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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Structural Frame Worksheet

The situation at Microsoft O365 and Dynamics Support involves a technology company seeking
to enhance its product development processes. My role within Microsoft O365 and Dynamics
Support encompasses overseeing project management, ensuring successful project execution,
and navigating the challenges associated with improving organizational processes.

The Influence of Organizational Structure on the Situation (Structural Frame): The

existing organizational structure plays a crucial role in either supporting or hindering the
adoption of Agile practices. Traditional hierarchies and rigid roles may impede the flexibility,
collaboration, and iterative development emphasized by Agile. Identifying hierarchical barriers
and assessing how processes align with Agile principles is vital for a successful transition within
the Microsoft O365 and Dynamics Support context.

The Impact of Human Resource Practices on Agile (Human Resource Frame): The Human
Resource Frame comes into play as Agile places a strong emphasis on people. Evaluating how
well current HR practices support teamwork, employee empowerment, and continuous learning
is essential. Aligning HR practices with Agile values, such as fostering self-organizing teams and
a culture of adaptability, becomes critical for the success of Agile adoption within the Microsoft
O365 and Dynamics Support environment.

Using Structure for an Alternative Course of Action (Political Frame): The Political Frame
addresses power dynamics, crucial in an Agile context. Workshops and discussions can be
facilitated to address power imbalances within Microsoft O365 and Dynamics Support, ensuring
decision-making authority is decentralized to teams. Identifying and mitigating resistance to
change and political dynamics are essential steps in fostering a collaborative culture aligned with
Agile principles.

Reflecting on Agile Adoption (Symbolic Frame): The Symbolic Frame focuses on

organizational culture and symbols. Reflecting on Agile adoption at Microsoft O365 and
Dynamics Support, it's crucial to assess how well the current culture supports Agile principles
like transparency, trust, and innovation. Adapting symbols, rituals, and language within the
organization to foster an Agile mindset is key for long-term success.

To align Microsoft O365 and Dynamics Support with Agile principles, the following
recommendations are proposed:

Restructuring Teams:
• Implement cross-functional teams, breaking down silos and promoting collaboration across
departments within Microsoft O365 and Dynamics Support. This fosters a more flexible and
responsive structure, allowing for quicker adaptation to changing project requirements.

Promoting a Culture of Collaboration:
• Introduce training programs to instill Agile principles and practices among team members at
Microsoft O365 and Dynamics Support. Encourage open communication, knowledge sharing,
and a culture of continuous improvement to enhance collaboration and innovation.

Addressing Power Imbalances:

• Facilitate workshops and discussions to address power imbalances within Microsoft O365 and
Dynamics Support. Ensure that decision-making authority is distributed across teams, promoting
a more inclusive and democratic approach that aligns with Agile values.

Fostering Agile-friendly Symbols and Rituals:

• Introduce Agile rituals such as daily stand-ups, sprint reviews, and retrospectives within
Microsoft O365 and Dynamics Support. Establish visual boards and other symbols that
communicate the team's commitment to Agile principles and create a shared understanding of

Reflection on Agile Adoption and Future Approach:

Reflecting on the Agile adoption process within Microsoft O365 and Dynamics Support, I
acknowledge the positive impact on project dynamics. In the future, I would emphasize the
importance of clear communication and change management to mitigate potential resistance.
Additionally, I would continue to foster a culture of openness and adaptability, ensuring that
Agile principles are not only adopted but ingrained in the organizational DNA. This experience
reinforces the value of embracing change and continuous improvement for long-term success in
project management within a dynamic technology environment.


Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2021). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership
(7th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

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