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Alijis, Bacolod City



Name: Lynnyl B. Ursos Subject: GE TCW

Course and Section: BSHM 2- Alpha Date: December 19, 2023

Spiritual Enrichment

We gathered at Nueva Valencia, Guimaras for a spiritual enrichment session. We prayed

and sang a heartfelt song before the speaker taught us about our relationship with God and how
to accept Him as our savior. The speaker emphasized the importance of reading the Bible as it is
the basic instruction before living on earth and a source of real knowledge. The Bible's teachings
have shaped civilizations and continue to guide us in seeking wisdom today.

There are realizations that I reflect on myself as I listened to the speaker. God is the light
that guides us through life's journey. Accepting God as our Savior allows us to tap into a higher
power beyond ourselves and find assurance in knowing that He will never forsake us. Through
prayer, meditation, and studying sacred texts like the Bible, we seek His guidance on matters of
morality, purpose, and decision-making. Another realization is that reading the Bible provides
valuable lessons from past generations that can guide our present actions, offering moral and
ethical teachings essential for creating a just and harmonious society. Its commandments
promote love, compassion, justice, and forgiveness, forming the foundation of any harmonious
society. By adhering to these principles, we can cultivate strong relationships with others and
contribute positively. In the end, we pray to accept God as our light.

From my observation, there are three important things to consider in life on Earth. Firstly,
we need God to guide us, as He is the light. Secondly, we need the Bible for God's message,
which provides moral principles and spiritual insights. Lastly, we should not dwell in the past,
but instead move forward towards self-fulfillment and a meaningful existence.

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