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Name : Eva Nurdiyana

Class :B
NIM : 200221607669

1. Sebutkan Lima tahapan Entrepreneurship Career Path.

2. Sebutkan dan Jelaskan apa saja faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perbedaan cara pandang
Amerika dan Perancis mengenai Kewirausahaan / Entrepreneurship.
3. Tuliskan ringkasan singkat mengenai apa itu Inkubator Bisnis (Business Incubator), sepanjang
1-2 halaman maksimum

 Foundation—The creation and reinforcement of “entrepreneurial values” for the
individual and for society as a whole.
 Awakening—The individual is confronted with the entrepreneurial spirit as a viable
alternative among other forms of career paths.
 Specialization—The initial skills required for business creation are acquired and the
individual is identifi ed as being entrepreneurial.
 Creation—The individual moves from knowledge and learning to action. The creation of
an enterprise or other valorization of entrepreneurial skills (e.g. internal entrepreneurship)
is achieved.
 Maturation—The individual builds on his experience and advances his career through
knowledge-based development and networking, as well as through external validation
and valorization of his chosen career.
 Risk Taking:
- American Perspective: In the United States, there is generally a more favorable view
of risk-taking in entrepreneurship. The culture encourages individuals to take risks
and pursue entrepreneurial ventures. Americans often value the idea of
"entrepreneurial spirit" and are more accepting of the uncertainty and risks associated
with starting a business.
- French Perspective: The French culture, on the other hand, tends to be more risk-
averse and cautious. There is a higher level of risk aversion, and aspiring
entrepreneurs may face discouragement from family and social environments. The
French government aims to reduce entrepreneurial risk by providing additional
benefits and guarantees to entrepreneurs.
 Failure:
- American Perspective: Failure is often seen as a natural part of the entrepreneurial
journey in the United States. Entrepreneurs are encouraged to learn from their failures
and view them as stepping stones to success.
- French Perspective: In France and Mediterranean cultures, there is less acceptance of
failure. Start-up failure can have significant negative consequences for an individual's
future prospects. This lack of acceptance of failure can deter people from becoming
 Motivation:
- American Perspective: American entrepreneurs tend to be internally motivated and
goal-oriented. They are driven by personal ambitions and individual success. The
culture in the United States places emphasis on individual achievement and
- French Perspective: In France and some other European countries, there is more
emphasis on community and group identity. Entrepreneurial motivations are often
influenced by a desire to contribute to the collective welfare rather than individual
success. Money may not be the primary motivator for French entrepreneurs.
 Trust and Relationships:
- American Perspective: Trust in entrepreneurship in North America is often based on
concepts such as integrity, openness, and honesty. These values are considered
essential for building trust in business relationships.
- French Perspective: Trust in business relationships in France may have different
dimensions and priorities. While integrity is still important, the emphasis on other
dimensions of trust may vary. The importance of trust and relationships in business
may be viewed differently in French culture compared to American culture.

In summary, differences in risk tolerance, attitudes toward failure, motivational factors,

and the importance of trust and relationships contribute to variations in American and
French perspectives regarding entrepreneurship. These cultural differences can influence
how individuals approach entrepreneurship and the support systems in place to encourage
or discourage entrepreneurial activities in each country.

 Protective Environment: Business incubators create a protective and conducive
environment for startups to thrive. They offer various forms of support and resources to
help startups overcome challenges commonly faced during their early stages.
 Competition: There is competition among business incubators to attract and support
promising startups. They also compete with other entities such as consulting firms and
real estate consultants.
 Top Rankings: Business incubators aim to achieve high rankings based on the success
and value of the companies they assist. A higher equity valuation of a startup that
completes the incubation program contributes to the incubator's reputation and ranking.

 Differentiated by Scope: Incubators can be differentiated based on their scope of activity

in four dimensions:
- Vertical Scope: They provide financial and administrative support to startups and
differentiate themselves from other entities like business angels by offering guidance
- Segment Scope: Some incubators focus on specific sources of startups, such as
university students, company employees, or independent teams of idea generators.
- Geographical Scope: Many regional incubators focus on supporting businesses
locally, while others, like virtual incubators, may have a broader geographical focus.
- Industry Focus: Incubators often concentrate on specific industries or technology
sectors based on the expertise and preferences of their managers.
 Strategic Objectives: Business incubators can have different strategic objectives,
including for-profit and non-profit orientations, which impact their operational models and
 Types of Incubators: There are various types of business incubators, including regional
business incubators, university incubators, independent commercial incubators, company-
internal incubators, and virtual incubators. These types have different objectives and
competitive focuses.
 Core Services: Business incubators typically offer five core services to startups:
- Access to Physical Resources: Providing office space, infrastructure, and amenities.
- Office Support: Offering administrative services, secretarial support, and accounting
- Access to Financial Resources: Connecting startups with venture capital and
investment opportunities.
- Entrepreneurial Startup Support: Assisting startups with business planning,
organizational development, and management skills.
- Network Access: Facilitating connections with potential customers, partners, and
investors through established networks.

In summary, business incubators are organizations that help startups by providing them with a
supportive ecosystem, resources, and a range of services to enhance their chances of success,
while also differentiating themselves based on their scope, objectives, and areas of expertise.

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