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*how God has been faithful to you. Explain how He has met your needs just as He met David's needs. Tell
what the specific incident was, how God showed his faithfulness, and how you've grown in your
Christian walk because of the experience

*) GOD has been faithful to me in many aspects of life, and I am going to tell you this reminds me of
that time, which was not long ago. When my mother was in the cecaria for my brother since he had
the unbilical cord around his neck because of some laps he did inside my mother, I was crying and
praying to GOD for what could happen to my mother and to my brother, they could both die due to
the surgery, after that they took the baby from my mother, the baby did not cry or react or move, my
mother could not get up, she fainted all the time, we were all very worried and I said in my mind oh
God you abandoned me so many times that I prayed to you for this moment and you are disappointing
me. because the baby needed a tube to breathe but after a few days GOD showed his fidelity to me,
my mother and the baby making the baby breathe again and my mother to recover and from that
moment I did not doubt GOD again in this or in other moments and stages of the rest of my life.

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