Cyril Peta

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[Opening with a friendly greeting and introducing myself]

Good morning, friends! I'm so excited to share with you all about my daily routine. Let's dive into my day and see
what activities I do at different times.

[Displaying a colorful chart with illustrations for each activity]

6:00 AM
[Picture of a person waking up]

This is the time when I wake up. I open my eyes and say, "Good morning!"

7:00 AM
[Picture of breakfast]

After that, I have breakfast. I like to eat ham and fried chicken and drink a glass of milk. This is my favorite meal
of the day!

8:00 AM
[Picture of brushing teeth]

Now, I brush my teeth. This is an important activity to keep them clean and healthy.

10:00 AM
[Picture of playing]

Then, I spend some time playing mobile games.

12:00 PM
[Picture of lunch]

It's lunchtime! I enjoy a delicious meal. These are my favorite fruits and vegetables.

1:00 PM
[Picture of naptime]

Now, I take a short nap. This helps me feel rested and ready for more fun!

4:00 PM
[Picture of playing with toys]

In the afternoon, I play with my toys. These are my special friends. They make playtime so much fun! We run,
jump, and have lots of fun. That is the best part of the day!

6:30 PM
[Picture of dinner]

Time for dinner! We eat together as a family. It is a special time to share stories and laughter.

7:00 PM
[Picture of bedtime routine]

I take time to study and then, I put on my cozy pajamas. These are my favorite ones!

8:30 PM
[Picture of having a video call]

These are my my parents. They make me feel happy. And this is the last thing I do before going to sleep. But
before the ends, with my Mama Daling, we pray together.

[Closing with a wave and a smile]

I hope you enjoyed hearing about my daily routine. Have a great day ahead, everyone!

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