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Infrastructure and Connectivity:

- How will your platform address the challenges of poor internet connectivity in certain regions
of Nepal?
- Have you considered offline modes or alternative methods for users with limited internet

2. User Adoption:
- How do you plan to promote and encourage the adoption of your platform, especially among
those who may not be familiar with technology?
- What strategies will you employ to build trust among potential users who may be skeptical of
online services?

3. Data Security and Privacy:

- How will you ensure the security and privacy of users' health information, given the
sensitivity of medical data?
- What measures are in place to comply with data protection regulations in Nepal?

4. Integration with Existing Systems:

- How does your platform integrate with existing healthcare systems and processes in Nepal?
- Have you considered interoperability with other healthcare information systems?

5. Accessibility:
- How have you designed your web app to be accessible to individuals with disabilities?
- What measures are in place to ensure inclusivity for all potential users, including those who
may not be tech-savvy?

6. Technical Challenges:
- What contingency plans do you have in case of technical issues or system failures?
- How will you handle potential downtimes or disruptions in service?

7. Regulatory Compliance:
- What regulatory hurdles or challenges do you anticipate in deploying your solution in the
Nepalese healthcare landscape?
- How do you plan to navigate and comply with any relevant regulations?

8. User Experience:
- What steps have you taken to ensure a seamless and user-friendly experience for individuals
who may not be technologically literate?
- How will you gather and incorporate user feedback to continually improve the platform?
9. Partnerships and Collaboration:
- Have you considered partnering with healthcare providers, government agencies, or other
organizations to enhance the reach and impact of your platform?
- How do you plan to collaborate with existing healthcare stakeholders?

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