach splits words into smaller subword units,
which can be useful for languages with complex morphology or for handling
out-of-vocabulary words. Examples include Byte Pair Encoding (BPE),
SentencePiece, and WordPiece.

Tokenization is typically the first step in NLP pipelines, followed by tasks such
as stemming, lemmatization, part-of-speech tagging, and named entity

def tokenize(text):

# Split the text into tokens based on whitespace

tokens = text.split()
return tokens

# Example text
text = "Tokenization is the process of breaking down text
into smaller units."

# Tokenize the text

tokens = tokenize(text)

# Print the tokens

Explanation of code

In this example, the tokenize function splits the input text into tokens based on
whitespace. You can modify the tokenization logic according to your specific
requirements, such as handling punctuation or using more advanced tokenization


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