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If you would like to hear more native English speakers from Canada and the United States, search
the Internet for radio stations located there. Many radio stations have programs dedicated to the
subject of health and wellness. Try to find one. Listen carefully by Internet or radio to hear many of
the words you have just learned.


1. Building vocab : Look for new vocabulary from the video.

- Mass : Massa
- Arrested: Ditangkap
- Restrictions:Pembatasan
- Sued :Digugat
- Immunocompromised : Kelainan imun
- Plowed:Dibajak
- Reckless:Ceroboh
- Availability = ketersediaan
- The abortion drug mythopristone = obat aborsi mitopristone
- Some lawmakers = beberapa anggota perlemen
- Hailstones = hujan es
1B P0753402307

Professional Caring

Now that we have taken a look at culturally bound concepts of health and wellness in Canada
and the United States, this section introduces the concepts of professional caring and the
roles of professional caregivers. The meaning of holism and holistic care are explored.
Exercises provide opportunities to compare and contrast how the Western model of health-
care delivery applies to that of other countries. Please remember that although some of the
readings that follow are based in nursing, they are relevant to all health-care professionals.

Reading Selection 1-3

Read the following. If an opportunity arises, discuss it with friends. Offer your own thoughts
and opinions. Make comparisons with your own country or others to enrich the discussion.
Professional caring is based on a foundation of providing support for people in need
as well as promoting their personal growth and development. This can mean progressing
from a position of physical and/or emotional health challenges to a position of wellness.
Earlier in this chapter, we reviewed the definition of health and discovered that it includes
the biological, psychological, sociological, and spiritual aspects of a person’s lived
experience. Health also includes the element of environment: factors that can help or
hinder an individual’s ability to meet everyday challenges and enjoy quality of life.

According to the International Council of Nurses (ICN), nurses have four

responsibilities: preventing illness, restoring health, alleviating suffering, and promoting
health (ICN 1975). These are the domains of professional caring, and they apply to all health
professions. In the United States and Canada, we often refer to Jean Watson’s theory of
Transpersonal Caring. She, like others, sees that nursing and medicine have moved from the
medical model of care to a model that includes valuing the transpersonal relationship
between the caregiver and care-receiver—that professional caring is a standard of practice.
It includes compassion, competence, confidence, conscience, and commitment.

Additionally, a number of theories of health-care practices support multicultural

care. Evident in our health-care philosophy, this is the belief that health professionals
require a level of cultural competency to provide the best care: a solid understanding of
sociocultural practices from around the world. This knowledge helps them provide an
additional level of
empathy and promotes trust, respect, and optimal health outcomes.
The following reading exercises challenge your ability to understand the meaning of the selection
and to learn and use new vocabulary.

Understanding the General Meaning

1) Read the text again. Think about it. Do you understand it? What is the general
meaning of the text? What is its focus?
The general meaning of the text about Professional Caring. The concept of caring, its
intentions, actions and its achievements, as it relates to nursing is a concept on
which many nurses’ minds have been focused. The concern and at times a major
preoccupation with the need to explore and explain caring among the nursing body
is a concern which is rooted in socio-political and cultural phenomena related to the
evolution of nursing.

2) Although the reading talks about nursing, it claims to be applicable to other health
professions. For example, the four responsibilities of nurses are described. Are these
the same professional characteristics of other health professions? If so, name those
No health profession has the same characteristics as nurse. Nurses play an important role in
providing care for patients to help manage their physical needs, treat health conditions and
prevent illnesses. As highly trained members of the medical team, most nurses have a broad
skill set and a wide range of responsibilities that can vary from one patient to the next.

Multiple Choice. Here are some words to review. Do you understand them? Try to discover
their meaning from their context-based use in the reading selection and in the stem of the
question. Again, these are multiple-choice questions, the most common type of question
you’ll find on nursing exams.

1) I am a competent nurse.
In this context, competent can best be described as:
a) learning about a subject.
b) skilled, knowledgeable, and capable.
c) unsure of how to treat new problems.
2) Canada is a multicultural mosaic while the United States is more of a melting pot.
In this context, melting pot can best be described as
a) each culture being valued as separate to mainstream culture.
b) an expectation that all new immigrants assimilate into mainstream culture.
c) only Caucasians are valued.
3) My father faces the health challenge of diabetes.
In this context, health challenge can best be described as
a) He is sick and should be in the hospital.
b) He is afraid of this illness and cannot cope. He needs a full-time nurse.
c) He has a chronic illness that he must treat and be aware of as he goes about his life.
4) My father’s lived experience of diabetes has been positive. He is quite comfortable
with it.
In this context, lived experience can best be described as
a) His unique, personal experience with this health challenge. It has been one of
acceptance and adaptability.
b) He hates his diabetes.
c) His personal experience of living with diabetes has been bad and he considers
himself a sick person.
5) Professional caring means having high standards of care, knowledge, and skills to
help people meet their health-care needs.
In this context, professional caring can best be described as
a) requiring advanced education, training, and preparation.
b) a function that can be done by anyone with compassion and a will to help.
c) simply a synonym for caring.
6) Veronica has high standards of cleanliness for herself, her home, and her job.
In this context, high standards can best be described as
a) she is messy.
b) she doesn’t wash or clean very often, only once a
month. c) cleanliness is an important goal for her.
7) If you forget to change a patient’s dressing, does it affect your conscience?
In this context, conscience can best be described as
a) a moral sense of being right or wrong.
b) making you think you are overworked.
c) laziness.

Using New Words in Sentences. Use the following words or phrases in complete
1) demonstrate a high level of competency
Yet, even the stronger-background students in Study 2, who received two days of
in-depth instruction in phylogenetics in a semester-long Evolution course, in general
failed to demonstrate a high level of competence at a foundational tree-thinking
skill the ability to assess relative evolutionary relatedness among taxa using the
concept of most recent common ancestry by the end of the course.
2) challenge, epilepsy
The diagnosis of epilepsy is a challenge and must be based on a detailed and
specific medical record.
3) standards, care, professional
Professional standards describe the competent level of care in each phase of the
nursing process.


Think about all that you have read and learned so far. Write your personal thoughts
and feelings about both the content and context.
Professional standards describe the competent level of care in each phase of the
nursing process. They reflect a desired and achievable level of performance against
which a nurse’s actual performance can be compared. The main purpose of
professional standards is to direct and maintain safe and clinically competent nursing

These standards are important to our profession because they promote and guide our
clinical practice. They provide an evaluation tool for yourself and your colleagues to
ensure clinical proficiency and safety. Professional nursing standards are also used to
provide a framework for developing clinical competency checklists or proficiency
evaluations for a specific clinical unit or employer. And they may be used as a
comparison tool to evaluate a nurse’s care if the employer suspects the nurse has
developed unsafe work habits or isn’t adhering to established organizational policies
or widely accepted guidelines established by state and federal laws or leading
healthcare organizations.

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