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Theories of Crime Causation
Midterm Topic
Raras, Dyan Kevin Nawen (7:00-8:00am MWF) 05/12/23
Name BSCRIM 1K Date of Submission
RUBRIC What are the things that I have learned from the
different theories of crime causation that we had
Content 20
Grammar and 5 The things that I have learned from the
mechanics different theories of crime causation that we had
Logical response to 20 discussed is all about the rational choice theory of
the questions crime causation, where it states that individuals
Organization of 5 engage in criminal behavior when perceived benefits
Thoughts of committing a crime outweigh to perceived costs of
getting caught. This theory assumes that the
individuals are rational and capable of making
HIGHEST 50 informed decisions about their behavior including
POSSIBLE criminal behavior. I have also learned that the trait
ANSWER theories of crime causation where it focuses on
SCORE identifying and measuring specific traits and
characteristics that distinguished criminals from non-
criminals such as aggression, impulsivity and low

I have also learned the Biosocial Theory of

criminal investigation, where, criminology theory
states that an individual’s genetics and environment
contribute to their likelihood of engaging criminal
behavior. The key point of this is that both biological
and social factors interact to shape criminal behavior
in an individual. Biology which includes genetics,
brain chemistry and hormones while social factor
include family and peers, also the community.
Evolutionary theory states that males who are
impulsive risk-takers may be able to farther more
children because they are reckless in their social
relationships and have sexual encounters with
numerous partners.

I have also learned the Psychodynamic theory

where it states that personality is composed of three
parts; the id, ego and superego. Where the id is the
primitive instinctual part of our personality that is
driven by pleasure and seeks to meet our immediate
needs, and the superego represents our moral
conscience while the ego is the rational part of our
personality that meditates between the desires of the
id and the superego.
SUBMITTED TO: Mountain Province State Polytechnic
Ma’am Mercedes C. Danglose College

On what instances could I effectively apply the things that I have learned in
the subject?
As a Criminology student, I could effectively apply the things that I have learned
by showing my knowledge and skills on what I have learned all about this subject. I as
criminology student who are still studying can apply the causes and consequences of
criminal behavior. I can use this knowledge to develop theories and conduct research
that can help and inform criminal justice policy. For example, by understanding the
role of social factors, such as poverty and inequality in contributing a crime to help
criminologist design intervention that will address the issues.

I could also apply the things that I have learned on the knowledge of theories of
crime causation by developing crime prevention programs. By understanding the
factors that contribute to criminal behavior, I could effectively apply what I have
learned, such as social and economic inequality, community disorganization and
individual psychological factors, prevention programs can be developed to address
these issues. For example, programs that focus on providing job training and
education to disadvantaged youth can help prevent them from engaging in criminal

Finally, Knowledge of theories of crime causation can also be applied in law

enforcement. Police officers can use this knowledge to better understand the
motivations and behaviors of criminals, which can help them, solve crimes and
prevent future criminal activity. For example, understanding the psychological factors
that contribute to drug addiction where police officers can develop strategies for
addressing drug-related crimes. Furthermore, understanding the social and economic
factors that contribute to crime where it helps the police officers to develop community
policing strategies that build trust between law enforcement and the community.

What courses of actions/efforts could I offer to make other people literate on

the causes of crime and how they are prevented as well?
I as a Criminology student could offer my actions/efforts to make other people
literate on the process of crime and how they are prevented as well by improving
surveillance around homes, businesses, or public places to deter criminals. One
course of action would be develop in educational materials that explain the different
types of crime and how they are classified. This could include written materials, videos
and interactive tools that help people understand the different categories of crimes,
such as violent crimes, property crimes and white-collar crimes. These materials could
also explain how criminal laws are created and enforced at the local state and federal
Another course of action/efforts I have learned to make other people literate on
the causes of crime is to provide an opportunity to develop positive behaviors to
prevent youth in crimes and violence. Some courses of action/efforts I could also offer
is to change our habits by setting rules and positioning signage in appropriate
locations to increase the likelihood that an offender will be caught to prevent crime
occurring. Also reducing opportunities for crimes to be committed and improving the
ability of the criminal justice system to detect, apprehend, and rehabilitate criminals.

A third course of actions/efforts I would be apply is to promote civic

engagement and participation in the criminal justice system. This could involve
advocating for reforms that make the process more transparent and inclusive, such as
creating community-led review boards to oversee police misconduct investigations or
increasing access to legal resources for low-income communities. By promoting civic
engagement and participation, people can better understand how crimes are invented,
how they are investigated and prosecuted, and how they can influence the criminal
justice system to promote fairness and accountability.

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