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3rd Monday

A day to honor all who have served as


President of the United States

Unscramble the letters to find the correct President for each fun fact.

The first President of the United States: nwoanthigs

An author of the Declaration of Independence: rnoejeffs

The shortest President at 5' 4": nimdaso

President during the Civil War: lnlnico

The first President to appear on television: eoserovtl

Only President to serve in both World Wars: hsenwoerei

The first President born in the 20th century: neenkyd

The first President born in a hospital: arecrt

A famous movie star: grenaa

The first African-American

President: maoab
3rd Monday

A day to honor all who have served as


Presidents of United States

Unscramble the letters to find the correct President for each fun fact

The first President of the United States: Washington nwoanthigs

An author of the Declaration of Independence: Jefferson rnoejeffs

The shortest President at 5' 4": Madison nimdaso

President during the Civil War: Lincoln lnlnico

The first President to appear on television: Roosevelt eoserovtl

Only President to serve in both World Wars: Eisenhower hsenwoerei

The first President born in the 20th century: Kennedy neenkyd

The first President born in a hospital: Carter arecrt

A famous movie star: Reagan grenaa

The first African-American

President: Obama maoab

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