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With reference to two motivation theories, discuss the effects

of the trend towards offering flexible work patterns and practices
on employee motivation.
[10 marks]

Ans. The impact of flexible work models on employee motivation can be

analyzed through the two important motivation theories: Maslow's
hierarchy of needs and Herzberg's two factor theory.

Maslow's theory suggests that individuals seek to satisfy a hierarchical

group of needs, ranging from basic physiological needs to
self-actualization needs. Flexible work arrangements, such as
telecommuting or flexible hours, can meet broader needs such as work-life
balance and personal fulfillment. This is consistent with Maslow's
emphasis on creating a supportive environment that meets individual
needs, potentially boosting employee motivation.

In contrast, Herzberg's two-factor theory distinguishes between hygiene

factors and motivational factors . Flexible working hours can act as a
hygiene factor, preventing dissatisfaction due to lack of flexibility. However,
real motivators, such as achievement and recognition, cannot be directly
affected by flexible arrangements. Herzberg's theory emphasizes the
importance of intrinsic factors for actual job satisfaction and motivation.

In conclusion, the impact of flexible working on employee motivation is

complex. Balancing the satisfaction of higher level needs highlighted in
Maslow's theory with the intrinsic motivations highlighted in Herzberg's
theory is essential to optimize the impact of flexible arrangements for

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