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The first step was to ensure that the text is in English. I used the langdetect
library to detect the language of each text instance. If the language was not
English, the text was discarded.

I implemented patterns to identify and remove code snippets and common boilerplate
text often found in web content.

I performed various cleaning operations such as removing extra whitespaces,

normalizing punctuation marks, handling contractions, and standardizing date and
time formats.

The cleaned text was tokenized using the NLTK word_tokenize function. This step
split the text into individual words or tokens.

Stopwords, which are common words that do not carry significant meaning, were
removed using NLTK's stopwords corpus.

I applied both stemming and lemmatization to further normalize the tokens. Stemming
reduces words to their root form, while lemmatization converts words to their base
or dictionary form.
After preprocessing, I reconstructed the sentences from the normalized tokens for
further analysis.

During the incremental development of the code, I conducted several experiments to

refine the preprocessing steps and improve the quality of the tokenized data. Some
of the experiments included:

I experimented with different parameters for language detection, cleaning

operations, and tokenization to achieve better results.

I iteratively updated the code to better identify and remove code snippets,
boilerplate text, and URLs.

I tested various date and time formats and handled exceptions to ensure accurate
parsing and normalization.

I explored the option of customizing the list of stopwords based on the specific
domain or context of the text data.

I evaluated the performance of the tokenizer and normalizer by analyzing the

quality of the output tokens and their impact on downstream tasks such as text
classification or clustering.

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