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Steps to install openGL with CodeBlocks

1. Install CodeBlock mingw ver

2. Adjust Compiler setup[setting->compiler->toolchainexecutables]
paste C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW at compiler1s installation directory
3. open freeglut folder
3.1. open bin-> copy freeglut.dll paste it to windows->syswow64 for 64 bit win or
windows->systems32 forlder for 32 bit win
3.2. open include->GL copy all files then paste it to proram files (x86)->codeblock->mingw
->include->GL PASTE HERE
3.3. open lib select the two files goto proram files (x86)->codeblock->mingw->lib
paste here
4. open notepad as admin
file->open program files (x86)->codeblock->share->codeblock->template->view all files
open glut.cbp file
edit->replace-> glut32 with freeglut save it
again goto program files (x86)->codeblock->share->codeblock->template->withard->glut->
open withard.script file
edit->replace-> glut32 with freeglut save it

5. open codeblock->new project

give glut location as C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW
6. do not forget to include windows.h as the very first herader file

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