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Nordia Geographical Publications 40: 4, 13–30 Teemu Palosaari

The Amazing Race. On resources, conlict,

and cooperation in the Arctic.

Teemu Palosaari
Tampere Peace Research Institute TAPRI, University of Tampere, Finland

Abstract: The article uncovers factors that point towards continuing peaceful develop-
ment in the Arctic. Contrast to the grim visions of an Arctic Race to the resources, there
is a process where international law, UN conventions, environmental regimes and sci-
entiic guidelines are followed. Consequently, the main security challenges in the Arctic
are not related to traditional interstate security questions. Instead of issues like maritime
delimitation or cold water military capacities we should be more concerned about human
and environmental security. To this end, the article analyses the local dilemma between
traditional means of livelihood and modern hydrocarbon industry, global environmental
impacts of glacier melting, and moral issues related to the utilization of the new Arctic
oil and gas resources (the so-called Arctic paradox).

Introduction “Arctic Race” in which the coastal states

US, Russia, Canada, Denmark, Iceland and
Norway are competing for the ownership
of and control over the new oil and gas
“Loss of ice will mean extinction for many species, resources and the transport routes. Many
including one of the world’s most iconic animals, “non-Arctic” actors, such as China and
the polar bear. But perhaps most importantly, the Japan, have also shown increasing interest
scramble for the Arctic’s minerals may lead to in Arctic activities lately. Consequently, the
conlicts that threaten not only iconic animals, but conflict potential in the Arctic has been
world peace itself.” repeatedly in the headlines. The climate
– Richard Sale, the Scramble for the Arctic change is presented as a factor that results
(2009, 9). in growing political and military tensions
between the Arctic states. The evidence
Ice melts, world peace is threatened, for this view has, however, has usually been
writes glaciologist Richard Sale. And he found in individual events, such as military
has certainly not been the only one to exercises or lag planting underneath and
propagate such a view. Thanks to the above the Arctic Ocean’s surface.
ongoing melting of the Arctic Ocean To contrast that view, it is argued in this
sea ice the Arctic natural resources have article that while ice melts, peace prevails. There
become an increasingly topical issue in are numerous factors that point towards
international politics. The media often continuing peaceful development in the
describes the situation as a “Cold Rush” or Arctic. So, no Arctic Race to the resources,

The Amazing Race. On resources, conlict and... NGP Yearbook 2011

no “Wild North”, let alone new Cold War – A complex scientiic debate is ongoing
but rather a process where international law, on the impacts of climate change on the
UN conventions, environmental regimes Arctic ice melting. For the purposes of this
and scientific guidelines are followed. article the following mainstream indings are
Thus, what is amazing about the “Race” found suficient: the average temperature in
is that there actually are clear rules, which the region has risen and rises faster than in
are followed, and that peaceful change and any other area in the globe2 and the ice cap
territorial claims in resource-rich areas is shrinking3. The environmental impacts of
coexist. climate change are naturally more diverse
Furthermore, it is argued here that the and concern flora and fauna as well as
traditional, state-centred hard security traditional means of livelihood (see e.g.
concerns draw attention away from the ACIA 2004, 2005), but the sea-ice retreat
actual Arctic security problems, which relate alone has effects on international politics
to environmental and human security. Thus, – on which this article focuses.
the second key argument of the article is that The article is structured so that in order
the main security challenges in the Arctic are to provide background and context for
not related to traditional interstate security the analysis, a brief comparison of the
questions. Instead of issues like maritime 1990s and the current situation in the
delimitation or cold water military capacities Arctic is presented irst. That is followed
we should be more concerned about a) by an analysis of two main International
the local level: for instance the dilemma Relations interpretations of the Arctic (state
between traditional means of livelihood sovereignty and international governance
and modern hydrocarbon industry b) global perspectives). It is explained how both
environmental impacts of glacier melting, perspectives support the conclusion that
and c) moral issues related to the utilization peaceful change is likely to continue in the
of the new Arctic oil and gas resources (the Arctic. Final part of the article discusses
so-called Arctic paradox). topical environmental and human security
Concepts originating from Peace issues in the Arctic and explains how
Research are applied here on the Arctic case solving these problems could contribute
to give a general framework for analysis.1 A to the strengthening of positive peace in
purpose of the article is to point out that the area.
deeper transformation from negative peace
(absence of war/violence) into positive
peace (integration, cooperation) in the
Arctic still calls for solving dilemmas that
concern environmental and human security.
Although the Arctic is best described as a
case of continuing peaceful change, there
is no lack of environmental and human
security problems.

Nordia Geographical Publications 40: 4, 13–30 Teemu Palosaari

The comeback of the Arctic: international action in the Arctic during the
a comparison of 1990s and 1990s. The states utilized environmental is-
the current Arctic wave sues as “soft”, non-ideological, almost non-
political themes with which to start coop-
The irst Arctic wave: eration. The cooperation then materialised
post-Cold War euphoria as various initiatives and organizations in
the region: AEPS, Arctic Council, Barents
During the Cold War the Arctic region was Euroarctic Council, International Arctic
central from the military perspective, but Science Committee IASC, Arctic Military
otherwise marginal and peripheral (Pal- Environmental Cooperation AMEC, etc.
osaari & Möller 2004). The Arctic sea and The resulting international cooperation
land areas played an important role in the in environmental issues, culture, science,
strategies of the superpowers US and So- tourism and other soft themes played a
viet Union (Jalonen 1992, Heininen 1992). noteworthy role in the process where solu-
The international cooperation in the Arctic tions were sought for in order to mitigate
gained momentum in the early 1990s – in the Cold War tensions (see Åtland 2008).
fact, cooperation had started to evolve even At the same time the founding of various
before the end of the Cold War. Coopera- regional and subregional organizations,
tion started with environmental issues, they international treaties and other institutions
were perceived as “low politics” that were meant that new non-state international ac-
easier to cope with in the antagonist atmos- tors were introduced to the Arctic arena.
phere. The speech by Mikhail Gorbachev At irst this took place in terms that were
in Murmansk 1987 is often presented as a deined and controlled by the states, but the
milestone in a process that increased the regionalisation process eventually resulted
international interest towards the Arctic in broader political agenda and the forms
and eventually led to the establishment of of international cooperation in the North.
various international cooperation bodies. In the 1990s desecuritization and
The so-called Rovaniemi Process and Arctic disarmament took place and the military
Environmental Protection Strategy were importance of the Arctic declined to some
among the irst forms of international co- degree (Palosaari & Möller 2004). The
operation between the Cold War parties in Arctic cooperation agenda was increasingly
the Arctic. The Ottawa Declaration of 1996 deined by environmental security instead
established the Arctic Council as a intergov- of military security. In addition to the
ernmental forum to provide a means for actual concerns on the vulnerable Arctic
promoting cooperation, coordination and environment this was influenced by the
interaction in issues of sustainable develop- fact that technological advances in ice
ment and environmental protection. The breaking and underwater drilling enabled
Arctic Indigenous peoples’ organizations new multinational oil companies’ activities
were also involved in the Council’s work. in the region – which in turn called for
The way how the Arctic Council was international cooperation, economical and
launched describes tellingly the logic of scientiic (Archer 1992).

The Amazing Race. On resources, conlict and... NGP Yearbook 2011

The political and economical change a post-sovereign process – served as the

in the North Europe after the Cold War dominant logic in international politics.
took place without any major conlicts. It The security politics of that time are best
has been argued that the region became a described by the broad security concept.
postmodern playground of regionalisation: A sector of broad security, environmental
a hub of transnational connections, cultural security, provided topics with which it was
exchange and crossborder cooperation, possible to create cooperation on many
where confrontation was replaced with levels. The relationship between local and
cooperation and new regional idealism global level enabled the political mobilisation
(see Joenniemi 1997; Browning 2005, 206). of Arctic indigenous peoples, and local
Although for instance disputes concerning political actorness was enhanced.
national resources and their utilization
were not totally lacking, they appeared
mainly inside states, especially between Second wave: dawning of a
governments and indigenous peoples “post post-Cold War Arctic”4
(Heininen 1992, 40).
In many of the studies concerning the irst
During the Cold War the local actors
Arctic wave the buzz word appears to have
had basically no inluence on how the role
been “end of the Cold War” and the role
of the Arctic in international politics was
played by the Arctic in the process leading
deined. When military security dominated
to it. The change from confrontation to
the Arctic agenda the local actors and their
cooperation inspired both political actors
interests remained in the margin. In the
and researchers: the Cold War military
1990s, however, for instance the indigenous
theatre of arms race, submarines, missiles,
peoples got a chance to participate in the
nuclear weapons turned into an area of new
Arctic international cooperation. In the
initiatives, new regionalisation, crossborder
Arctic Council the indigenous peoples’
cooperation, post-sovereign politics, fuzzy
organizations were given the status of
borders, new identities. There appears
‘Permanent Participants’. This recognized
to have been a general feeling prevailing
the concerns of the indigenous peoples
according to which “everything is possible”:
and gave the local actors the possibility to
an era of new politics had begun. The
participate in a new way. Thus the introduc-
second Arctic wave, or the situation in the
tion of environmental security in the Arctic
2000s, is in many ways opposite to this.
bolstered the position of the local actors
Melting glaciers, sea level rise, environmental
and advanced their possibilities for partici-
problems and sinister visions of conlicts
pation in the political process (Palosaari &
between states on Arctic regions and
Möller 2004, 261).
sources create a feeling that everything is
Summing up, the situation in the Arctic
impossible. The buzz word, obviously, is
in the 1990s can be depicted with the
climate change.
following concepts: the key actors were
Compared to the 1990s climate change
the international and regional organizations
has by now made its way from the scientiic
founded by states. Regionalisation – basically

Nordia Geographical Publications 40: 4, 13–30 Teemu Palosaari

agenda to the political agenda. The impacts fuel and transit fees. Concerning natural
of the climate change are now more visible resources it can be noted irstly that ishing
and better documented. The securitisation leets are moving North as seas become
process related to climate change seems warmer and more navigable. Secondly,
like a textbook example of a securitisation new oil and gas resources available: Arctic
move in the environmental security sector: contains a substantial portion of the world’s
the public awareness of issues in the oil and gas reserves – the Shtokman gas
scientiic agenda increases and issues on field in the Barents Sea alone holds 113
the scientiic agenda become recognized trillion cubic feet of natural gas reserves
by policymakers. This is followed by the (which equals about twice the known gas
acceptance of political responsibility and reserves of Canada) (Offerdal 2007, 139).
arising political management questions What is typical to the second Arctic wave is
concerning “international cooperation and that there is a growing interest towards the
institutionalization, the effectiveness of region from outside of it. Non-arctic actors
unilateral national initiatives, distribution such as China, India, Japan and Philippines
of costs and beneits, free-rider dilemmas, ind the region interesting particularly from
problems of enforcement, and so forth”. the viewpoint of isheries and transport.
Clearly, the presumed urgency of climate
change has become a political issue (cf.
Buzan et al. 1999, 72). Two basic interpretations of
Another significant change has been the current situation on the
that the Arctic has become exposed to Arctic
globalisation. New ways have emerged
in which the Arctic is becoming more The Arctic political puzzle contains a
integrated part of the global economy. variety of political actors: in addition
Arctic has, actually, for long been global to the Arctic states there are a number
in the sense that there has been Northern of active intergovernmental, regional,
fishing g rounds, whaling, fur trade, indigenous, environmental, scientific
mining which connected the Arctic to and non-governmental organizations. In
markets around the world (Heininen & the academic debate there appears to be
Southcott 2010, 1). But the new forces of two major, and somewhat competing,
globalization are boosted by the climate interpretations as regards to the near future
change. Obviously there is growing interest Arctic international politics. The irst of
towards the Arctic sea routes and natural them underlines the role of states and
resources that become available as the sovereignty and the relationship between
sea-ice melts. The numbers are telling: the eight Arctic states; whereas the second
the transport route Tokyo-Amsterdam via highlights international governance and
Panama is 23 000 km and via Suez 21 000 cooperation, UN Convention on the Law
km, but via Northwest Passage 15 500 km of the Sea (UNCLOS) and environmental
and via North-East 13 500 km. This means regimes. The former can be called state
significant savings in time (10-15 days), sovereignty perspective and the latter

The Amazing Race. On resources, conlict and... NGP Yearbook 2011

international governance perspective. the rising temperatures, glacier melting

What seems to connect the views is that, in and sea level rise might result in storms,
contrast to the mainstream media picture, drought, mass migration and pandemics,
both contain a number of issues that point to the which in turn might weaken governments in
continuity of peaceful development of the Arctic. various countries and thus create instability
In the following a brief overview of both in the international system. Military security
views is presented. After that the elements policy solutions are then seen as a key
that facilitate peaceful change in the Arctic means to response to such threats. The
are discussed. defence administration in many countries
envision that climate change will cause
1. National interest and security issues and challenges in the future,
national security in the Arctic
and climate change will therefore ind its
way into the national security strategies.
Geopolitical transformation in the Arctic is
For instance in the US defence policy
a key point of departure in the state-centred
discussions environmental are no longer
view that focuses on national interest and
simply ‘soft issues’, but the so-called green
national security. The map of the Arctic
hawks have brought them to the national
is redrawn as the ice melts. New transport
strategic thinking (Chalecki 2007, Durant
routes are opening and new energy and
mineral resources become exploitable.
When the state sovereignty perspective is
From the viewpoint of national sovereignty
more speciically focused on the Arctic, the
these changes inevitably impact on the way
impact of ice retreat on issues that concern
the Arctic states view their national defence,
the national interest gets highlighted. For
territorial integrity, and control over internal
instance changes in the accessibility to energy
waters. Furthermore, the access to and
resources may have impact on the power
ownership of new energy resources is
relations between states. Consequently, in
typically regarded a national security issue.
addition to territorial defence, it becomes
To suppor t the state sovereignty
a question of oil, gas and minerals and
perspective, it can be noted that despite the
safeguarding their availability and ownership.
regionalisation process during the irst Arctic
The emphasis remains on states as sovereign
wave, the role of states remained central.
actors that compete with each other for
Many of the ‘post-sovereign’ processes
resources and power. Furthermore, it is
were actually initiated and controlled by
typically noted from this perspective that
the states. In a traditional state-centred
unlike is the case with the Antarctic, there is
security perspective the Arctic is typically
no Arctic Treaty that would limit territorial
connected to general perceived security
and sovereignty claims in the spirit of peace
threats stemming from the climate change.
and scientiic cooperation.5
These less geographically speciic threats
In addition to the retreat of ice there are
are seen to carry potential for global
other recent developments that have made
environmental crisis and even related
the extraction of new Arctic resources
military escalations. According to this view
more likely. According to Offerdal these

Nordia Geographical Publications 40: 4, 13–30 Teemu Palosaari

include the “depletion of oil and gas in the Arctic Ocean. US National Security
more southerly ields of Arctic oil- and gas- Presidential Directive on Arctic Region
producing countries, continuing unstable Policy also contradicted Russia’s claim to
political developments in producing regions bigger portion of the Arctic (9.1.2009,
elsewhere, the need for greater security in Reuters 12.1.2009). Denmark called upon a
energy supplies, high oil and gas prices, meeting of the ive Arctic coastal states to
better technology and renewed interest in discuss i.a. ways in which territorial claims
the Arctic as an energy region on the part on the sea bed can be agreed on in line with
of political as well as industrial actors” the current law of the sea. This resulted in
(Offerdal 2007, 139). Lee finds that the the Ilulissat Declaration.
Arctic together with the Antarctic forms Canada has announced funding for new
a “Polar Tension Belt”, that is to say an Arctic patrol vessels, deep-water port and
area with the most climate change which cold weather training center (Arctic Council
thus “will have the potential for the most News Service, 16 July 2008, 5 March 2008).
dramatic swings in conlict likelihood” (Lee Canada inds that the Northwest Passage
2009, 11). is part of its internal waters, rather than
From the viewpoint of traditional an international strait open to vessels from
security politics the key actors in the region every country without constraint (as for
are the Arctic states: Canada, US, Denmark, instance US considers it). So far Canada has
Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and not turned away vessels from the Passage,
Russia. Additionally, NATO and EU have even if they had not sought for Canada’s
to some extent enhanced their Arctic consent for the voyage. Up until now the
profiles (de Hoop Scheffer 2009, CNN. Northwest Passage has not been navigable
com 29.1.2009, European Commission twelve months a year, but that is likely to
2008). In addition to China and Japan change in the coming years. The Canadian
there are other Asian states that have domestic debate has touched upon Canada’s
shown interest towards the Arctic. South- ability to prevent unauthorized crossings
Korea, for instance, participates in the by foreign vessels, maritime surveillance,
activities of the Arctic Council as an ad and the related alleged “silent” threat to
hoc-observer. The current Russian security Canadian sovereignty (Byers 2009). Also
strategy emphasizes the significance of the dispute between Canada and Denmark
the Arctic. Some Russian activities have on the ownership of the tiny Hans Island
lately aimed at showing global military stretch has played a role on the Canadian politics.
in the Arctic: strategic bombers ly over The Northwest Passage is seen to have
the Arctic, Northern Fleet naval ships and noteworthy strategic signiicance to Canada
submarines conduct patrols in the Arctic, and there has been concern on US, Russian,
and military capabilities in the Arctic are British and French submarines operating
increased (BaretsObserver 13.2.2009, in the area.6
4.10.2010). US, Canada, Denmark and It has been argued that in the 21st century
Norway have responded for instance regionalism has been replaced by more
by participating in military exercises in “statist” and “modern” international

The Amazing Race. On resources, conlict and... NGP Yearbook 2011

politics in the North. Borders are no environmental security threats are global
longer fuzzy but more securitized and and cannot be tackled with military policy or
divisive again. Military capacity, internal traditional security politics of single states.
and homeland security and territoriality Consequently it is seen that international
have found their way into the discourse institutions and regimes play an important
(Browning 2005). A silent remilitarization role in the Arctic. The sovereignty of
has perhaps started in the Arctic (Palosaari states turns out to be relative: the actions
& Möller 2004). Indeed, already in the of states are delimited by the norms of
early 1990s Jalonen pointed out that “it international law. In this interpretation the
would be premature to conclude that the regionalisation that started in the 1990s has
assumptions of traditional naval thought been complemented with mechanisms of
will be discarded now that the Cold War Arctic governance. The existing international
is over. Naval thought is not a product law contains extensive rules on the utilization
of the East-West conlict but a far more of the sea areas which concern both
fundamental expression of the economic, military and commercial vessels navigation
military, and geographical foundations rights as well as the rights of coastal states.
of the foreign policies of the western There are also established rules in place
maritime powers. Therefore, he argued, it for solving cases of overlapping maritime
is reasonable to expect that especially in claims. These mechanisms also tend to
the case of the United States the navy’s reinforce themselves in the course of time:
capability for overseas deployments will as the increasing number of territorial
be maintained (Jalonen 1992, 12). In this claims are handled via the UNCLOS, the
light the current showcasing of military prestige of international law in maritime
stretch and lag waving in the Arctic is not issues increases.
a new issue caused by the climate change, Furthermore, the environmental protection
but rather a phenomenon that has longer of the seas deines national and international
historical roots. rules actions against pollution. For instance the
International Maritime Organization (IMO)
has developed security instructions for ships
2. Arctic governance and cooperation operating in the Arctic ice-covered waters.
There are also treaties that limit pollution from
In addition to the national interest and ships and ocean dumping. The Arctic Council
state-oriented perspective, the current has produced Arctic offshore oil and gas
Arctic development is often be perceived guidelines (Arctic Council 2009). Despite the
from a viewpoint that highlights the global, sea ice retreat UNCLOS continues to apply
transborder nature of threats that relate to in the Arctic and regulates and manages
ice melt and the role of international law coastal states claims in the Arctic Sea. In
in solving disputes. In this perception it the light of this the planting of the Russian
is a question of a broader security threat flag under the North Pole, for instance,
that goes beyond the threats on territorial carries no legal signiicance. (Corell 2008,
integrity or sovereignty of the states. The Gahr Støre 2008, Arctic Council News

Nordia Geographical Publications 40: 4, 13–30 Teemu Palosaari

Archive 27.3.2008). US did not ratify the Conclusion: peaceful

UNCLOS but has lately showed signals that change in the Arctic
it might joint the treaty (National Security
Presidential Directive on Arctic Region At the outset of the article I pointed out
Policy, 9.1.2009). views according to which the melting of
Environmental security holds a central Arctic ice may lead to military conlicts and
place on the agenda of Arctic international even threatened the world peace. However,
cooperation. The risks related to climate in the light of the above-presented two
change are now more consistently analysed main interpretations less conlict-oriented
and reported and communicated to the conclusions appear more convincing.
public and policy-makers. Particularly the Firstly, from the state-centred perspective, a
working groups of the Arctic Council as conclusion can be drawn that the development
well as WWF Arctic Programme and UNEP in the Arctic is likely to remain peaceful. In
have been active in this work. In 1990 it was a historical perspective it is clear that the
still possible to consider “ignorance, or previous era of antagonism between states
insuficient scientiic knowledge regarding in the Arctic has been replaced by more
the physical and biological processes in the cooperative relations. During the Cold War the
northern environment” as an outstanding Arctic became a central stage of the arms race
threat to the Arctic environment (Stokke between the super powers, but after that states
1990, 23). Currently, however, the envi- have managed to create stability in the region,
ronmental threats have been identiied and and it is in their interests to keep it that way. For
demonstrated so that they have aroused instance, when it comes to maritime claims
international political attention. It is no in the Arctic, the rules of international
longer question of lack of knowledge but law as well as the procedures of the UN
of inding suficient political will to act. Conclusion of the Law of the Sea have been
From the perspective of international followed by all. As political instability and
governance the Arctic Council has played a conlicts continue in many of the traditional
signiicant role, despite its non-binding, soft oil production areas around the globe, the
law status. The working groups of AC have Arctic is seen as a welcome exception in
made substantive contributions in the ‘fact- this respect. Additionally, the challenging
finding domain’ through environmental environmental conditions in the Arctic
research and monitoring. Arctic Council mean that international cooperation is often
has also enhanced political mobilisation of needed in making possible the exploitation
the indigenous peoples by offering chances of the undersea natural resources.
for representation. (Stokke 2007.) Their Consequently, drawing similarities
expertise and knowledge on climate issues, between the Cold War and the current
snowhow, has been used in the scientiic second Arctic wave is, to put it bluntly,
research on climate change (ACIA 2005). stupid. It makes no sense to talk about a

The Amazing Race. On resources, conlict and... NGP Yearbook 2011

”new Cold War” in the Arctic. There is wide security agenda, and crossborder
no ideological antagonism, and the Arctic cooperation have gained a recognized
is far from being a military theatre similar role in the Arctic politics. Consequently,
to the 1970s and 1980s – when it served the mechanisms of Arctic governance are
as a main military theatre in the arms race already in place. From the viewpoint of
between US and Soviet Union. The strategic international governance, polar ice melt and
situation that unfolded there after the late other environmental impacts of the climate
1960s provided a ”good example of a change can be perceived as a common,
classic security dilemma” (Jalonen 1992, global threat which calls for cooperation
6). Military expansion started in the 1970s between all Arctic actors. Thus, rather than
when the Soviet Union and US appeared in causing tensions between the states, climate
the Northern seas to maintain ”the global change can give a boost to international
balance of power” (Käkönen 1992, 67). cooperation and further strengthen the
In the 1980s the strategic development institutions of multilevel Arctic governance.
(Soviet Northern Fleet, US Naval strategy, This also challenges the narrow views on
submarines, missiles) further increased the national sovereignty, interest and presents
strategic importance of the Arctic (Archer a broader view on security. The global
1992, 100). attention on the melting of the North Pole
In such historical perspective it becomes and Greenland’s glaciers will also bring the
clear that the 1990s witnessed a change Arctic issues into the international agenda
from confrontation to cooperation. Stability defined as environmental and human
and peaceful institutionalized cooperation security issues, rather than as traditional
was achieved, and continues to be valued national security issues.
by all the key actors in the region. The Summing up, it can be stated that
value of international law is also widely although often reported otherwise, the
acknowledged, as manifested, for instance, scramble for the Arctic’s minerals is unlikely
by the Ilulissat Declaration: “the law of to lead to conflicts that would threaten
the sea provides for important rights and the peaceful development in the region
obligations concerning the delineation of (Table 1). Moreover, it is dificult to see any
the outer limits of the continental shelf, concrete evidence of an ”emerging Polar
the protection of the marine environment, Tension Belt”, as suggested by Lee (2009),
including ice-covered areas, freedom of where ”populations will move on large
navigation, marine scientiic research, and scale” and ”arms race in terms of Cold
other uses of the sea. We remain committed Water military capabilities” will take place
to this legal framework and to the orderly (Lee 2009, 119-122).
settlement of any possible overlapping Consequently, it can be asked where does
claims.” (Ilulissat Declaration 2008; US, the biased conlict-centred Arctic vision
Russia, Denmark, Norway, Canada.) then stem from? The Arctic resources and
Since the 1990s various international seabed mapping have been in the headlines
and regional organizations have emerged in and repeatedly in a way that highlights the
the Arctic region. Environmental regimes, perceived conlict potential.7 A reason for

Nordia Geographical Publications 40: 4, 13–30
Table 1. Two interpretations of the current situation in the Arctic and the elements supporting peaceful development.

State sovereignty International governance

Actors Arctic states IGOs (AC, BEAC)
Japan, China? NGOs
Multinational corporations?
Dominant logic National interest Global interest, the commons
Resource competition Law of the sea
Territorial integrity Arctic governance, regimes
Security Military security. Environmental security
Climate change as a cause Climate change as a common, unifying
of disputes threat
Role of the indigenous Remarginalization. A8+
peoples Greenland: towards Snowhow,
statehood? grassroots climate expertise.
Increasing political mobilization
Background in the Regionalisation controlled Environmental security and international
first Arctic wave by states institutions challenged the statist paradigm

Elements that support Conflict-free oil and gas Strengthening mechanisms of

the peaceful change production area. international law and regimes.
Stability created in the early UNCLOS.
1990s. Active NGOs.
Similar interests and clear Global climate change attention towards
rules with a tradition to the Arctic.

Teemu Palosaari
follow the rules.
The Amazing Race. On resources, conlict and... NGP Yearbook 2011

this biased media hype can be located in the Environmental and human security
ongoing securitization process concerning
the climate change. Climate change is In the above-presented analysis it was shown
becoming an increasingly weighty topic in that from the viewpoint of negative peace
international security politics. According to the conclusion is that world peace is not
the logic of securitization this means that threatened by Arctic issues, and that there is
climate change is constructed as an issue no real potential for military conlict in the
that is beyond normal politics, a question area currently. The Arctic is characterized
that calls for exceptional measures. When by absence of direct violence and there is
the related securitisation move is successful, very low likelihood that such would occur.
climate change is socially constructed However, from the perspective of positive
as a global emergency that threatens the peace the picture is more complex. The
whole biosphere and humankind. As a remaining of the article is motivated by the
by-product of this process, when Arctic question: Is there “indirect” or “structural”
issues are discussed in the context of global violence in the Arctic?8 It is argued that
climate change it is the conlict scenarios, the key security challenges in the Arctic
rather than the continuation of peaceful are related to environmental security, and
development, that get highlighted. that in addition to the vulnerability of the
Secondly, what also might explain the Arctic nature more wide-ranging issues are
attraction of Arctic conlict scenarios are at stake.
the romantic historical visions that concern
the polar expeditions in North and South.
The heroic and patriotic races to conquer The Arctic paradox
the white spots on the map (such as the
epic race Amundsen vs. Scott), naming The faster we use fossil fuels, the sooner
new geographical areas in the honor of we get access to new oil and gas resources.
the motherland and struggles against the This is the Arctic paradox: hydrocarbon use
forces of nature still resonate with the contributes to the climate warming, which
public consciousness when it comes to the makes the Arctic sea-ice melt and new oil
Arctic. Similarly, the history of the Cold and gas resources become available. Using
War has left a persistent mark on how Arctic those resources then further accelerates
affairs are perceived in the media: far too climate warming.
often the situation is understood simply So far this paradox has not had signiicant
as a rivalry between US and Russia, West impact on the national Arctic strategies
and East over the control of the Arctic. of the Arctic states, despite the global
As a result the complexity of the Arctic climate debate surrounding the UN climate
case is oversimpliied and seen merely as a talks. The moral dilemma regarding the
question of military security. Arctic energy resources has not really
yet been grasped by the state sovereignty
perspective or international governance
viewpoint. Nevertheless, the first calls

Nordia Geographical Publications 40: 4, 13–30 Teemu Palosaari

for moratorium on industrial activities foreign minister.)10 Green concerns by the

in areas historically covered by sea-ice EU, for instance, have been perceived as
by NGOs have taken place. Greenpeace form of neo-colonialism – the developed
has argued that Arctic oil in such areas world has for long exploited oil resources,
should remain untouched.9 Similarly, the but when oil is found in indigenous peoples’
indigenous peoples organizations have tried lands it is claimed that they may not beneit
to highlight the issue: from it.

“[S]ea ice has helped sustain Inuit for thousands

of years. And now it is thinning and melting. We The environmental dimension
need the ice to access our resources and to sustain of global Arctic
us. Ironically, and perhaps tragically, others need
The typical perception of globalization of
the ice to melt so that they can access easier travel
the Arctic can be symbolized by the Chinese
routes and resources found deep beneath our world,
icebreaker, Snow Dragon, operating in the
the Inuit homelands.”
Arctic waters. However, the global Arctic
– Patricia Cochran, Inuit Circumpolar Council
has other dimensions too: it is a broader
Chair 29.4.2009.
issue than just the growing interest towards
the Northern sea routes and ishing stocks
What also complicates the picture is the
by the non-Arctic states. The environmental
Greenland’s goal to gain full independence.
impacts of climate change mean that what
Becoming economically self-suficient with
happens in Arctic has effects globally. Sea-
the help of its possible petroleum resources
level rise affects coastal regions throughout
is seen as a step towards sovereign Greenland
the world. In Bangladesh, for instance, the
state (Kuupik Kleist, Greenland’s Prime
sea level rise is complemented with the
Minister, 10.1.2011). Issues concerning
melting of Himalayan glaciers which has
melting ice and oil production have already
caused erosion and looding and saltwater
resulted in internal tensions in the inuit
intrusion into aquifers and freshwater
community. Arctic mining and offshore oil
habitats. This has led to consequent loss
and gas development have been divisive
of agricultural land and mangrove forests.
issues. A related dilemma concerns the
In search for new land for agriculture local
tensions between modern oil and mining
population has been forced to move into the
industries and the traditional means of
natural habitat of Bengal tigers. Therefore,
livelihood (ishing, hunting).
as has been the case with the polar bears in
From the perspective of human security
the Arctic, the habitat of tigers has declined
the issue is complicated, as it ultimately
due to melting glaciers. (See WWF Climate
concerns local people’s right to social and
Change Programme 2003.)
economic wellbeing. Pleas for moratorium
The most obvious environmental security
has been rejected by arguing that “what
issue in the Arctic stems from the vulnerability
the rest of you have been beneiting from
of the Arctic nature. That point has been well
should not be denied to us in the Arctic”
driven home by the work of the AEPS, Arctic
(Inuuteq Holm Olsen, Greenland deputy

The Amazing Race. On resources, conlict and... NGP Yearbook 2011

Council and other Arctic environmental in the Arctic environmental thinking and
actors. Issues like persistent organic cooperation. Also the local level dilemma
contaminants, heavy metals, radiation, between traditional livelihood and modern
military waste, acidiication, biodiversity hydrocarbon industry, and even the above-
conservation, sources and pathways of mentioned moral issues, should ind their
pollutants, their impact on lora and fauna, way to the established Arctic cooperation
long range pollution, protection of marine agenda, both in the form of interstate
environment, etc. have become integrated cooperation and international governance.
in the well-established Arctic international This would further strengthen the peaceful
cooperation. Lately the risks related to development towards more positive peace
growing oil and gas transportation and in the Arctic.
extraction have also steadily made their
way to the international awareness and
to the agenda of Arctic governance and End notes
cooperation. As the Emergency Prevention,
Preparedness and Response working Peace Research is seen here as ”an intel-
group of the Arctic Council (EPPR) states lectual enterprise devoted to answering
the “harsh conditions and the lack of a simple – or is it a complex – question:
infrastructure in much of the Arctic create what are the causes of war and conlict and
a higher vulnerability to emergencies than what are the conditions of peace?” (Dunn
in more temperate climates.”11 The recent 2005, 7).
oil accident in the Gulf of Mexico has
caused discussion on the risks of “BPing” In 2000-2007 the spring temperature
the Arctic. The cleanup work in the Arctic has been on the average 4 degrees higher
conditions would be extremely difficult: than between 1970-1999 (US National
“Industry representatives acknowledge Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
that they still have no effective way to clean NOAA).
up oil under ice. (…) Recent experiments
conducted by a coalition of oil companies In September 2007 the amount of ice
fall far short of the needed proof that was 50% smaller than in the 1950s and
oil spills can be contained in arctic ice.” 1970s (National Snow and Ice data Center,
(Norlen & Gordon, The Circle No.1 2010) University of Colorado 2008). According
Moreover, the environmental impact of to NASA the permanent ice cap around
the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska still the North Pole has thinned 40% between
continues.12 2004 and 2008 (NASA 2009). The satellite
What this conventional view on Arctic pictures too indicate a signiicant change
environment has so far largely missed, (see e.g. NASA Earth Observatory, http://
however, are the global dimensions of
Arctic environmental change. The link
between Arctic glacier melting and global
sea-level rise ought to be better incorporated

Nordia Geographical Publications 40: 4, 13–30 Teemu Palosaari

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