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Pearson Biology 11 New South Wales

Module 1 Review

Cells as the basis of life

1 D. There are 1000 micrometres (µm) in 1 millimetre (mm). The drawing of the amoeba is 100 mm long, which is equal
to 100 000 µm. If an amoeba is 100 µm long, then the drawing is 1000 times the size of the amoeba. Therefore, the
student must have observed the amoeba at a magnification of ×1000.
2 D. Light microscopes can resolve structures between 0.1 µm and 1000 µm in size. An electron microscope is needed
to view smaller structures. Ribosomes are approximately 0.02–0.03 µm in diameter, so are too small to be viewed
with a light microscope. A nucleus is approximately 6–20 µm in diameter, a chloroplast is up to 10 µm in length, and
a vacuole changes size and shape but is large, occupying 30–90% of the cell volume. A nucleus, chloroplast and
vacuole are all large enough to be viewed with a light microscope.
3 D. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to look at surface features of whole cell specimens.
4 B. Prokaryotes, eukaryotes, plants and animals are different types of cells. Viruses are not cells. Ribosomes are
organelles. TEM and SEM are types of microscopes. ATP and ADP are energy storage molecules.
5 A. Archaea have a different type of lipid structure in the cell membrane. Archaea and bacteria do not have nuclei or
other membrane-bound organelles. Both archaea and bacteria have cell walls.
6 A. Fungi are eukaryotes. Bacteria are prokaryotes, not eukaryotes. Viruses and enzymes are not cells.
7 D. Chloroplasts are not found in animal cells. Mitochondria, Golgi apparatus and nuclei are in both plant and animal
8 A. The organelle is a mitochondrion.
9 C. The cell membrane is a double layer (bilayer) of lipids and embedded proteins. The cell membrane is
semipermeable, allowing some molecules and ions to enter and exit the cell, while not allowing others. The movement
of molecules and ions across the cell membrane can be active or passive.
10 D. The lipid bilayer of the cell membrane is made up of phospholipids with hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails.
The hydrophilic heads would point outwards, towards the water, and the hydrophobic heads would point inwards,
away from the water.
11 B. Osmosis requires a semipermeable membrane, because the cell membrane allows water in and out of the cell while
preventing other molecules from crossing it.
12 B. Osmosis moves water molecules from a diluted solution (lower concentration of solute) to a concentrated solution
(higher concentration of solute). In this example, X has the lowest concentration, so osmosis will move water from X to
Y and Z. Z has a lower concentration than Y, so osmosis will move water from Z to Y.
13 B. Oxygen, carbon dioxide and water availability are all environmental factors, so should be the same for both plants,
because they are experiencing the same environmental conditions. Chloroplasts are the site of photosynthesis, so their
availability can determine the rate of photosynthesis.
14 C. Cellular respiration in plants occurs independently of photosynthesis and can occur at any time, because it
does not require energy from sunlight. It occurs in all tissues in plants, not just in green leaves, which is where
photosynthesis occurs.
15 B. The rate of photosynthesis is related to the amount of light that is absorbed by the algal pigments (chlorophyll).
The rate of light absorption (indicated by the red line in the graph) and photosynthesis is highest in the spectral band
of red, followed by violet and then orange.
16 D. The dependent variable is the variable that is measured by the experimenter. In the experiment, the student
measured the mass of the bags, so this is the dependent variable. The % concentration of starch is an independent
variable, because it is changed by the experimenter to test its effect on the dependent variable. The size of the bags
and the volume of distilled water are controlled variables, as these should be kept the same in a fair test (where only
one variable should be changed).
17 C. The mass of bag B would decrease over time as water continues to move via osmosis out of the bag (the dilute
solvent, distilled water) into the beaker (containing 10% w/v solution of starch). The mass of bag A should stay the
same, as osmosis is not occurring, because the concentration of solutes is the same inside and outside the bag
(0% solute concentration in both the bag and the beaker, which contain distilled water).
18 B. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is an energy storage molecule. Photosynthesis produces ATP, but it is not the main
product of photosynthesis (glucose and oxygen are the main products of photosynthesis).

Copyright © Pearson Australia 2018 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) ISBN 978 1 4886 1925 0
Pearson Biology 11 New South Wales
19 A. Autotrophs have a much lower metabolic rate than heterotrophs. Autotrophs cannot recycle all nutrients, but they
can reuse gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide. Autotrophs do lose water and they can produce nitrogen waste
products, but produce much less than heterotrophs because they contain fewer protein molecules.
20 B. Coenzymes are organic cofactors that work with enzymes to catalyse reactions. An enzyme–substrate complex
is an enzyme that is bound to a substrate. An active site is the site of an enzyme where a substrate binds. Inhibitor
molecules prevent substrates from binding to enzymes, inhibiting activity.

21 a Cell P. There are no membrane-bound organelles. Membrane-bound organelles are visible in Cell Q, indicating that
it is a eukaryote.



c Cell Q has chloroplasts, a large central vacuole and mitochondria, which are all absent in cell P.



Copyright © Pearson Australia 2018 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) ISBN 978 1 4886 1925 0
Pearson Biology 11 New South Wales
Organelle Found in Function

nucleus all eukaryotic cells contains DNA with genetic instructions for cell

chloroplast eukaryotic plant cells carry out photosynthesis

ribosome prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells polypeptide synthesis

vacuole eukaryotic cells—many small vacuoles in storage; in plant cells a turgid vacuole also provides
animal cell; single large vacuole in plant cell structural support

cell membrane all cells regulates transport of substances in and out of cell

23 Solution A—1% sugar, because half of the water moved into the tank of 2% solution
Solution B—2% sugar, because there was no net movement of water
Solution C—0.5% sugar, because about three-quarters of the water moved into the tank of 2% solution
Solution D—4% sugar, because water moved into the tube, doubling its volume
24 Energy is expended in taking up nutrients that cannot pass through the phospholipid bilayer by diffusion or facilitated
diffusion. Passive uptake of small molecules such as water (polar) or oxygen (non-polar) occurs if they move with the
concentration gradient for osmosis or diffusion. Mineral ions are taken in by facilitated diffusion, which is also passive
with no energy expended. If any of these are required in higher concentrations inside the cell, active transport is used
and this requires an energy input.
25 a carbon dioxide + water → glucose + oxygen
b chloroplast
c Oxygen is produced during the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis. Using solar energy absorbed by the
chlorophyll located on thylakoid membranes in the chloroplast, water is split into oxygen and hydrogen, a process
known as photolysis.
26 a For both plants, as the temperature increased, the rate of photosynthesis also increased. However, beyond their
optimum temperature (plant A: 45°C and plant B: 32°C), the rate of photosynthesis decreased for both plants.
b 50°C is beyond the optimum temperature for both plants. As a result, the enzymes involved in photosynthesis start
to denature and the plants are unable to carry out photosynthesis.
c Plant A has a higher optimum temperature, which suggests that it will be able to adapt to the hot temperatures in
the desert. Plant B has a lower optimum temperature and may not be able to carry out photosynthesis in the hot
desert temperatures.
27 a There is a net oxygen uptake by the plant when the rate of cellular respiration is greater than the rate of
photosynthesis, because cellular respiration uses oxygen while photosynthesis produces it. Thus, there is a net
oxygen uptake at times A and D. There is a net oxygen output at times B and E. At time C, there is no net uptake or
output, because the rates are the same.
b At time D, the rate of photosynthesis has remained slightly higher than normal, despite it being night time. This
might happen if a light is left on, either inside the room or outside the window. At time E, the rate of photosynthesis
is less than normal, despite it being day time. This might happen if the sky becomes cloudy or a blind or curtain
reduces the amount of light.
28 a i ATP is the energy source for muscles that allows them to undergo contraction. ATP is produced by mitochondria.
ii Glycolysis is the process that produces ATP.
iii Pathway B is likely to represent ATP production in a sprinter, as it shows a decreasing contribution of that
iv Anaerobic respiration supplies only a fraction of the energy of the aerobic pathway, so over a long energy
demand it will not supply enough energy to meet the needs of the muscles. The use of anaerobic respiration
also results in the accumulation of fatigue-causing lactic acid.
b Lactic acid produced during anaerobic respiration is generally transported to the liver or the heart, where it is
metabolised to produce ATP.
c Animals and plants make different products during anaerobic respiration because they use different enzymes in the
chemical reactions.

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Pearson Biology 11 New South Wales
29 a A mammalian kidney regulates the internal environment by maintaining salt and water levels in the body, and
removing nitrogenous waste.
b Differences between the two locations would include smaller volume, absence of glucose and large quantities of
waste urea at Y.
c Filtration in the glomerulus has occurred; no blood cells are filtered out, only the plasma, which contains materials
such as water, nitrogenous waste and products of digestion. As the fluid passes along the tubule, useful materials,
such as water, glucose, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and some salts (if required) are reabsorbed into the
capillary network surrounding the tubules. The fluid in the tubule at the end of reabsorption is composed only of
waste products in the form of a final filtrate called urine.
30 a the induced fit model
b An enzyme is denatured when its tertiary structure has been permanently changed. This causes the enzyme to lose
its catalytic activity.
c An enzyme that has a permanently changed shape will have an active site that no longer fits its substrates, so the
enzyme’s activity has been permanently lost.

31 a Domain: Eukarya
b The bacterium would have been engulfed by endocytosis. The amoeba’s cell membrane exudes pseudopods, which
encapsulate the bacterium and bring it into the cell.
c Once Amoeba proteus has been infected with the bacteria, it is unable to survive without the bacterium. (There are
other reasonable conclusions possible and different ways to express the same conclusion.)
d i Transferring the nucleus of Amoeba proteus from one cell to another does not kill the cell.
ii The second experiment acts as a control. It shows what happens when nuclei are transferred from Amoeba
proteus cells that have not previously been infected with bacteria.
e i This experiment shows that bacteria can form an endosymbiotic relationship with a eukaryotic cell that is so
close that the eukaryotic cell can’t survive without the bacterium. (The bacterium permanently suppresses
the production of an essential enzyme by the Amoeba. The bacterium also makes this enzyme. This effectively
makes the Amoeba permanently dependent on the bacterium.)
ii Any two of the following:
• Like bacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts reproduce by binary fission.
• Mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own DNA.
• Mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own ribosomes.
• In both eukaryotes and prokaryotes, the ribosomes consist of a large and a small subunit. In eukaryotes, these
subunits are called 40S and 60S and in prokaryotes, the subunits are called 30S and 50S. The name of the
subunit refers to its size. Mitochondrial and chloroplast ribosomes are 30S and 50S in size—the same as
prokaryotes. (The size of the ribosomes when the two parts come together is smaller than the sum of its parts:
80S for eukaryotes and 70S for prokaryotes.)
• The DNA in chloroplasts and mitochondria is a single circular chromosome like a bacterial chromosome.
32 a P—ribosome; Q—cell membrane; R—cytoplasm; S—nucleus; T—Golgi apparatus
b Structure Q is the cell membrane: a phospholipid bilayer with membrane-bound proteins. It is semipermeable or
selectively permeable, meaning it selectively controls the entry and exit of substances between the internal and
external environments of a cell.
c mitochondrion
d glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water + ATP (energy)
e Oxygenated blood has a higher concentration of oxygen than the cell cytosol, because oxygen is being used
during aerobic respiration. Oxygen from blood therefore diffuses into the cell through the cell membrane and into
the cytoplasm. Oxygen can diffuse across the cell membrane because it is a small, uncharged molecule. Oxygen
eventually diffuses into the mitochondrion (structure Z) where it is used in aerobic respiration.

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Pearson Biology 11 New South Wales
33 a
Surface Surface-area-to- Length of Volume of
Length of Volume of Percentage
area of cube volume ratio of colourless colourless area
cube (cm) cube (cm3) diffusion (%)
(cm2) cube (SA:V) area, L (cm) (L × L × L) (cm3)

1.0 6.0 1.0 6.0 0 0 100.0

1.5 13.5 3.4 4.0 0.4 0.064 98.1

2.0 24.0 8.0 3.0 0.8 0.512 93.6

2.5 37.5 15.6 2.4 1.8 5.832 62.6

b Relationship between surface-area-to-volume ratio

and the percentage diffusion (%) in agar cubes




Percentage diffusion (%)







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Surface-area-to-volume ratio

c As the surface-area-to-volume ratio increases, the percentage diffusion increases.

d cube with length 1 cm
e It has the highest surface-area-to-volume ratio.
f The rate of metabolism of a cell is correlated to its volume. The larger the volume, the greater the metabolism of
a cell, because it would require more chemical reactions to sustain the size. The rate of diffusion or exchange of
material in a cell is dependent on its surface area: the larger the surface area, the greater the rate of diffusion. As
a cell increases in size, its volume increases faster than its surface area. Hence, there is a decrease in surface-area-
to-volume ratio. A consequence is a decreased rate of diffusion of essential substances, such as oxygen and carbon
dioxide, into or out of the cell. Gaining nutrients and getting rid of waste becomes limiting. The results in the table
and the graph show that as the length of the cube increases, the surface area increases at a rate slower than the
increase in volume, and the percentage diffusion decreases. This means the cells do not grow very large as the rate
of diffusion within the cell decreases.
g To improve reliability, increase the number of times the experiment is replicated to approximately five for each
length of cube (five sets of data for each independent variable) and compare results to see if they are similar each
time. To improve validity, make sure other variables are controlled properly, such as the same agar used, the blocks
cut accurately, the same sodium hydroxide solution used, and experiments done at the same ambient temperature.
You could also include an additional cube length so there are five tests of the independent variable.

Copyright © Pearson Australia 2018 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) ISBN 978 1 4886 1925 0
Pearson Biology 11 New South Wales

34 a
2 ATP 2 ATP 36/38 ATP

• CO2
glucose pyruvate • NADH H2O

glycolysis Krebs cycle O2

electron transport

b i Most of the energy released during respiration that is not used to make ATP is converted to heat.
ii The energy released by the breakdown of glucose must be converted to another form, as energy cannot be
destroyed. If phosphate ions are not available because they are unable to enter the mitochondrion, then the
energy cannot be used to build ATP; it will be converted to heat.
iii Human enzymes have an optimal temperature around 37°C. At temperatures above that, they rapidly lose their
ability to function, because the increased temperature disrupts bonds, changing the tertiary structure, leading to
denaturation. Without functional enzymes, the cells soon die. The death of a large number of cells leads to the
death of the organism.
c As much of the energy produced by respiration is lost as heat, respiration rates will increase to try to meet the
needs of cells for energy. Increased respiration rates mean more glucose is used. Unless there is a large increase in
food intake, much of the extra energy will come from energy stores (fat), leading to a loss of weight.
d i 6 minutes, as this is when the production of lactic acid started to rise and the production of carbon dioxide
started to decline
ii The inability of the cell to transport phosphate into the mitochondria means the cell must rely on glycolysis
for its energy needs. To keep carrying out glycolysis, pyruvate must be removed or the process will stop, so the
pyruvate is converted to lactic acid.
iii Any two sensible safety precautions. Examples are: wear gloves when handling DNP, wash hands thoroughly
after the experiment, take care not to inhale DNP.

Copyright © Pearson Australia 2018 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) ISBN 978 1 4886 1925 0
Pearson Biology 11 New South Wales
35 a the breakdown of a carbohydrate, such as glucose, in the absence of oxygen to produce cellular energy
b glucose → ethanol + carbon dioxide
c to prevent oxygen entering the test tube, ensuring that the yeast undergoes anaerobic respiration
Sugar Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Mean
fructose 1.4 1.4 2.0 2.6 5.4 2.6
glucose 9.0 8.2 7.0 8.6 8.8 8.3
lactose 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
maltose 2.8 3.2 3.0 3.0 6.2 3.6
sucrose 7.4 7.0 7.0 6.6 6.8 7.0

e Volume of carbon dioxide gas produced during anaerobic

respiration in yeast using different sugars

Volume of gas produced





glucose fructose sucrose maltose lactose
Type of sugar
f i glucose
ii lactose
g Yes, it is supported: respiration in yeast was highest in glucose.
h Replace the sugar solution with distilled water.

Copyright © Pearson Australia 2018 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) ISBN 978 1 4886 1925 0

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