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Edwin Matute

Committee: World Health Organization

Topic A: Establishing secure access to healthcare in conflict zones.

School: Santa Theresa Bilingual School

Ensuring secure access to healthcare in conflict zones is a pressing humanitarian concern

that demands urgent attention and concerted international action. As conflicts persist, civilians

often face dire health consequences, including limited access to essential medical services, the

destruction of healthcare infrastructure, and attacks on healthcare workers. Establishing secure

access to healthcare in conflict zones is not only a matter of saving lives but also upholding

fundamental human rights and international humanitarian law. In addressing this critical issue,

the international community must collaborate effectively to safeguard the health and well-being

of vulnerable populations trapped in conflict situations.

Poland is currently experiencing a migration crisis due to the persistent military conflict

in Ukraine. Beyond accommodation and basic needs, the 1.8 million Ukrainian refugees in

Poland require access to healthcare. We aim to offer different strategies for adapting the Polish

healthcare system to address the challenges posed by the influx of Ukrainian refugees. This

being said, Poland recognizes the importance and has been involved in global efforts to reinforce

secure access to healthcare in conflict zones., as a member of the European Union and a

participant in international humanitarian efforts, is willing to advocate for establishing secure

access to healthcare in conflict zones. The EU often engages in capacity-building activities and
training programs for healthcare professionals in conflict zones. Poland, through its collaboration

with the EU, may contribute expertise and resources to enhance the capabilities of healthcare

workers in volatile environments. Poland's membership in the EU enhances its capacity to

contribute to initiatives aimed at establishing secure access to healthcare in conflict zones. The

collaborative nature of EU efforts ensures a more comprehensive and impactful response to the

complex challenges faced in conflict-affected regions.

Some suggested strategies are

● Securing the availability of human, material and financial resources are available to

promptly respond to emerging health threats.

● Adapting the distribuition or redistribuiton of resources to address the new or increased

requirements of health care entities when faced with a sudden and significant surge in

patient numbers.

● Creating a database of effective methodologies by leveraging the experiences of diverse

health systems and mutual learning.

● Establishing safe corridors to allow the unimpeded movement of medical personnel,

supplies, and patients can facilitate healthcare access in conflict zones. Negotiating with

conflicting parties for the creation of these corridors is crucial.

● Investing in training local healthcare workers and building their capacity can help ensure

a sustainable healthcare infrastructure. Empowering local communities to address basic

healthcare needs is crucial.


Prusaczyk, A., Bogdan, M., Vinker, S., Gujski, M., Żuk, P., Kowalska-Bobko, I., Karczmarz, S.,

Oberska, J., & Lewtak, K. (2023). Health care organization in Poland in light of the

refugee crisis related to the military conflict in Ukraine. International Journal of

Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(5), 3831.

World Health Organization: WHO. (2022, March 8). Food, medical attention, a safe haven:

Poland responds to the Ukraine crisis with an emphasis on the physical and mental health

of refugees. WHO.



stg-webmarketing. (2022, April 8). POLAND: FIRST EMERGENCY MEASURES IN PLACE -.

Première Urgence Internationale.

Edwin Matute

Committee: World Health Organization

Topic B: Developing measures to confront the local effects of climate change on global health.

Confronting the local effects of climate change on global health is a pressing challenge

demanding international cooperation and innovative strategies. As climate-related impacts

intensify, the need to develop effective measures becomes paramount. Addressing the

intersection of climate change and public health requires collaborative efforts to mitigate risks,

adapt healthcare systems, and enhance community resilience. Delegates must deliberate on

comprehensive solutions that prioritize the health and well-being of populations globally,

recognizing the interconnectedness of climate change and its profound implications on global

health security.

The escalating impacts of climate change are significantly affecting Poland, with

observable increases in heatwaves, droughts, and floods. Despite having adaptation plans in

place for the past decade, the effectiveness of these measures is hindered by a lack of

coordination and monitoring. This limitation has impeded the optimal implementation of

strategies designed to mitigate and adapt to the changing climate conditions. The escalating

impacts of climate change are significantly affecting Poland, with observable increases in

heatwaves, droughts, and floods. Despite having adaptation plans in place for the past decade,

the effectiveness of these measures is hindered by a lack of coordination and monitoring. This
limitation has impeded the optimal implementation of strategies designed to mitigate and adapt

to the changing climate conditions.

Poland is devoted to implement the following measures:

● Climate-Resilient Healthcare Infrastructure: Invest in infrastructure that can withstand

climate-related challenges, ensuring healthcare facilities are resilient to extreme weather

events and changing environmental conditions.

● Research and Surveillance: Conduct comprehensive research to understand local health

impacts, identify vulnerable populations, and establish surveillance systems to monitor

climate-related health risks.

● Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture: Encourage and support sustainable agricultural

practices to ensure food security and reduce the impact of climate change on nutrition and

related health issues.

● Disaster Preparedness and Response Plans: Develop and regularly update disaster

preparedness and response plans specifically addressing the health implications of

climate-related disasters.
● Green Urban Planning: Implement urban planning strategies that promote green spaces,

sustainable transportation, and climate-resilient infrastructure, contributing to overall

public health and well-being.


Lack of coordination and monitoring slows climate adaptation in Poland. (2023, March 30).

Clean Energy Wire.


Poland — English. (n.d.). Climate-ADAPT.

How does climate change affect Poland? (2022, November 18). ClientEarth.

Home. (n.d.).


Public Health Adaptation Strategies for Climate Change | US EPA. (2023, December 20). US


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