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1. What information in the article was new to you or surprised you or seemed odd to you?

● I was astonished by the article's description of the distinctions between gender

and sexuality. In addition to my astonishment at the article's exploration of the
differences between gender and sexuality, the diverse array of sexualities
introduced in the content was particularly surprising. The realization that there
are specific terms like "ferms," "merms," and "herms" that I had never
encountered before left me intrigued and somewhat puzzled. This unfamiliar
terminology sparked a curiosity to delve deeper into understanding these
nuances and to appreciate the complexity of how individuals identify within the
spectrum of gender and sexuality.

2. How did this change your thinking about the issue?

● I learned a lot about androgyny, various sexualities, and many other topics about
the topic, which opened my eyes. I've learned from this issue that we should
constantly be aware of what we say to other people, especially when using their
pronouns, as we never know if they prefer they/them or he/she. We can't merely
use our preferred pronouns to refer to people and make snap judgments about
their appearance. This newfound knowledge reinforces the idea that fostering a
more inclusive and accepting society requires ongoing education and a
commitment to respecting each person's unique journey and identity. It serves as
a reminder to approach conversations about gender and sexuality with empathy,
ensuring that our language and actions contribute to a more supportive and
understanding community for everyone.

3. The type of clothes we buy our children, the names we allow ourselves to choose for our
children and many of our choices and actions concerning our children seem to depend
on their sex. What should you do if a future baby of yours is intersexed? Whose advice
would you seek out?
● Accepting and embracing my children for who they are, without passing
judgment, is something I hold dear, especially if they were intersex. To better
understand and support them in being their authentic selves, I would actively
seek advice from friends and relatives who have been in similar circumstances.
Furthermore, I'll just let them be themselves because I believe there's nothing
wrong with the way they choose to express themselves, and allowing them the
freedom to do so fosters a positive and nurturing environment. In the journey of
parenting, creating a space of unconditional love and acceptance is vital. By
taking these steps, I aim to ensure that my children feel supported, understood,
and empowered to embrace their identities without any reservations.

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