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To download a free Urdu Font, visit the website provided below and

select the font you want to download. Then click on the "Download"
After downloading the font, it will be saved in the form of a .RAR file.
You need to extract the files from the .RAR file and then install all the
fonts to your PC.
Follow these steps to install the fonts and write Urdu in Adobe

1. Install the fonts on your PC by extracting the files from the

downloaded .RAR file.
2. Restart your PC after installing the fonts.
3. Open Adobe Illustrator.
4. Go to the menu "Edit."
5. Click on "Preferences."
6. Select the "Type" menu, which will open a new window.
7. Click the checkbox "Show Indic Options" and click the "OK"
8. Now you can write in the Urdu language, but first, you need to
change the language from English to Urdu by pressing the
shortcut key "ALT + Shift."
9. Use the type tool or press the shortcut key "T" to write anything
in Urdu.
10. You can choose between available composers from the
Paragraph panel menu (Windows > Paragraph > panel menu)
and select the "Middle Eastern & South Asian Single-Line
Please note that if you install fonts on your computer, they will
generally be available for use in Adobe Illustrator without any
additional steps.
Here's how it works:

1. To use a font in Adobe Illustrator, you first need to install it on

your computer's operating system.
2. Download the font files (usually in .ttf or .otf format) from a
reputable source or purchase them.
3. Install the fonts by double-clicking on the font files and clicking
the "Install" button.
4. Once the fonts are installed on your computer, they should
automatically be available in Adobe Illustrator without any extra

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