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YU(RHEA) WU | 718.570.9616


Strong: JavaScript(ES6+), HTML, CSS/SASS, React/Hooks/Router, Redux, Node.js,Express, GraphQL, webpack,
NoSQL(MongoDB), SQL(Postgres/MySQL), Jest/SuperTest, Typescript, Git/GitHub
Experienced: Bcrypt, webRTC, LocalForage, AWS(IAM, EC2, Elastic Beanstalk, RDS, ECR), Travis CI, Docker

LightQL | Senior Software Engineer Jan.2022
● Created custom LRU eviction policy based caching algorithm that self sorts based on recency and maintains the
user’s designated capacity utilising HashMap and doubly linked list data structure for its constant time performance
● Transitioned to GraphQL from legacy REST APIs for executing queries in an effort to mitigate over-fetching and
under-fetching from server and reduce memory pollution in order to keep the website highly scalable
● Integrated TDD principles with Supertest’s automated testing capability to ensure code maintainability and avoid
unintended side effects during the CI/CD pipeline
● Leveraged React Hooks to create a highly-interactive, performant user interface containing reusable components to
manage state and reduce DOM re-renders for streamlined user experience
● Implemented TypeScript over the existing codebase to leverage custom types, type enforcement and informative
error handling to improve readability and performance, increasing overall efficiency of the development process
● Utilised ChartJS to construct an interactive and visual demo by displaying the significant improvements and
performance metrics when making subsequent requests for GraphQL queries through LightQL
● Injected LocalForage that improves the offline experience of web app by using asynchronous storage
● Deployed website utilising GitHub repository for a unified cloud to build and run with free TLS certificates

GameBetter | Software Engineer Aug.2021 - Dec.2021

● Designed a PostgreSQL database to store relational data between users, games, sessions and score board reinforcing
ACID compliance protocols ensuring the data consistency, integrity, and security of users information
● Used Node and Express to structure a RESTful service with custom middleware flow between routes that allow for
requests to multiple endpoints, and layered error-handling for streamlined server-side development
● Implemented React Hooks to reduce DOM re-renders and maintain stateful logic between components, leading to a
cleaner codebase that is easier to refactor and reuse as the application grows

Jushin | Software Engineer Jan.2021 - Jul.2021

● Integrated WebRTC to establish real-time, bidirectional connections between clients for the exchange of static
assets, relieving server load and reducing bandwidth costs
● Implemented Bcrypt algorithm as part of a larger authentication strategy for a one-way password encryption to
ensure user information is private and secure

Quitr | Software Engineer Apr.2020 - Dec.2020

● Used React Router to enable multiple application entry-points, to reduce the number of files being served, and to
improve UI by handling client-side rendering within a single page application
● Implemented the container pattern in React to create reusable, responsive components for a cleaner, more
manageable codebase while benefiting from the vast amount of community resources
● Utilised a non-relational database with MongoDB for its ability to store cache data and handle deeply nested and
complex data structure while allowing for flexible document schemas

Load Balancers | Jeeny + Bracklet Software Engineering Speaker Series 2022

University of Sheffield, MA, UK 2019

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