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The Quarrelling vegetables

Adrianos mother left home and went to the market to buy vegetables.
When she returned from the market after buying vegetables, she took out
the vegetables from the basket and laid them out on the table. She was
about to put them in the fridge when she realised that it was time to pick
up Adriano from school so she left them on the counter and left
for Adriano school.
Seeing no one was around, the vegetables began chatting among

I am the best among all of you,” said the potato proudly. “Everyone likes
me. I can be boiled, fried, roasted or mashed to make several tasty dishes
like mashed potatoes, potato pie, French fries and potato chips.
On hearing this, the carrot declared, “I am the best! Besides being added in
the soup, I am also the star ingredient of carrot cake. You don’t need
potatoes for that. I am so good for your health that many even eat me

“I too am used in so many dishes besides pelau said the peas. I am used in
salads and the list goes on!”
The cauliflower was not to be left behind. It said, “They use me to make
soups and sauteed vegetables.”

Then the tomato spoke up. “I am used in many preparations too. Several
tasty gravies and sauces are made out of me. I am used in all types of
foods even salads” it said.
“You all may be used in different kinds of dishes, but I am the healthiest
of you all,” said the spinach. “I contain all the nutrients necessary to
maintain good health. In fact, doctors recommend eating leafy vegetables
as much as possible. That is why I am the best.”
While the vegetables were quarrelling among themselves to prove that
each was better than the rest, the broccoli listened to them quietly. Finally,
it spoke up. “I have heard all of your arguments and you are all right. Each
of you has some benefits, but that does not mean one is greater than the
other. We are all an essential part of the human diet,” it said.
So eat your vegetables everyday and live a healthy life each day.

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