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Name: Jerry Mae H.

Sacasan Subject: EGE-GAS

Course/Year: BEED- Generalist /1st Year


The ARIEL advertisement shows a stereotype kind of ads. Its shows how should be
a women do as a wife doing chores etc. while she was on job. Despite for that we all
known that advertising stereotypes may influence customers and society at large in
both positive and bad ways. In this advertisement it clearly shows or it convey a
message to the target audience. However, the ads also show’s negative impact of
stereotype from gender and cultural norms. Customers who do not fit the
advertisement's stereotyped picture could feel left out or offended, which could make
them less inclined to buy the item or service.
Eventually, many barriers have been removed and women have made significant
strides toward equality. Today, women can pursue careers and education without
encountering the same level of discrimination as in the past. Additionally, women are
making significant strides in politics and are increasingly filling executive positions in
both business and government. Although the progress is still working for women’s
equality, because many women are facing inequality and I believe that not only for
women but also in LGBTQ community.
I am flabbergasted at the end of the commercial, because there is a realization
between the couple especially the husband, there is possible for equality now a days
we just need to accept the reality of the world’s imperfections. And lastly, Advertising
professionals must be aware of the possible drawbacks of exploiting stereotypes in
their work. In order to prevent propagating negative preconceptions, advertisers
should work to develop inclusive and varied commercials that represent the genuine
variety of society.

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