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fox light radio is now signing on

Good morning guys this is FullshineIis. You are now listening to

smooth mornings of 106.8 fox light radio, where you can relax and
enjoy our music that is filled with love songs for your heart.

Apa kabar guys? Cuaca pagi ini agak mendung, untuk kalian yang
sedang dalam perjalanan tetap hati-hati ya. Selamat sampai tujuan.

And of course we are excited for our sessions. As we listen to the best
love songs of all time and i know that you guys are being
caught up by this pandemic and the things that are happening around,
but please don't ever ever lose hope because things will get better
soon just continue praying and always do the health protocol to
prevent the spreading of corona virus.

Let us not forget our frontliners who are spending much of their time.
Sacrificing everything that they have, to help the community in
protecting everybody from covid19.

so thank you to all our front liners

today we are going to read a poem sent by one of our special

listeners, Asna, where she wrote a very romantic poem and ot might
be touch you heart.
In a desert full of sorrows and desperation
I found an oasis of hope which has linked me to you
Promising never to dry-up
A sign of endurance and an emblem of our love
Reaching the heights of the better option
In a wonderful world far beyond the sky.
As you build-up my faith mountain high
You deeply warm my heart with a wondrous orange smile
And now being crowned in the comfort of your love
You make me rollick in the safety of your arms
I cannot therefore ask for more than your love
Because my life has been complete since I found you.


wow what a beautiful poem. I feel like crying now hehe. thank you so
much Asna for sending a marvelous poem.

And I would like to remain you, you guys can request songs by dm our
instagram @lightfoxfm. we will be happy to play your favorite song..

Well, I also have some healthy tips for you in the of our session. So,
stay stuned 😉


Alright guys, we already chose the song request from our listeners,
Rio, he asked us to play his favorite song entitled Me-by Taylor Swift.
okay straight away, here it is Me - Taylor swift. Enjoy


in this last ten minutes I would like to share some tips to keep the
body fit before and after the Covid-19 vaccine injection

Actually, it's natural that we feel the side effects of the vaccine (not
only the Covid-19 vaccine).
everyone has different symptoms. but most of the effects after the
vaccine are it can be fever, fatigues, headache, muscle pain, dhirroae
and so on. However, there are 5 ways to keep the body fit after the
vaccine, or at least relieve the side effects..
1. don't forget to have breakfast before getting vaccinated (this is the
most important thing your body needs energy and nutrition when
you are injected)
2. Drink enough water
It would be better, on the day when we are vaccinated, increase
the consumption of water. This is because water contains H2O
which can reduce fatigue, such as inflammation, and can facilitate
blood flow in the body
3. Eat enough vegetables and fruit
Vegetables and fruits play a role in forming antibodies in the body.
4. Next thing you have to do si please take an Enough rest.
Rest can be done by sleeping or relaxing, not doing too much
work. Before the vaccine, we should have enough sleep. .avoid
staying up late before the vaccine, because it will make you tired
and reduce the performance of body parts, such as the heart,
kidneys, and so on.
5. And last is also important, please be honest with the health
If you have a history of allergies to certain substances, have a
history of other diseases, are pregnant, or have been infected with
Covid-19 before, tell the officers honestly.

Why we should tell truth? Because by telling the truth about our
condition, the officer will give the right dose and type of vaccine.
This can reduce unwanted side effects of vaccines by the body

so, thats all for today tips. if you want

to know more tips, always join us at
106.8 fox light radio.


PRESENTER Fullshineiis. Thank you
and have a great day, byebye

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