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Lecturer: Windy Adnin Bestari, M. Pd Skill Focus: Reading

Created by: Dr. Siti Yuliah, M.Pd
Politeknik Negeri Duration: 4x50’ Topic 3: Contextual Reference
Equipment: White board, board marker, handout, projector, screen, laptop
Objectives: After completing this lesson students will be able to:
- explain the definition of contextual reference
- explain the importance of contextual reference in reading activity
- identify types of referent words
- implement strategies of connecting referent words to predict the after and previous
Student’s name Date:
Class Civil Engineering

I. Introduction
Writers do not like to use the same words many times. They use other words which mean almost the same thing. They are called
contextual references.
Contextual References are words which substitute for other words (to avoid using the same word over and over). They refer
back to words that have been used. Also they may refer forward to ideas that will be stated.
In this unit you are going to learn how pronouns and some other related words are used for this purpose.

In a text, pronouns are often used to replace the nouns. They are small words and seem not too important, but you will see that
without them the text will be boring since the same words are repeated. To refresh your memory about pronouns, study the
following list:


Subject pronouns Object pronouns Possessive Possessive Reflexive
adjective pronouns pronouns

Now, study the following paragraph; the pronouns are underlined.

Reyna lives in Jakarta city. She has an apartment near central park. Reyna jogs in the park. She thinks
that jogging is good for her. So, she jogs three times a week.

She, she, her, and she relate to one person, that is Reyna. “Reyna” is called the referent.

Another example:
Jogging is good for your health for a few reasons. It is especially good for your heart. If you do it a few
days a week, your heart will be stronger. It is also good for your legs. And many people believe it is
good for your mind.

It takes the place of the noun……….. , …………. is the referent.

II. Development
Task 1
In these sentences, the pronouns are underlined. Guess the referents.
1. Running is not a new sport. People were doing it hundreds of years ago.
2. Runners know that a good diet is important. They eat very healthy foods, especially before a race.
3. Every year, there are many long races in many parts of the world. Sport fans watch them on television.
4. The Boston race is called the Boston marathon. This is one of the oldest races in the United States
5. In some races, the winners get large amounts of money. But for almost 100 years, they got no money at all in the Boston
6. In 1985, more than 6,000 people ran in the Boston Marathon. They came from all over the world.

Task 2
In this passage the pronouns are underlined. Write their referents in the blanks.
The Boston Marathon
Every year, in the middle of April, thousands of people go to Boston. They1 go to run the Boston Marathon. This2 is one
of the oldest road races in the United States. It3 began in 1897.
Each year more runners join the Boston Marathon. They4 come from every part of the world. In 1984, 6,164 runners
from 34 different countries ran in the Marathon. About 5,290 of them5 finished it6.
The Boston race is 26.2 miles, or 42 kilometers. The runners go through thirteen towns during the race. It ends in the
center of Boston. Crowds of people watch them7 as they go through the towns. They8 clap their9 hands and cheer for them10.

Pronouns Referent
… …
… …
… …
… …
… …
… …
… …

Task 3
In this passage the pronouns are underlined. Write their referents in the blanks.
Jogging is a very popular activity in New York City. In the winter, the weather is too cold for it1. But, in the spring, it is
warmer, and many New Yorkers go out to jog in Central Park. This2 is a very good place to run.
Other New Yorkers go out to jog in Central Park. Many of them3 go there with their dogs. Dogs can run in the park.
Sometimes the dogs run after the joggers. They4 may try to bite them5. The dog owners do not understand. They6 wonder why
joggers do not like dogs. The park police are trying to solve this7 problem. They8 want all of the people to use the park in peace.

Pronouns Referent
… …
… …
… …
… …
… …
… …
… …

Task 4
There are 13 pronouns in this passage. Write the pronouns and their referents below.
Mary Simms and Jim Fuller went jogging in Central park last Saturday. They ran into a problem: a large white dog. It
ran after and tried to bite their legs.
They were scared and did not know what to do. Mary took a big stick and tried to hit the dog. She wanted to scare it
away. But the dog just barked at her.
Then Jim threw a large rock at the animal. It hit the dog on the head.
The dog’s owner was very angry.
“Stop hurting my dog!” she shouted. “It will not hurt you. It is just a puppy.”
Then she took a large stick and tried to hit Mary and Jim.
Just then, a park police officer came along the path. He saw them fighting.
“This terrible!” he said “Stop fighting!”

Pronouns Referent
… …
… …
… …
… …
… …
… …
… …

Sometimes, the pronouns can take the place of a group of words. Study the following examples.

Example 1:
The Central Park police officer often meets dangerous people. Some people go to the park to steal. Other people are
there to sell drugs. And sometimes serious gun fights start in the park. The park police officer may meet any of these in the park.

Pronouns Referent
These people who steal
People who sell drugs
People who start gunfights
Example 2:
It is not easy to be the mayor of a large American city. Many people need homes and jobs. The buildings and streets
need to be fixed. The schools are old, and the students are not learning enough. The streets are dangerous at night because of
crime. These are big problems, and the mayor must work on all of them.

Pronouns Referent
These ______________________
Them ____________?__________
Task 5
The pronouns in this passage are underlined. Guess the referents.
1. Two Frenchmen went up in a basket under a balloon. They built a fire to make the air hot. This made the balloon stay up
in the air
2. The pilot of a balloon can control altitude. He can rise and lower the balloon to find good wind direction. That is how a
good pilot can control where the balloon goes.
3. Early photographers had to carry film and heavy equipment everywhere they went. But this did not stop them.
4. Helen Keller was deaf and blind. She could not speak until she was seven years old. But these problems did not stop her.
She became a famous writer and teacher.
5. A tornado is a very dangerous storm. It brings strong winds and it travels very fast. The strong winds can blow over cars,
destroy houses, and kill people. And this happens in just a few minutes.
6. Tornadoes blow dust and dirt into the air. They make a cone shape in the sky. When people see this, they get ready for
the storm.
7. When tornadoes touch the ground, they move along at about 35 to 45 kilometers per hour. No one knows which way
they go.
8. In a small town, a tornado can destroy a street full of homes and stores. Many people can be killed. The government tries
to help when this happens.
9. Tornadoes are common in the middle part of the United States. Kansas, Arkansas, Nebraska, Iowa, and Missouri are
states with many tornadoes every year. People in those states worry when they see a cone-shaped cloud in the sky.
10. The wind of a tornado is strong. No one knows exactly how fast the wind is in the center. The wind always breaks the
machine for measuring it.

Related Words: Specific to General

Related words are words that relate to the same idea and replace the noun or groups of noun for the purpose of the pronouns.
Now, study the following example.

Example 1:
David had a wonderful trip to Paris this spring. He loved the beautiful buildings in the French capital. To him it was a
city full of magic and beauty.

What does “French capital” refer to? Paris. What does “city refer” to? Paris. So, French capital, city and Paris are related words.

Example 2:
The Pope visited Columbia, Peru, and Mexico last year. Crowds of Catholics greeted him in these countries. It was his
first visit to that part of the world.

What does “these countries” relate to? __________________________________________

What does “that part of the world” relate to? ____________________________________
Both phrases are related to? _________________________________________________

When the writers use related words, the second word is usually less specific, and the next is even more general. Study the
underlined words in Example 1, “Paris” is specific, but “French capital” is less specific, and “city” is even more general than
Paris and French capital.
In Example 2, which words are specific? ____________________________; less specific? ___________________________; and
general? __________________________________

Now, in the following practice you will learn to put words in the order from specific to general.

Task 6
Put these related words in order from specific to general. Put number 1 above the most specific, number 2 above the less specific,
and number 3 above the most general words.
1. Music, rock music, twentieth-century music.
2. Japanese mountain, Mount Fuji, mountain.
3. Problems, water pollution problems, pollution problems.
4. Pine tree, evergreen tree, tree.
5. Musician, Michael Jackson, popular musician.
6. Nicaragua, country, Central America country.
7. Man, Dr. Diamond, dentist.
8. Place, Boston, city.
9. The New York Times, newspaper, reading material.
10. Group, Diamond family, people.
11. Storm, tornado, wind storm.
12. President, person, political leader.
13. Shirt, white shirt, clothing.
14. Flute, musical instrument, wind instrument.
15. Company, PT Telkom, organization.

Task 7
In each passage, there is a word underlined. Find and write the related words in the passage.
1. Liz and Val moved to Paris last month. They like the city very much.
2. Hiroko plays the violin in the Boston Symphony Orchestra. The sound of this stringed instrument is very special.
3. The president of the city council gave a long speech. As the leader, she has to plan many projects.
4. The tornado hit a small town in Kansas. The storm swept down the main street. The terrible winds caused five stores to
fall down.
5. Lemons, limes, and oranges are all very good to eat. These citrus fruits are also very healthy for you. They are a good
source of vitamin C.
6. Many Americans skip breakfast. They say they do not have time for food in the morning. But this is a mistake. The
human body needs that meal.
7. Joanne’s big car uses a lot of gasoline. She has to stop often to fill the tank with fuel.
8. We saw a lion with three little cubs at the wild animal park. The cats were lying on the rocks in the warm afternoon sun.
We were happy to see such wonderful animals in such a nice place.
9. In some countries, the winter is long and cold. It is not a very popular season. Some people are also unhappy at that time
of the year, and they get sick.
10. Astronauts from the United States and the Soviet Union all have one problem: They get motion sickness. This illness
makes it difficult to do their work. Doctors and scientist are working on this problem.

III. Assessment
Read each paragraph, and then write what the words in bold and numbered refer to.
You get 4 points for every correct answer. Check your answer to your teacher after you finish doing this part.
a. A pedicab is a small cab that is pulled by a bicycle. This human-powered transportation has been popular in Asian
countries for many years. Two years ago, a local businessman decided to introduce it1 in Denver, Colorado. So far, he2
has four of them3 on the road. He explained that they4 do not take the place of taxis, because people use them for short
rides. The passengers are often people who5 do not want to walk because they are dressed in evening clothes.

1. ____________________________ 4. ___________________________
2. ____________________________ 5. ___________________________

b. A new company has started to recycled computer parts. When old computers and computer parts are received at the
company, they1 are carefully broken down into parts. These2 include circuit boards, bits of aluminum, gold, and
electronic chips. Sometimes it takes an hour to break an old personal computer down into its3 parts. Eventually, they4 are
all carefully sorted and stored. Then the company sells them5 to the many customers it has found for used parts.

1. ____________________________ 4. ___________________________
2. ____________________________ 5. ___________________________

c. The lei is a kind of necklace of flowers. It1 is a popular Hawaiian tradition. Making a lei is not easy, and it takes time to
make one2 well. First, you have to buy a lot of beautiful fresh flowers. Next, you have to put the flowers in water to keep
them3 fresh. Then you choose a pattern for the lei. After you decide on a pattern, you can begin to work on it4. The lei is
made by sewing the flowers in a large circle of string. This5 takes about an hour of careful work. At the end, you’ll have
a beautiful Hawaiian lei.
1. ____________________________ 4. ______________________________
2. ____________________________ 5. ______________________________

d. Aspirin is a simple drug. It1 has many useful effects. It can stop a headache or an earache. It helps take away pain in the
fingers or knees. Aspirin can stop a fever if you have the flu, and it can make you feel better if you have a cold. Some
doctors believe that aspirin also can result in a healthy heart. They2 say that some people should take an aspirin every
day. For those3 people, aspirin could prevent heart disease. Many doctors say that people should take an aspirin
immediately after a heart attack. It4 could save their5 life.
1. ____________________________ 4. ______________________________
2. ____________________________ 5. ______________________________

e. The Hawaiian hula dance has a long history. Many years ago, it1 was part of the Hawaiian religion. Hawaiians believed
that a goddess named Laka taught the dance. At that time, only men were allowed to do it. Later, women began to dance
the hula, too. Then, in 1800s, Europeans and Americans came to Hawaii. They2 didn’t like the hula because it was very
different from their3 way of dancing. They tried to stop Hawaiians from dancing the hula. For some years, the hula was
almost forgotten. During that time, few people remembered how to dance it4. But later in 1800s, King Kalakaua decided
that the hula was important for the islanders. He5 started a special hula dance group, and the dance was saved. Today,
many Hawaiian children learn the hula at a young age. It is an important part of the island traditions.
1. ____________________________ 4. ______________________________
2. ____________________________ 5. ______________________________

Read each paragraph, and then write what the underlined words refer to.

a. In 1337 King Edward did something special for his eldest son, Prince Edward: he created the title of Duke of Cornwall
and a duchy to go with it. For most of the next 644 Years, the duchy has provided a generous income for the Duke.
Prince Charles is the twenty-fourth heir to the throne to hold this title.

b. The streets of Manhattan are a frontier, a no man’s land. In the business districts, they interrupt the flow of civilized
behavior. Contrasting with the seeming orderliness of the buildings that border them. If there are laws regulating New
York City traffic, they are barely enforced. There are approximately six hundred bicycle messengers working in
Manhattan. They are fast and contemptuous of whatever traffic rules there are. They intimidate pedestrians and alarm the
drivers of other vehicles competing with them for space and on the road.

c. Altogether, the engineers made over one hundred refinements and improvements in their latest model. The most
impressive thing about it, however, is what they did not change. And that is its classic exterior design. If you want an
automobile with a look that will never become outmoded, you should consider this one.

d. A small group of scientists do not believe that dinosaurs became extinct because they were big, clumsy beasts. Through
their painstaking studies, these researchers are trying to prove what really happened to those giant yesteryear on the basis
of a theory that will astonish many: they think the cause of their demise came from outer space.
e. In its winding course to the Mississippi, the Wisconsin helps to give power to plants, factories, and mills, making it one
of America’s hardest working rivers. And through that same course, it also proves itself to become one of the most
beautiful rivers in the world. Like their river, Wisconsinites see no contradiction between hard work and natural beauty.
Their fertile farmlands are an ode to natural beauty and productive enough to make them the nation’s leading producers
of milk, butter, and cheese.

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