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# This file provides example configuration for DGUS T5UID1 touchscreens.

firmware: dgus_reloaded
# This controls how Klipper interacts with the touchscreen. The only possible
# value is "dgus_reloaded" at the moment. This parameter must be provided.
#update_interval: 2
# How often to send data updates to the touchscreen.
#volume: 75
# The volume for the touchscreen speaker (as a value from 0 to 100).
#brightness: 100
# The brightness for the touchscreen (as a value from 0 to 100).
#machine_name: Generic 3D Printer
# The machine name shown on the information page.
# The index of the sound to play when booting. Defaults to being provided by
# the selected firmware.
# The index of the sound to play when certain events happened. Defaults to
# being provided by the selected firmware.
#x_min_inset: 30.0
# The distance (in mm) from the minimum X position used by the manual leveling
# screen.
#x_max_inset: 30.0
# The distance (in mm) from the maximum X position used by the manual leveling
# screen.
#y_min_inset: 30.0
# The distance (in mm) from the minimum Y position used by the manual leveling
# screen.
#y_max_inset: 30.0
# The distance (in mm) from the maximum Y position used by the manual leveling
# screen.
# This can be used to provide a lower limit (in mm) to X moves done using the
# touschreen. Movements will still be limited by your [stepper_x]
# configuration values.
# This can be used to provide an upper limit (in mm) to X moves done using the
# touschreen. Movements will still be limited by your [stepper_x]
# configuration values.
# Same as x_min for the Y axis.
# Same as x_max for the Y axis.
# Same as x_min for the Z axis.
# Same as x_max for the Z axis.

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