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Why Mern Redux

est_ce que dans cette projet should i work with MERN and Redux or just MERN what's the preference


In the context of your project, whether to use MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack
alone or with Redux depends on several factors such as project requirements, complexity, team
familiarity, and scalability needs.

Here are some considerations:

MERN Stack: Using the MERN stack alone provides a comprehensive framework for building a web
application. MongoDB for the database, Express.js for the backend, React.js for the frontend, and
Node.js for server-side scripting. This stack is known for its simplicity, flexibility, and scalability,
making it suitable for various types of projects, including maintenance management applications.

MERN Stack with Redux: Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps, commonly used
with React.js to manage application state and simplify data flow. Incorporating Redux into your MERN
stack can provide additional benefits in terms of state management, especially for complex
applications with a large number of components and interactions. It helps to maintain a centralized
state and facilitates debugging and testing.

Considering the requirements of a maintenance management application, which may involve

complex workflows, data management, and user interactions, incorporating Redux can be beneficial.
It helps in managing the application state effectively, handling asynchronous actions, and ensuring
data consistency across different parts of the application.

Therefore, the preference would be to use the MERN stack with Redux for your project if you
anticipate a need for advanced state management, scalability, and maintainability. However, if your
project is relatively simple and does not require complex state management, sticking with the MERN
stack alone could be sufficient. Ultimately, it's essential to evaluate the specific needs and goals of
your project before making a decision.

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