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Brazilian Journal of Physics (2023) 53:95


The Blume‑Emery‑Griffiths Model with Competing Interactions

on the Bethe Lattice
Pedro R. Piccini1 · Lucas Nicolao1 · M.H. R. Tragtenberg1

Received: 9 March 2023 / Accepted: 1 May 2023

© The Author(s) under exclusive licence to Sociedade Brasileira de Física 2023

We study in detail the behaviour of a spin-1 model with competing interactions between next and next-nearest neighbours,
biquadratic interactions between nearest neighbours, crystalline and external magnetic fields, on a Bethe lattice in the infinite
coordination limit. We solve this model analytically and investigate its phase diagrams by numerically iterating the recur-
sion relations on the Bethe lattice. The phase diagrams display more than one multiphase points and finite commensurate
modulated phases both at finite and at zero temperature. The ground state of the system is also investigated. We observe rich
phase diagrams with different ordered phases arranged in complex structures. Special attention is dedicated to the peculiar
effects of biquadratic interactions and crystalline field, which in general distort and eventually suppress some of the com-
mensurate ordered phases. The external field behaviour shows differences between 0 ordered phase and the paramagnetic
phase for the first time in these models.

Keywords Modulated phases · Competing interactions · BEG model · Field behaviour

1 Introduction [5]. The calculations were extended to phase diagrams in the

presence of an external magnetic field [6]. The modulated
The Axial Next-Nearest Neighbor Ising (ANNNI) model phases exhibit metamagnetic or folding-like behaviour.
with spin 1/2 was proposed [1] in order to explain modu- Vannimenus proposed a different mean field like
lated phases, particularly the modulated magnetic structure approach for the ANNNI model, based in recurrence rela-
of erbium. It presents competing nearest neighbour fer- tions on a Bethe lattice with coordination number 3, and
romagnetic and next-nearest neighbour antiferromagnetic found a phase diagram similar to the 2D ANNNI model
interactions along one direction of the crystal. It took a in the usual mean field approach, but in a rather simpler
while to reveal the peculiar features of this model. The mean way [7]. At about the same time, another mean field like
field diagram of the model revealed: a Lifshitz point [2], the approach for the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic Ising
existence of many commensurate phases and commensurate- model was developed [8]. It was based in the derivation of
incommensurate Pokrovski-Talapov phase transitions medi- recursion relations of the shell magnetization on a Bethe
ated by solitons, and a devil’s staircase in the commensurate lattice [9]. This approach was applied to the ANNNI model
phase wavevector [3, 4]. The multiphase point at zero tem- in zero external magnetic field, in the infinite coordination
perature from where infinitely many commensurate phases limit, and gave rise to a strange attractor of the map, with
spread from was revealed by low temperature series analysis positive Lyapunov exponent and fractal dimension [10, 11].
The extension of this approach for the external field behav-
iour of the ANNNI model on the Bethe lattice revealed com-
plex modulated behaviour, including tricritical-like behav-
This article is dedicated to professor Silvio Roberto Salinas on
the occasion of his 80th birthday. iour, folded modulated phases with chaotic attractors and
co-stability of modulated phases with same wave number
* M.H. R. Tragtenberg but different configurations [12]. The extension of the ANNNI model for spin 1 (Blume-
Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal de Santa Capel model) [13] and its phase diagrams show the breakup
Catarina, 88040‑900 Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil of the modulated-ferro regions with the disappearing of

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the Lifshitz point for strong enough negative crystal fields the interaction between first and second neighbours spins
( D < 0 ) that favours the S = 0 state. The chaotic attractors are ferromagnetic ( J1 > 0) and antiferromagnetic ( J2 < 0),
are also found in the model. The co-stability of an ordered respectively. In the infinite coordination limit, the coordina-
phase where the spin zero state is predominant and both tion number of the Bethe lattice z → ∞ and the intensity of
ferro and modulated phases is a new feature of the model. the first and second neighbours interaction goes to zero in a
More recently, a preliminary study of the Blume-Emery- way that zJ1, zK and z2 J2 are finite.
Griffiths (BEG) model with competing interactions, named This model can be solved analytically by reaching a set
BEGV (from BEG Vannimenus), attracted some attention of equations, the map associated with the model, which
[14]. The solution of the model in this case was also on a can be used to produce phase diagrams for the system by
Bethe lattice with a finite coordination number. On the other numerical iteration. To reach this set of equations we make
hand, the model has shown strong potential for new kinds of use of the recurrence relations of the Bethe lattice. With
behaviour and stimulated us to go deeper in this direction. these equations, we are able to iterate over a set of shells
In this work we study the BEGV model on the Bethe lat- to determine the properties of the following shell in direc-
tice in the infinite coordination limit. We find a plethora of tion of the centre of the lattice, and so forth. This allows
new aspects of this complex model. We determine many dif- us to determine the order parameters (magnetization and
ferent phase diagrams for different values of biquadratic near- quadrupole moment) of the shells of the Bethe lattice, as it
est neighbour interactions and crystal field, both individually is similarly done in [8]. For simplicity, we will denote the
and jointly. They show new ordered phases co-stable with shells of the Bethe lattice from the surface to the centre, as
ferromagnetic, paramagnetic or modulated phases. Finite illustrated in Fig. 1, with the surface shell denoted as n = 0
regions of modulated phases are present at the ground state. and the centre as n = N in the limit N → ∞.
Many multiphase points at the ground state were also found. In order to obtain the recurrence relations, we will take
A preliminary exploration of the effect of the external field partial traces over the spins, starting at n = 0 and moving
in the BEGV model is also shown, unveiling a great potential in the direction of the centre of the lattice. When we take
for exotic behaviour of the model. the trace over the shell n = 0 , we get effective fields act-
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 contains ing on shells n = 1 and 2. We can also identify the effec-
the model description, which includes the calculation of tive interactions of the spins of those shells. Denoting
the recurrence relations and the three-dimensional map the r = z − 1 spins of the surface of a single branch as
related to the BEGV model on the Bethe lattice. Character- 𝜎01 , 𝜎02 , ..., 𝜎0r and the spins of the following shells n = 1 and
istic phase diagrams of the BEGV model without external 2 as 𝜎1 and 𝜎2 , and taking the trace over the surface spins
magnetic field are shown in Sect. 3. The nontrivial ground we get, for the 𝜎01 branch:
state of the model is the object of Sect. 4. Finally, Sect. 5 is
devoted to a peculiar external magnetic field behaviour of
the model while in Sect. 6 we draw our conclusions.

2 Model and Recurrence Relations

The Blume-Emery-Griffiths-Vannimenus model with mag-

netic field consists of spins 𝜎i = −1, 0, +1 on a Bethe lattice,
in the infinite coordination limit ( z → ∞) with first and sec-
ond neighbours interactions, in a magnetic and a crystalline
field. The Hamiltonian of the model is
∑ ∑ ∑
H = −J1 𝜎i 𝜎j − J2 𝜎i 𝜎k − K 𝜎i2 𝜎j2
(i,j) ((i,k)) (i,j)
∑ ∑ (1)
−H 𝜎i − D 𝜎i2 ,
i i

where (i, j) denotes summation over first neighbours, ((i, k))

summation over second neighbours, K is the intensity of
the biquadratic interaction between first neighbours, H is
the intensity of the magnetic field and D is the intensity of Fig. 1  Bethe lattice shells for the case z = 3 and N = 3, and the com-
the crystalline field. We are interested in the cases where peting interactions between first ( J1) and second neighbours ( J2)

Brazilian Journal of Physics (2023) 53:95 Page 3 of 11 95

From Eqs. (6) and (7) we can identify the expression for the

Tr = exp[(G1 𝜎1 + G2 𝜎2 + GK 𝜎01 (𝜎1 )2
function defined in (8) as:
𝜎01 (2)
GD 𝜎01 B)𝜎01 ],
+ + )r
f 𝜎, 𝜎 � = 1 + 2eGD exp 2eGD ×
( ) (

where we have defined

rGK (𝜎)2 cosh B + rG1 𝜎 + rG2 𝜎 � sinh B }
( ) ] (14)
J1 J2 K 1 + 2eGD cosh B
G1 ≡ G2 ≡ GK ≡ (3)
kB T kB T kB T while from this Eq. (14) and from relations (9) to (12) we
obtain the parameters U, V, W and Z:
GD ≡ B≡ , (4) 2eGD rG2 sinh B
kB T kB T U= , (15)
1 + 2eGD cosh B
as the dimensionless parameters of the Hamiltonian given
by Eq. (1). Since all superficial branches are equivalent, the 2eGD rG1 sinh B
partial trace of all superficial spins is given by V= , (16)
1 + 2eGD cosh B
Tr = exp[(G1 𝜎1 + G2 𝜎2 + GK 𝜎01 (𝜎1 )2
W = 0, (17)
)r (5)
+ GD 𝜎01 + B)𝜎01 ] . 2eGD rGK cosh B
Z= . (18)
1 + 2eGD cosh B
Taking into account that the spins can assume the values ±1
and 0 we obtain explicitly the trace in Eq. (5) as In order to arrive at the local fields and the effective Ham-
iltonian for the shell n, we can then define:
Tr = (1 + 2eGD )r exp 2eGD (rGK (𝜎1 )2 cosh B
] } (6) B0 ≡ B A0 ≡ G1 D0 ≡ GD . (19)
+ (rG1 𝜎1 + rG2 𝜎2 ) sinh B) ∕(1 + 2eGD cosh B) .
After the trace over the spins at shell n = 0, the magnetic
In order to obtain the effective fields acting in each shell,
and crystalline fields affecting shell n = 1 are:
we assume that the trace given by Eq. (6) can be written as
( )
B1 = B + V B0 , A0 , G2 , D0 , GK ,
Tr = C exp W𝜎1 𝜎2 + V𝜎1 + U𝜎2 + Z𝜎12 , (7)
{ }

and in this way, we can write the trace in an appropriate way ( )

D1 = GD + Z B0 , A0 , G2 , D0 , GK , (21)
as to obtain the effective fields. By defining the relation:
}2 and the total magnetic field on shell n = 2 is
f (𝜎, 𝜎 � ) ≡ C exp W𝜎𝜎 � + V𝜎 + U𝜎 � + Z𝜎 , (8)

( )
B2 = B + rU B0 , A0 , G2 , D0 , GK .
we can write the coefficients defined in Eq. (7) as
[ ] The factor r in Eq. (22) appears due to the fact that
1 f (1, 1)f (−1, 1) every spin on shell n = 2 is bound to r spins from shell
U = ln (9)
4 f (1, −1)f (−1, −1) n = 1, each one of those adding to an effective field U.
There is no need to find a relation for the crystalline field
f (1, 1)f (1, −1)
] in relation to shell n = 2 , for in the original Hamiltonian
V = ln (10) in Eq. (1) there is no biquadratic relation between second
4 f (−1, 1)f (−1, −1)
neighbours. Meanwhile the effective interaction between
[ ] spins from shell n = 1 and n = 2 is:
1 f (1, 1)f (−1, −1)
W = ln (11)
( )
4 f (1, −1)f (−1, 1) A1 = G1 + W B0 , A0 , G2 , D0 , GK .

[ ] In similar manner, the recurrence relations on the subse-

1 f (−1, 0)f (1, 0) quent shells are:
Z = ln (12)
4 f (0, 0)f (0, 0) ( )
B2 = B + rU B0 , A0 , G2 , D0 , GK
( ) (24)
C = f (0, 0). (13) + V B1 , A1 , G2 , D1 , GK

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D2 = GD + Z B1 , A1 , G2 , D1 , GK
) ) ]/
qn = cosh H + rJ1 Mn−1 + r2 J2 Mn−2 ∕T
1 −(D+rKqn−1 )∕T
(26) e +
( )
B3 = B + rU B1 , A1 , G2 , D1 , GK 2 (38)
[( ) ]
cosh H + rJ1 Mn−1 + r J2 Mn−2 ∕T .
( )
A2 = G1 + W B1 , A1 , G2 , D1 , GK .

And we can generalize these relations for a shell n, obtain- Now, to deal with the system on the infinite coordination
ing the total magnetic field, the total crystalline field and the limit, we can put rJ1 in evidence in Eqs. (37) and (38) and
effective interaction as redefine the relevant parameters to subsequently use them
( ) to generate the phase diagrams.
Bn = B + V Bn−1 , An−1 , G2 , Dn−1 , GK Then, we define our new finite and dimensionless model
( ) (28)
+ rU Bn−2 , An−2 , G2 , Dn−2 , GK parameters as:
−rJ2 K T
≡p ̃
≡K ̃
≡T (39)
( )
Dn = GD + Z Bn−1 , An−1 , G2 , Dn−1 , GK J1 J1 rJ1

( )
An = G1 + W Bn−1 , An−1 , G2 , Dn−1 , GK H ̃ D ̃
≡ D, (40)
From those effective fields we obtain the effective Hamil-
tonian for spins at the n shell of the Bethe lattice: where we draw special attention to the parameter p, since
∑ ∑ it measures the relative strength between first and second
Hn = −Bn 𝜎i − Dn 𝜎i2 , (31) neighbour spin-spin interactions, or equivalently, the compe-
i i
tition between ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interac-
and from it the average magnetization Mn and quadrupole tions, since we are interested in the case J1 > 0 and J2 < 0.
moment qn for the n-shell: Finally, since in the map defined in (37) and (38) the
magnetization Mn requires two previous iterations to be
obtained ( Mn−1 and Mn−2 ), we can define an equivalent

𝜎 𝜎i e 2eDn sinh Bn
Mn = ∑i −BH = , (32) three-dimensional map as:
𝜎i e
n 1 + 2eDn cosh Bn
xn ≡ Mn−1
∑ 2 −BHn
𝜎i (𝜎i ) e 2eDn cosh Bn
qn = = . (33) yn ≡ Mn (41)
e−BHn 1 + 2eDn cosh Bn

𝜎i zn ≡ qn ,
Comparing Eqs. (15), (16) and (17) with Eqs. (32) and (33), and so we finally obtain the map associated with model:
we get the relations
xn+1 =yn (42)
( )
U Bn , An , G2 , Dn , GK = rG2 Mn ,
[( ) ]/
yn+1 = sinh yn − pxn + H ̃ ∕T
( )
V Bn , An , G2 , Dn , GK = rG1 Mn ,
( )
1 − D+̃ Kz ̃
̃ n ∕T
e + (43)
( )
Z Bn , An , G2 , Dn , GK = rGK qn . 2 [( ) ]}
cosh yn − pxn + H ̃ ∕T
Comparing Eqs. (28) to (36) and returning, when possible,
to the original Hamiltonian (1) constants, and choosing units [( ) ]/
where we can set kB = 1, we get the recursion relations for the zn+1 = cosh yn − pxn + H ̃ ∕T
order parameters ( )
1 − D+̃ Kz ̃
̃ n ∕T
) ]/ e + (44)
Mn = sinh H + rJ1 Mn−1 + r2 J2 Mn−2 ∕T 2 [(
) ]}
{ cosh yn − pxn + H ̃ ∕T
̃ .
1 −(D+rKqn−1 )∕T
e + (37)
} The starting parameters of the mapping (x1 , y1 , z1 ) are
cosh H + rJ1 Mn−1 + r2 J2 Mn−2 ∕T
[( ) ] equivalent to the choosing of the starting conditions of mag-
netization and the quadrupole moment on the most external

Brazilian Journal of Physics (2023) 53:95 Page 5 of 11 95

shells of the tree. Iterating the map defined in Eqs. (42)–(44)

to the limit n → ∞ we obtain its asymptotic solutions that
are used to define phase diagrams of the model.
In order to ease the notation in the construction of the
phase diagrams in the following section, we will drop the
tilde from the dimensionless model parameters defined in
Eqs. (39) and (40), which are those relevant in the infinite
coordination limit.

3 Phase Diagrams

We have obtained the phase diagrams of the model by means

Fig. 2  Phase diagram for H = D = K = 0 with some of the commen-
of direct iteration of the associated map (42)–(44). For that surate modulated phases denoted in different colours, as shown in the
we choose the initial magnetization and quadrupole moment key. The label scheme for these phases is given by a fraction based
for the first shells of the Cayle Tree and generated the sub- on the form of their periodicity, where the denominator corresponds
sequent ones from the map. to the size of the period and the numerator the number of complete
oscillations within a period — more details can be found in the main
The first result that we present in Fig. 2 is a T-p phase text. The white region corresponds to incommensurate modulated
diagram in the special case where H = K = D = 0, as a ref- phases. The phase denoted by 0/1 is the paramagnetic phase, while
erence case for the following phase diagrams. The differ- 0/2 is the ferromagnetic phase and “a” is the antiquadrupolar phase
ence between this result and previous results in competing (not present in this phase diagram). The colour scheme presented in
this figure is adopted for all figures of the paper
interaction models defined on a Bethe lattice [12] is that here
the values that the spins can assume are ±1, 0. By allowing
spins to take the value 0, the paramagnetic transition tem- very simple, since it is a continuous interpolation from the
perature is multiplied by 2/3. We can recover quantitatively limit K → ∞, which favours only spin values ±1, to the case
the diagram presented in [12] if we set K → ∞. K = 0 presented in Fig. 2. It is more interesting to observe
The label of each commensurate modulated phase, as pre- the effects of negative values of K, since it favours the value
sented in the key of Fig. 2, is defined as a fraction based on 0 for neighbouring spins. The phase diagrams shown in
the periodicity of the phase. The denominator corresponds to Fig. 3 offer a good view of these effects.
the number of spins comprising a modulation period, while The negative values of K show a first effect of widening
the numerator corresponds the number of complete oscil- of the modulated phase 1/6 on the ground state and at low
lations within a period, or equivalently, half the number of temperatures, where the phase is extended to a value equal to
signal changes of the site magnetization within a period. For 1 + K to 1 − K . This effect occurs for 0 ≥ K ≥ −0.5, and can
example, the 16 modulated phase corresponds, for instance, to be seen particularly in the case K = −0.5 in Fig. 3(a), in con-
a periodic spin configuration … ↑↑↑↓↓↓↑↑↑↓↓↓ …, mean- trast with the original phase diagram in Fig. 2 — note that
ing six spins in a period, two changes of signal within a p extends to higher values in the former. In Figs. 3(a) and
period. Of course, the same classification extends to the (b) we can notice a remarkable feature in the T → 0 limit,
properties modulation of the magnetization, or the mean which is the emergence of many multiphase points at zero
spin values per site. As another example, the 29 modulated temperature — 2 points in the former case (for K = −0.5,
phase corresponds, for instance, to a periodic spin configura- at p = 0.5 and p = 1.5) and 3 points in the last case (for
tion … ↑↑↓↓↑↑↓↓ 0 ↑↑↓↓↑↑↓↓ 0 …, namely nine spins in a K = −1.0 , at p = 0.0, 1.0 and 2.0). For lower values of K,
period, four changes of signal within a period. as for instance K = −1.5 as shown in Fig. 3(d), the ground
It is also worth mentioning that, in some cases, like the state becomes dominated by the 1/4 phase. These issues are
and 2
phases, the label represents two configurations that explored further in the next section where we discuss the
are related by reflection. In this sense, the 02 label repre- ground state properties of the model.
sents 2 configurations of the ferromagnetic phase, one with Another visible effect is a suppression of the ferromag-
positive and the other with negative uniform magnetiza- netic phase at low temperatures, forming a reentrance of
tion. Likewise, 10 2
label represents two configurations of a this phase at the frontier with the modulated phases. For
5-period phase related by reflection [15]. K = −1.0, as shown in Fig. 3(b), we can see a much stronger
Subsequently, we study the effect of varying the param- distortion of different phases caused by the parameter K. The
eter K, the intensity of the biquadratic interaction between 1/6 phase is heavily shifted to the left, while the 1/5 phase is
first neighbour spins. The effect of positive values of K is widened and starts to occupy a large portion of the ground

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Fig. 3  T-p phase diagrams with

varying K, and D = H = 0.
a K = −0.5, b K = −1.0, c
K = −1.25 and d K = −1.5

state. We can also notice that both the ferromagnetic and the Another kind of observation that we can make in this
modulated phases are being “twisted” to the right. model is the effects of the crystalline field D on the T-p
Furthermore, as the parameter K becomes more nega- phase diagram. Similar to what was pointed out earlier for
tive, an antiquadrupolar phase starts to be favoured in the the K case, the nontrivial effects of D are those where D
paramagnetic phase region between the ferromagnetic and takes on negative values, favouring the value 0 for the spins.
the modulated phases, as can be noticed in Fig. 3(b)–(d). Some effects of decreasing the values of D from −0.2 to −0.5
This phase is characterized by a constant zero magnetiza- in the T-p phase diagrams are shown in Fig. 4.
tion and a quadrupolar moment alternating between 0 and The negative values of D show a first effect of widening
2/3. This means that the structure of this phase is composed of the modulated phase 1/6 on the ground state. As can be
a shell with all spins equal to 0, and so both magnetization seen, the phase now extends from a value equal to 1 + D to
and quadrupolar moment equal to 0, alternating with a shell a value equal to 1 − D. This is the same effect observed for
with spins states randomly distributed between values +1, 0 small negative values of K, and is true for 0 ≥ D ≥ −0.5.
and −1, with magnetization still 0 but quadrupolar moment Such widening effects of both parameters are observed more
2/3. For the case where K = −1.25, shown in Fig. 3(c), the clearly in the ground state phase diagrams shown in the next
antiquadrupolar phase becomes prevalent in relation to the section. Another visible effect is the increasing dominance
ferromagnetic phase, but the latter still exists in a small space. of the paramagnetic phase, which starts to take over the
For K = −1.5, Fig. 3(d), the antiquadrupolar phase has com- region of the phase diagram between the ferromagnetic and
pletely taken over the place of the ferromagnetic phase. modulated phases. In this process, the incommensurate mod-
Also, the distortions in the form of the phase boundaries ulated region and commensurate modulated phases close to
in the T-p phase diagram become more prominent as K is ferromagnetic phase, such as the 1/8 phase, becomes pro-
lowered. For K = −1.25, Fig. 3(c), we observe a “bending” gressively suppressed until they disappear for D = −0.5, as
of the ferromagnetic and modulated phases, which are curl- shown in Fig. 4, where we can see a direct transition between
ing on themselves, in a significant increase of the tendency the 1/6 and paramagnetic phases. As the temperature tran-
observed for K = −1.0 . For K = −1.5, Fig. 3(d), there is a sition between the paramagnetic and modulated phases is
greater increase of the “twisting” effect, with the 1/4 phase lowered, the remaining commensurate phases such as 2/10
dominating the ground state and narrowing the remaining become “squeezed”. All of these effects increase with the
commensurate modulated phases. It’s interesting to notice absolute value of D, as should be expected, since this change
that for K < −1.0 we can observe a direct transition from the favours the 0 state of the spins.
ferromagnetic phase to the 1/4 phase, without the phase 1/6 Some distinctions between the effects of the parameters
between them, as would be usual for the K = 0 case. K and D are easier to be observed for higher absolute values

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Fig. 4  T-p phase diagrams with

varying D, and K = H = 0.
a D = −0.2, b D = −0.3, c
D = −0.4 and d D = −0.5

of these parameters, which can be done comparing Fig. 3(d) portions of the phase diagrams shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4
and Fig. 4(d). While the former destabilizes completely the with an initial condition M0 ≃ 0 in order to favour spe-
ferromagnetic phase, the latter diminishes it in temperature cially the convergence to disordered phases. We can see
by favouring the paramagnetic phase without shifting the that in the case of negative values of K the antiquadrupolar
modulated phases to lower values of p. In both cases the phase coexists with both ferromagnetic phase and modu-
region between the ferromagnetic and modulated phases lated phases in an intermediate temperature region and for
is occupied by the paramagnetic and/or the antiquadrupo- a small range of values of p. In the case of negative values
lar phases. Nonetheless, specially at low temperatures, for of the D, the paramagnetic phase coexists at low tempera-
higher values of −K there is a clear separation between fer- tures in a wide range of values of p with both ferromagnetic
romagnetic and the modulated phases. phase and modulated phases. The difference in range of
The effects of these parameters are further explored in a these effects lies in the very nature of K and D, while the
set of phase diagrams shown in Fig. 5, showing the results former is a biquadratic interaction between first neighbours,
of a combination of negative values of both D and K. The the last is a local field that promotes explicitly the 0 spin
resulting phase diagrams show a combination of the effects values, and this aspect is also reflected in the ground states
exhibited in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, varying K and D individually. of the system.
There is the widening of the modulated phase 1/6 on the
ground state, as seen for both negative K and D, a separa-
tion between the paramagnetic and ferromagnetic phases for 4 Ground State
negative K, and a compression of the ferromagnetic phase
for negative D. Comparing the cases where K = −1.25 and To understand the low temperature properties, and hence,
D = −0.3, Fig. 5(d), with K = −1.25 and K = −1.5, both the basic structure of the ordered phases of the model, it is
with D = 0, Fig. 3(c) and (d), we can see that increasing −D important to investigate its ground states. One way to obtain
somewhat enhances effectively the value of −K , but also precise phase diagrams for the ground state of the system is
suppress both the antiquadrupolar phase and the reentrance to analyse the equations for the map (42)–(44) in the limit
of the 1/4 phase around it. of T → 0.
At last, it is important to mention that the map converges Since Eq. (42) for xn+1 is trivial, we need to concentrate on
to a minimum of the free energy of the system, which for the ones for yn+1 and zn+1 — Eqs. (43) and (44) respectively.
some set of parameters can be more than one, indicating For the purpose of clarity, we will first rewrite them in expo-
a coexistence of phases. For instance, in Fig. 6 we show nential form in order to obtain:

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Fig. 5  T-p phase diagrams with

varying K and D, and H = 0.
a K = −0.2 and D = −0.3
b K = −0.5 and D = −0.3 c
K = −0.5 and D = −0.5 d
K = −1.25 and D = −0.3

xn+1 = yn
B ≡ D + Kzn − yn + pxn − H. (47)
eA∕T − eB∕T
yn+1 =
1 + eA∕T + eB∕T (45) When we take the limit of T → 0, the values of eA∕T and eB∕T
zn+1 = )−1 will depend only of the sign of A and B. Given that, there
are 4 possibilities to observe for the initial conditions of the
1+ e A∕T + eB∕T
map, corresponding to combinations of positive or negative
where values for A and B. After a simple analysis, we get to these
A ≡ D + Kzn + yn − pxn + H (46) possible correspondences for when T → 0:

Fig. 6  T-p phase diagrams with

initial condition M0 = 0.01
favouring disordered phases. The
rest of the figures are done using
M0 = 0.99 as the initial condi-
tion. a D = H = 0 and K = −1.0,
in contrast with Fig. 3b, b
D = H = 0 and K = −1.25,
in contrast with Fig. 3c, c
K = H = 0 and D = −0.3,
in contrast with Fig. 4b, d
K = H = 0 and D = −0.4, in
contrast with Fig. 4c

Brazilian Journal of Physics (2023) 53:95 Page 9 of 11 95

A > 0 and B > 0 → yn+1 = 0 and zn+1 = 1 , constant ↑ state across the Bethe lattice shells, the 1/4 ground
A > 0 and B < 0 → yn+1 = 1 and zn+1 = 1 , state that appears for 0 ≥ K > −1 corresponds to a periodic
(48) configuration of ↑↑↓↓. The 1/6 ground state corresponds
A < 0 and B > 0 → yn+1 = −1 and zn+1 = 1 ,
to ↑↑ 0 ↓↓ 0. Finally, the diluted 1/4 phase that appears for
A < 0 and B < 0 → yn+1 = 0 and zn+1 = 0 . K ≤ −1 corresponds to ↑ 0 ↓ 0 . The ground state structure
shown in Fig. 7(a), reflects the role of negative K in promot-
We can then iterate this simplified map, which depends ing 0 states as first neighbours of ±1 states.
only on the signs of A and B, from initial conditions of the Now we turn our attention to the effect of an increas-
system to generate precise phase diagrams for the ground ingly negative value of D on the ground states, shown in
states of the system. It’s interesting to notice that although Fig. 7(b). For D = 0 , we have the expected ferromagnetic
x1 depends on the value of y0 , x2 and beyond will depend on and 1/4 ground states. Increasing the absolute value of a
the values of the previous yn, which in turn depends only on negative D, it’s expected for states 0 to be favoured in all
the sign of A and B. Even so, because A and B also depend positions. As in the case with negative K, the first effect of
on the values of D, K, p and H, the modulated phases can a negative D on the ground state is the gradual appearance
have more than just four possibilities. Using this simplified of the 1/6 ground state between the ferromagnetic and the
map, we can obtain phase diagrams for many sets of param- 1/4 ground states. The main difference is that for D ≤ −0.5
eters on the ground state. Some of the most relevant ones we can notice the appearance of a constant 0 state across the
are presented in Fig. 7. Bethe lattice shells that increasingly dominates the phase
We can observe the effect of an increasingly negative diagram for increasing −D . Furthermore, it is remarkable
value of K on the ground states in Fig. 7(a). For K = 0, we that the diluted 1/4 ground state also appears for D ≤ −1, as
have the expected ferromagnetic and 1/4 phases. Increasing a result of the competition between p (that favours alternat-
the absolute value of K, it is expected for spin states 0 to be ing ±1 periodic states) and negative D (that favours 0 states),
favoured as when the first neighbour spins possess states allowing a transition between the diluted 1/4 phase and the
±1. This causes the 1/6 ground state to appear between fer- 0 ordered phase.
romagnetic and 1/4 ground states, and for higher values of By selecting an interesting value of p, we can observe
−K , a different 1/4 ground state, more diluted than the usual the combined effects of K and D on the ground state. In
one, dominates the phase diagram. To better understand this Fig. 7(c) we show the effect of both parameters in the case
effect, it is important to have a closer look at these ground p = 1.5 where ground states with interleaved +1 and −1 as
states. Let us denote ↑ as the +1 spin state, ↓ as −1, and second neighbours are preferred. It is important to remember
0 otherwise. Apart from symmetry related degenerescen- that negative K favours 0 spin states in vicinity of ±1 spin
cies, while the ferromagnetic ground state corresponds to states, while negative D favours 0 states everywhere. There

Fig. 7  Ground state (T = 0)

phase diagrams for differ-
ent pairs of parameters in the
D, K, p and H space, where only
the indicated pair is varying
and the remaining pair are held
constant (in general set to 0
otherwise noticed). a p − K ,
b p − D, c D − K with p = 1.5
and d p − H . The ground state
colour follows the same colour
scheme presented in Fig. 2,
except to the lighter green which
corresponds to a more diluted
1/4 ground state whose spin
values are ↑ 0 ↓ 0. The light
grey in this case corresponds to
an ordered 0 ground state

95 Page 10 of 11 Brazilian Journal of Physics (2023) 53:95

and inside the blob represent the 1/6 phase. The lower right
portion of this blob we can see that modulated phases fold
over each another, while the lower left region shows a com-
plex structure that could indicate signatures of chaos with
shrimp structures [16]. This and other effects of the external
field will be the subject of further investigation.

6 Conclusions

In this work we were able to show new features in the behav-

iour of modulated systems. The spin-1 BEGV model allows
for stabilizing different ordered phase together with preemi-
Fig. 8  H − T phase diagram for K = 0, D = −0.5 and p = 1.0. Dif- nence of the 0 ordered phase and disordered phases such as
ferent phases are described in the main text the paramagnetic and antiquadrupolar phases. It generates
many multiphase points at zero temperature, a stable modu-
lated ground state other than the 1/4 for a finite range of
are some effects to be examined here. First, for D < −1.5 parameters, which are novel features in this class of models.
the only existing phase is the ordered 0 phase, as expected. The competition also gives room to phase diagrams where
Besides this, we can notice that the ground state diagram is the modulated and ferromagnetic phases are co-stable with
symmetric around the line D = K , which reinforces some of a 0 ordered state and the paramagnetic phase and the anti-
the results discussed in the previous section. This symmetry quadrupolar phases. The ground state of the model is very
means that the effects of D and K, up to some level and at complex with many regions of co-stability between different
T = 0, reinforce each other in promoting 0 spin states. The modulated phases or modulated-0 ordered phases. The way
sequence of ground states along the line D = K , for small to find the limit of zero temperature of the mapping was
negative values of D, reflects the one observed in Figs. 7(a) nontrivial and has never been reported. Co-stability between
and (b): 1/4, 1/6 and diluted 1/4. ferromagnetic and 0 ordered phase is also found.
In order to complement the results for varying K and D, A preliminary study of the field behaviour of the model
we investigate preliminary the effect of the external field H shows an original feature: the 0 ordered phase remains stable
on the ground state, as can be seen in Fig. 7(d). As expected, for finite external field. This is the first time that this phase
an increase on the value of H favours locally +1 spin states, is clearly distinguished from the paramagnetic phase, which
enhancing the prevalence of a ferromagnetic ground state happens at higher temperatures and has nonzero magneti-
in detriment of the 1/4 ground state. Some more interesting zation in the presence of the field. Both phases have zero
effects of H are discussed in the next section. magnetization at zero field, but different field behaviour.
Besides, we show a modulated region in the form of a bubble
embedded within these phases behaviour that has never been
5 Phase Diagram with External Magnetic Field reported in modulated systems in the presence of external
field. The structure of the bubble is complex, showing three
In the section we make a preliminary exploration of the regions: a folded phase region, another similar to shrimp-
model under the influence of an external magnetic field like behaviour and another with a 1/6 stable phase. The
H, and present a single phase diagram in Fig. 8 for K = 0 , detailed exploration of this behaviour will be the subject of
D = −0.5 and p = 1 to demonstrate the possibilities opened further investigation.
by this parameter on the model.
The prominent blue region represents a magnetized para- Declarations
magnetic phase, and hence a disordered phase, while the
light grey region on the bottom left portion of the phase The authors declare no competing interests.
diagram corresponds to the 0 ordered phase that survives in
the presence of both temperature and the external field. This
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