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Written expression

Hi Kacey,
My name is Tiberian and I’m really fell in love of your song named Merry Go Round. It’s the first
in my spotify playlist, I listen to it all the time and I didn’t understand why don’t you get more
views for this incredible title. You deserve so much more, a national tour, at least ! I love this song
because when I listen to it, I’m transcended, it’s a so true transcription of what we experience while
living in our small and isolated towns. We can’t escape and the merry-go-round metaphor is really
well chosen, this is truly poetic. Plus I can't say what I feel when I hear the melody that
accompanies these so impactful words. And this calm rhythm which creates an impression of going
in circles like in a carousel, it reflects the lyrics so well that I can’t describe what I feel when I listen
your song. Finally, wouldn't our life be an endless loop, a repetition of errors, of ups and downs?
These words may even seem more general and apply to all people, not just people from the
countryside, which shows their depth, you have created a masterpiece.

I hope you will take the time to read me and if so I sincerely thank you

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