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Title: How Language and Design on a Wine Label Achieve Persuasion and Evoke Tradition

Thesis statement : The wine label, through a combination of persuasive strategies and
carefully chosen design elements, achieves its central theme of evoking a sense of heritage
and tradition, using ethos, pathos, and logos to establish credibility, elicit emotions, and
provide logical information that persuades and resonates with consumers.

Beyond the glass, the label holds a narrative woven from language and design, aimed at
achieving a range of purposes. This essay delves into the language and design on a wine
label, where the art of persuasion converges with the preservation of heritage. The label's
central theme is traditions and history of winemaking, which unfolds through the strategic
use of ethos, pathos, and logos, along with design and authorial choices that resonate with
consumers. The wine label attempts to transcend the mere promotion of a product; it seeks
to evoke a cultural identity and community. By emphasizing the longstanding significance of
wine in various cultures, it establishes a connection between the consumer and a broader
community of wine enthusiasts.

To begin our analysis, we must first identify the authorship, timeline, and text type. The
authorship is often represented by the winery or vineyard, but in this case, the author is
cryptically referred to as "Mont-Pellier." The timeline is somewhat challenging to discern, as
the choice of font used on the label is sans-serif, giving it an ancient feel. However, the
content itself suggests an older context, making it difficult to pinpoint a precise era. The text
type is clear: this is a persuasive and informative wine label.

The first notable aspect is the use of ethos, which involves establishing credibility and
trust. The wine label employs an ethos strategy by highlighting the historical significance of
wine. The statement "wine has been with us since the beginning of civilization" conveys the
idea that wine has been an integral part of various cultures and households for centuries.
This information is meant to persuade the consumer that the label represents a product
with a rich and time-honoured tradition.

Furthermore, the use of pathos, an emotional appeal, is evident in the label's imagery and
language. The picturesque image of a couple sharing a romantic sunset picnic near a
vineyard evokes a sense of romance and nostalgia. The description of wine as a "temperate,
civilized, romantic mealtime beverage" and "a gracious way of life" taps into the emotions
of the consumer. This emotional appeal is designed to make the consumer envision idyllic
moments and memorable experiences associated with the wine.

Logos, the logical appeal, is also used effectively on the label. It provides factual
information about the wine's origin. The inclusion of a government warning adds an
element of safety and responsibility, appealing to consumers' rational decision-making
(“According to general surgeons… health problems”).
The language and design elements on the wine label also contribute to the overall theme
of heritage and tradition. The label employs an old-fashioned font (sans-serif) and a border
with an antique appearance, emphasizing the classic and timeless nature of the product. It
suggests that the wine has a heritage that extends far back in history and connects to the
tradition of wine culture.

The authorial choices made in the design of the label play a significant role in impacting
the audience. The label features an F-shaped format, where all vital information is
strategically placed between two lines, ensuring that the most important details are
prominently displayed. The information is structured with a clear hierarchy: the heading is in
a larger font size than the subheading, and the subheading is larger than the actual
information. This hierarchy guides the reader's attention to the most critical elements.
The government warning, presented in bold text, immediately captures attention due to its
critical nature. However, it is placed in the lower right corner, possibly due to spatial
constraints, or it could be a deliberate choice to ensure that the warning does not detract
from the overall aesthetic of the label.
The barcode, often a mundane element on packaging, is placed on the left for easy
accessibility for scanning, ensuring that it serves its functional purpose without intruding on
the label's overall design. The border, with its old-fashioned appearance, reinforces the
label's vintage and classic ambiance, connecting the wine to a rich historical tradition.

While it is undeniable that wine labels play a significant role in marketing and influencing
consumer choices, it's important to consider a counter perspective that delves into the
potential pitfalls and drawbacks of such labels.

First and foremost, one could argue that wine labels, with their elaborate language and
design, often resort to marketing tactics that manipulate consumers rather than inform
them. The carefully crafted use of ethos, pathos, and logos can sometimes border on
deception, making the product seem more appealing and historic than it truly is. In this way,
the wine label becomes a tool of illusion rather than authenticity.

The use of emotionally charged language and imagery can also be seen as an attempt to
create an idealized and romanticized view of wine consumption. This romanticism might
gloss over the potential downsides of wine, such as overindulgence or health concerns, and
may encourage a culture of excessive drinking.

Moreover, the intricate design elements on wine labels, although aesthetically pleasing,
can sometimes overshadow the actual information that consumers need, such as the
wine's characteristics, origins, and health-related warnings. This aesthetic focus can lead to
consumers making choices based on appearance rather than substance.
In conclusion, the creator of this wine label has successfully employed language and design
elements to achieve a range of different purposes. Ethos, pathos, and logos have been
effectively harnessed to persuade and emotionally connect with the consumer while
providing logical information. The design elements, including fonts, borders, and hierarchy,
contribute to the label's timeless and classic theme, creating a deeper and more meaningful
understanding of the text. while the wine label has its their merits and can be powerful
marketing tools, it's crucial to acknowledge the potential downsides, including the risk of
manipulation, limiting innovation, romanticizing alcohol consumption, and prioritizing
aesthetics over substance.
Global issue: The persuasive impact of the TIME magazine cover for the 2020 US
presidential election

In the lead-up to the highly anticipated 2020 US presidential election, TIME magazine
embarked on an unconventional and persuasive journey to encourage readers to actively
participate in the democratic process.

The literary elements at play within this magazine cover are integral to its persuasive
strategy. The replacement of the well-established "TIME" heading with the singular and
commanding "VOTE" serves as the crux of the message. This seemingly simple, yet powerful
substitution immediately captures the reader's attention and underscores the importance of
voting. The repetition of "VOTE" across the cover further reinforces its significance that this
action is not just a choice but a responsibility of every citizen. To add another layer of
urgency and emphasis, the mention of a "double issue" appears in the top left corner,
marking this particular edition as a “once in a life time issue”.

The thematic focus of the magazine cover centers on politics and community, embracing a
broad scope that encompasses politics, power, and justice. At its core, voting is an act tied
to identity. It is a fundamental means through which individuals declare and reaffirm their
identity as American citizens, particularly during a year marked by heightened racial
divisions. the cover's theme resonates this on multiple levels, all interconnected through the
act of voting.

The tone set by the magazine cover is one of assertiveness and dominance. The deliberate
use of red accents within the cover design exudes a sense of power and authority. This not
only emphasizes the significance of the USA flag but also underscores the critical role each
and every voter plays in determining the nation's future.

The persuasive strategies employed within the magazine cover draw from ethos, pathos,
and logos. TIME magazine, a reputable and widely recognized brand, lends credibility and
authority to the message. This appeals to ethos, as readers are more likely to trust a well-
established source. pathos, is brought to the fore- front through the visual choice of the
cover model. The model featured on the cover possesses Asian-American features. The use
of an Asian-American model takes on a dual significance. Firstly, it underlines the inclusivity
of the call to vote, particularly in a year characterized by heightened racial discrimination
and division. By featuring a model representative of one of the diverse communities within
the United States, the cover evokes a sense of belonging among readers who may identify
with the model. This inclusion of diversity taps into the emotions and personal connections
of readers, making the call to vote a matter of personal importance to a wide range of
individuals. Secondly, it subtly highlights the need to address issues of racial discrimination
and promotes unity within the country through the democratic process.

From a logical perspective, or logos, the cover effectively conveys the fundamental message
of the need to vote. This message is not obscured by complex language or intricate
arguments; rather, it is presented in a clear and straightforward manner. The cover reflects
the simplicity of the democratic act—casting a ballot for one's preferred candidate. This
straightforwardness aligns with the idea that voting is a right and responsibility that should
be exercised by all eligible citizens. It taps into the logical understanding that each person's
vote contributes to the larger democratic process and has a collective impact on the nation's

The concept of kairos, is integral to the impact of this cover. The decision to issue a "double
issue" is a strategic move that capitalizes on the urgency of the moment. The cover
coincided with a year marked by the relentless spread of COVID-19 and significant political
controversies, further heightening the political tension and public awareness. The call to
vote takes on heightened significance in such a context, as it becomes a means of
addressing the challenges faced by the nation.

The authorial choices present in this magazine cover were not just intentional; they were
masterfully designed to captivate the audience. The use of color and symbolism was a
deliberate act to invoke patriotism and connect with the readers on a visceral level. The
color scheme, mirroring the USA flag, immediately establishes a connection to the nation
and its values. The inclusion of stars on the model's top symbolizes the stars on the flag,
further reinforcing the idea of unity and common purpose.

The transformation of the iconic "TIME" heading into "VOTE" is the cornerstone of the
message, and its impact cannot be overstated. This simple substitution is a visual command,
instantly capturing the reader's attention and impressing upon them the importance of
voting. Its presence commands a sense of urgency, emphasized by the mention of a "double
issue" in the top left corner, marking this edition as “once in a life time issue”. The repetition
of "VOTE" across the cover reinforces its significance, leaving no room for ambiguity about
its critical role in shaping the nation's future.

The model's posture and expression are equally significant. Her head is slightly tilted
upward, and her eyes exude a gaze directed towards a brighter future, a future that is
attainable through voting. This visual portrayal elicits hope and optimism, encouraging
readers to embrace the idea that their votes can lead to a better tomorrow.

The mask featured on the cover is a profound symbol that underscores the importance of
voting. Below the nose, the American flag emerges, surrounded by shackles and chains,
evoking the idea that voting can free America from the constraints and divisions that shackle
the nation. The designs surrounding the mask intricately point towards the central element
—the vote ballot box. Placed where the model's mouth should be, it signifies that voting is
the path to having a voice in shaping the nation's destiny. Two arrows, representing the two
major political parties, direct the reader's attention to the importance of making a choice.
The inscription "VOTE!" below the box further reinforces the call to action. To emphasize
the collective responsibility of voters, two hands are depicted holding up the vote ballot box
right below. The rule of thirds, focusing on the vote box rather than the model herself,
signifies the emphasis placed on the act of voting.
A counter-perspectives to consider. Some argue that the magazine cover may exhibit bias.
The prominence of a mask—a symbol associated with pandemic precautions—in a year
marked by political tension over the use of masks raises questions. Some may interpret this
as an implicit endorsement of one candidate over another, particularly since one candidate
had been criticized for his stance on masks. Furthermore, the prevalence of cool tones,
particularly shades of blue, could be seen as aligning with the Democratic Party, which has
historically associated more with the color blue. Some readers may interpret this as the
magazine advocating against a specific candidate, adding a layer of bias to the cover's

In conclusion, the TIME magazine cover for the 2020 US presidential election utilized a
unique blend of textual and visual elements to persuade a broad readership to participate in
the democratic process. The magazine cover was designed to engage the emotions and
intellect of the audience, leveraging well-established rhetorical strategies like ethos, pathos,
and logos. Ultimately, this magazine cover served as a powerful and thought-provoking
contribution to the larger narrative of democracy in the United States.

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