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Visual creation, config, testing, deployment and

TradeGen ™ monitoring of autonomous trading bots and algos

using technical indicators, signals, logic, and


1.1 Objective

Develop an advanced GUI for creating, configuring, testing, and deploying AI-driven crypto and securities
trading bots.

1.2 Scope

The project encompasses both front-end and back-end development, integrating machine learning
models and technical indicators for building trading strategies.


2.1 User Interface

Customizable Dashboard: Real-time data display with market trends, bot performance, and profit

Drag-and-Drop Functionality: Intuitive interface for constructing trading strategies.

Responsive Design: Compatible across various devices and screen sizes.

2.2 Features

Trading Bot Configuration: Utilization of technical indicators and ML models for strategy creation.

Real-Time Data and Performance Metrics: Live updates on market conditions and bot analytics.

Machine Learning Integration: Pre-trained linear regression models, additional machine learning
options, and custom model support.

Comprehensive Indicator Library: A wide range of technical indicators available for strategy

Strategy Testing and Deployment: Tools for simulating strategies and deploying them in live markets.
Security: Advanced encryption and security protocols to safeguard user data.


3.1 Front-End

Technology Stack: React/Angular/Vue.js for the UI, with Redux/Context API for state management.

Features: Real-time data visualization, drag-and-drop strategy builder, customizable UI themes.

3.2 Back-End

Server: Node.js/Python/Java for API and business logic.

Database: SQL or NoSQL database for data storage.

APIs: Integration with external financial data sources and internal data processing.

3.3 Machine Learning

Integration: Ability to incorporate and run pre-trained and custom ML models.

Data Processing: Scripts for data preprocessing and analysis tailored for financial datasets.


4.1 Performance

Scalability: Capable of handling high volumes of simultaneous users and data processing.

Reliability: High uptime and consistent performance.

4.2 Security

Data Encryption: Secure handling and storage of sensitive data.

Compliance: Adherence to financial regulations and data privacy laws


Phase Milestone Estimated Completion

Concept Approval of PRD Week 1

Design Finalize UI/UX designs Week 3

Phase Milestone Estimated Completion

Development Alpha version with core features Week 8

Testing Complete testing and bug fixing Week 12

Deployment Beta release and user feedback collection Week 14

Final Release Launch of the stable version Week 16


User Adoption: High user engagement and positive feedback from early adopters.

Performance Metrics: Meeting predefined performance and reliability standards.

Feature Completion: All proposed features are implemented and functional.


Appendix A: Detailed UI/UX design mockups.

Appendix B: API documentation.

Appendix C: Security and compliance guidelines


8.1 Front End

|-- src/
|-- components/
|-- Dashboard/
|-- Dashboard.js
|-- Dashboard.css
|-- StrategyBuilder/
|-- StrategyBuilder.js
|-- StrategyBuilder.css
|-- RealTimeChart/
|-- RealTimeChart.js
|-- RealTimeChart.css
|-- TradingBotConfigurator/
|-- TradingBotConfigurator.js
|-- TradingBotConfigurator.css
|-- services/
|-- ApiService.js
|-- MLService.js
|-- utils/
|-- Helpers.js
|-- Constants.js
|-- App.js
|-- index.js
|-- public/
|-- index.html
|-- package.json


For Drag-and-Drop Functionality:

1. React Beautiful DnD: A popular library offering a powerful yet accessible drag-and-drop interface. It's
known for its simplicity and performance.

2. React DnD: Provides more control and flexibility, suitable for complex drag-and-drop interfaces.

3. React Sortable HOC: Offers sortable list components with higher-order components (HOCs), useful for
simpler drag-and-drop lists.

For Real-Time Data Visualization:

1. Recharts: A composable charting library built on React components. It's easy to use and integrates well
with React's ecosystem.

2. Victory: A set of modular charting components for React and React Native. It's highly customizable.

3. Nivo: Offers rich charts and data visualization components, with a strong emphasis on aesthetics.
4. Chart.js with React wrapper (react-chartjs-2): A flexible charting library, with a React wrapper available
for seamless integration into React applications.

5. D3.js: While not exclusively a React library, D3.js is a powerful tool for creating sophisticated
visualizations. It can be used with React, but it requires more manual integration.


|-- src/
|-- components/
|-- Dashboard/
|-- Dashboard.js
|-- Dashboard.css
|-- StrategyBuilder/
|-- StrategyBuilder.js
|-- StrategyBuilder.css
|-- RealTimeChart/
|-- RealTimeChart.js
|-- RealTimeChart.css
|-- TradingBotConfigurator/
|-- TradingBotConfigurator.js
|-- TradingBotConfigurator.css
|-- services/
|-- ApiService.js
|-- MLService.js
|-- utils/
|-- Helpers.js
|-- Constants.js
|-- App.js
|-- index.js
|-- public/
|-- index.html
|-- package.json

10,1. Setting Up the Project Structure

front-end project structure (using React) will be as follows:

Helpers.js |-- Constants.js |-- App.js |-- index.js |-- public/ |-- index.html |--

10.2. Initializing the React Application

First, we'll create a new React application using create-react-app and set up the
directory structure as outlined above.

ynpx create-react-app advanced-trading-gui cd advanced-trading-gui # Create the

directories and files as per the structure

10.3. Required Libraries

 For Drag-and-Drop Functionality:

 React Beautiful DnD

 React DnD

 React Sortable HOC

 For Real-Time Data Visualization:

 Recharts

 Victory

 Nivo

 Chart.js (with React wrapper react-chartjs-2)

 D3.js (for more complex visualizations)

For WebSocket and Real-Time Communication:

1. Socket.IO-Client: A powerful library for real-time web socket communication, often used in React
applications for seamless two-way communication.

2. React-WebSocket: Another popular choice for integrating WebSocket communication in React apps,
offering easy-to-use hooks for managing WebSocket connections.

For State Management:

1. Redux: A predictable state container for JavaScript apps, commonly used with React for managing
application state.
2. MobX: A simpler, more flexible state management solution, which can be an alternative to Redux,
particularly useful for smaller to medium-sized applications.

3. Context API (React): For simpler applications or specific parts of your app, React's own Context API might
be sufficient for state management without additional libraries.

For Routing:

1. React Router: The standard library for routing in React, providing dynamic routing in a web application.

For Form Handling and Validation:

1. Formik: Widely used for building and validating forms in React, offering a balance between flexibility and

2. React Hook Form: A library to handle forms in React with minimal re-renders and better performance.

For Internationalization:

1. React-i18next: A powerful internationalization framework for React that provides easy-to-use hooks for
translating your application.

For Custom UI Components and Design Systems:

1. Material-UI: Offers a wide range of pre-designed material components that you can use to build your UI

2. Ant Design: Another comprehensive suite of design tools and components for creating enterprise-level

3. Styled Components: For creating custom styled React components, offering a neat way to manage CSS in

Accessibility and Testing:

1. Axe-core: For accessibility testing, ensuring that your application is accessible to as many users as

2. Jest: A delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity, commonly used for testing
React applications.

3. React Testing Library: Offers light utility functions on top of React, enabling you to more easily write tests
that adhere to good testing practices.

Performance Optimization and State Management Enhancements:

1. React Query: Great for fetching, caching, and updating data in React applications, helping to reduce the
need for boilerplate code and improving performance.

2. Redux Toolkit: An official, opinionated, batteries-included toolset for efficient Redux development. It
simplifies store setup and reduces boilerplate.

Security and Authentication:

1. Auth0-React: A library for implementing authentication in React apps using Auth0, which offers a secure
and scalable solution.
2. react-oauth2-auth-code-flow: A client for OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow, particularly useful for
securing SPAs.

Data Management and Integration:

1. Apollo Client: A comprehensive state management library for JavaScript that enables you to manage both
local and remote data with GraphQL.

2. Axios: A promise-based HTTP client, widely used for making HTTP requests from node.js or
XMLHttpRequests from the browser, which supports the Promise API.

Environment and Configuration:

1. dotenv: A zero-dependency module that loads environment variables from a .env file into process.env,
helping in managing configuration settings securely and efficiently.

Developer Tools and Utilities:

1. ESLint: A pluggable and configurable linter tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript,
helping to ensure code quality.

2. Prettier: An opinionated code formatter that enforces a consistent style by parsing code and re-printing it
with its own rules.

Deployment and Server-Side Rendering:

1. Next.js: A popular React framework that enables functionalities like server-side rendering and generating
static websites, which can be beneficial for SEO and performance.

2. Create React App: A set of scripts and configurations used to maintain a comfortable development
experience and streamline the build setup for React applications.


1. react-aria: A library of React Hooks that provides accessible UI primitives for your design system.

2. react-axe: A library that audits your React application's accessibility in real-time during development.

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment:

1. Jenkins: Can be used for CI/CD pipelines to automate the testing and deployment of your React

2. GitHub Actions: Provides a platform for automating your software workflows, including CI/CD, directly
from GitHub.

Responsive Design:

1. React-Bootstrap: Combines the look and feel of Bootstrap with the functionality of React.

2. Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs, it can be integrated into a
React project for styling.

npm install react-beautiful-dnd react-dnd react-sortable-hoc recharts victory nivo react-chartjs-2 d3

10.4. Key Components

Dashboard Component (Dashboard.js)

import React from 'react'; import './Dashboard.css'; const Dashboard = () => { // Dashboard implementation return
( <div className="dashboard"> {/* Dashboard content */} </div> ); }; export default Dashboard;

Strategy Builder (StrategyBuilder.js)

import React from 'react'; import { DragDropContext } from 'react-beautiful-dnd'; import './StrategyBuilder.css';
const StrategyBuilder = () => { // Strategy builder logic return ( <DragDropContext onDragEnd={handleDragEnd}>
<div className="strategy-builder"> {/* Strategy building components */} </div> </DragDropContext> ); }; export
default StrategyBuilder;

Real Time Chart (RealTimeChart.js)

import React from 'react'; import { LineChart, Line } from 'recharts'; import './RealTimeChart.css'; const
RealTimeChart = ({ data }) => { return ( <LineChart width={400} height={400} data={data}> <Line type="monotone"
dataKey="value" stroke="#8884d8" /> {/* Other chart components */} </LineChart> ); }; export default

10.5. Integration with Backend and Services

Integration with the backend and services would be done using the ApiService.js
and MLService.js files, handling API calls and machine learning model interactions.

The Strategy Builder component will be key for users to create and configure their
trading strategies. We'll enhance it to include drag-and-drop functionality for
adding indicators and ML models.

10.6 Enhancing StrategyBuilder.js

import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { DragDropContext, Droppable, Draggable } from 'react-beautiful-
dnd'; import './StrategyBuilder.css'; const StrategyBuilder = () => { const [elements, setElements] = useState([]); //
Elements represent indicators or ML models // Function to handle the end of dragging an item const
handleDragEnd = (result) => { // Logic to reorder elements based on the drag result }; return ( <DragDropContext
onDragEnd={handleDragEnd}> <Droppable droppableId="droppable-area"> {(provided) => ( <div
ref={provided.innerRef} {...provided.droppableProps} className="strategy-workspace"> {,
index) => ( <Draggable key={} draggableId={} index={index}> {(provided) => ( <div
ref={provided.innerRef} {...provided.draggableProps} {...provided.dragHandleProps}> {/* Render the element
component */} </div> )} </Draggable> ))} {provided.placeholder} </div> )} </Droppable> </DragDropContext> ); };
export default StrategyBuilder;

10.7. Developing the Trading Bot Configurator Component

This component allows users to configure the settings of their trading bots,
including selecting the strategy, setting parameters, and deploying the bot.

Creating TradingBotConfigurator.js

import React, { useState } from 'react'; import './TradingBotConfigurator.css'; const TradingBotConfigurator = () => {
const [botConfig, setBotConfig] = useState({ /* Initial bot configuration */ }); const handleConfigChange = (config)
=> { setBotConfig(config); // Additional logic for updating bot configuration }; return ( <div className="trading-bot-
configurator"> {/* UI elements for configuring the trading bot */} </div> ); }; export default

10.8. API Service Integration

The ApiService.js file will handle interactions with the backend for fetching market
data, managing bots, etc.

Sample ApiService.js

import axios from 'axios'; const API_BASE_URL = ''; const getMarketData = async () => {
try { const response = await axios.get(`${API_BASE_URL}/market-data`); return; } catch (error)
{ console.error('Error fetching market data:', error); } }; // Other API service functions export { getMarketData };

10.9. Integrating Redux for State Management

Given the complexity of the application, Redux will be used for managing the
application state, especially for aspects like current market data, user
configurations, and bot states.

Setting up Redux Store

// store.js

import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux'; import tradingBotReducer from

'./reducers/tradingBotReducer'; const rootReducer = combineReducers({ tradingBot: tradingBotReducer, // Other
reducers }); const store = createStore(rootReducer); export default store;

10.10. Responsive Design and Styling

The CSS/SCSS files for each component will be crafted to ensure that the
application is responsive and adheres to the design guidelines specified in the PRD.

Example SCSS for Dashboard Component

// Dashboard.scss

.dashboard { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; padding: 20px; @media (max-width: 768px)
{ flex-direction: column; } }

10.11. Testing and Validation

Unit tests and integration tests will be written using Jest and React Testing Library
to ensure that each component and service works as expected.

Sample Test for the Dashboard Component

import React from 'react'; import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import Dashboard from
'./Dashboard'; test('renders the dashboard', () => { render(<Dashboard />); expect(screen.getByText(/dashboard
content/i)).toBeInTheDocument(); });

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