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Sample letter 1

Respected Professor _Name________

I hope you are doing well. I am currently enrolled in Masters of Electrical

program in _______ university. I have completed my coursework
with 3.7/4.0 CGPA and secured scholarship/gold medal. Currently I am
pursuing my thesis titled “Automation System”, which resulted in
publication of 1 conference papers in xyz venue. My research interest
include machine learning, digital signal processing etc etc.

In thesis, I have worked on the integration of xyz technology with another

xyz technology and measured its performance and sensitivity analysis in
terms of xyz parameter etc. Currently, I am working as Research
Assistant/ Exchange scholar at xyz University on an xyz project. In
this project, I have worked on this technology and research topic
etc. My area of research is currently focused on xyz.

I am currently writing a Journal paper on xyz technology to integrate with

another xyz technology, which is to be submitted. I am also working on
the extension of my previously accepted work which focuses on xyz
Moreover, I have good analytical skills and I am expert in python
programming language.

I got my inspiration by visiting your profile and found that your research
interest in xyz is relevant to my research area. I believe there are a
number of similarities between your specialization and my research
interest and I was wondering if you have any PhD/MS position for me in
your research group. Attached to the email is my CV and
transcript for both Masters/ Bachelors for your kind consideration. I hope
to hear from you soon. Thank you for your time.

“Mention Your Name”

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