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5 reason why plastic bags should be banned

1.According to the (United Nations Foundation) Plastic is found everywhere, from the Great
Pacific Garbage Patch to the Arctic and the Philippines. (may21,2023)

2.plastic is harm in our health also in our ecosystem, Despite being tiny in size, microplastics
and nano plastics are extremely dangerous to human health and the health of vital ecosystems.
(United Nations Foundation) may 21,2023

3.Death by Garbage, plastics tiny particles were its way to the landfill into the ocean because
the majority of material is dumped into landfills or spread around without proper adequate also affect the other animal species that live in the ocean that can also easily extinct
their habitat. (The human journey)

4.Causes illness on human body, production of plastic bags releases toxic chemicals. These are
the main cause of serious illness. The polluted environment is a major reason for various
diseases which are spreading easily in human being.

5.Incineration of plastic materials, plastic and other types of waste releases dangerous
substances such as heavy metals, persistent organic pollutants (POP), and other toxic
chemicals into the air and persist in ash waste residues. These chemicals have been linked to
the development of asthma, endocrine disruption, and cancer.

Plastic production is hazardous to human health and it contributes to greenhouse gas emission.
Most come from the production stage, and are in the form of carbon dioxide. plastics have a
significant carbon footprint and emit 3.4% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Most come from
the production stage, and are in the form of carbon dioxide.

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