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The passage below is accompanied by a set of six questions. Choose the best answer to each question.

Imagine three kids running around a maypole, forming a chain with their arms. The innermost kid is holding the pole with one hand. The
faster they run, the more centrifugal force there is tearing the chain apart. The tighter they grip, the more centripetal force there is
holding the chain together. Eventually centrifugal force exceeds centripetal force and the chain breaks.

That’s essentially what is happening in this country, N.Y.U.’s Jonathan Haidt argued in a lecture delivered to the Manhattan Institute in
November. He listed some of the reasons centrifugal forces may now exceed centripetal: the loss of the common enemies we had in
World War II and the Cold War, an increasingly fragmented media, the radicalization of the Republican Party, and a new form of
identity politics, especially on campus.

Haidt made the interesting point that identity politics per se is not the problem. Identity politics is just political mobilization around
group characteristics. The problem is that identity politics has dropped its centripetal elements and become entirely centrifugal.

Martin Luther King described segregation and injustice as forces tearing us apart. He appealed to universal principles and our common
humanity as ways to heal prejudice and unite the nation. He appealed to common religious principles, the creed of our founding fathers
and a common language of love to drive out prejudice. King “framed our greatest moral failing as an opportunity for centripetal
redemption,” Haidt observed.

From an identity politics that emphasized our common humanity, we’ve gone to an identity politics that emphasizes having a common
enemy. On campus these days, current events are often depicted as pure power struggles — oppressors acting to preserve their privilege
over the virtuous oppressed.

“A funny thing happens,” Haidt said, “when you take young human beings, whose minds evolved for tribal warfare and us/them
thinking, and you fill those minds full of binary dimensions. You tell them that one side in each binary is good and the other is bad. You
turn on their ancient tribal circuits, preparing them for battle. Many students find it thrilling; it floods them with a sense of meaning and

The problem is that tribal common-enemy thinking tears a diverse nation apart. This pattern is not just on campus. Look at the negative
polarization that marks our politics. Parties, too, are no longer bound together by creeds but by enemies.

In 1994, only 16 percent of Democrats had a “very unfavorable” view of the G.O.P. Now, 38 percent do. Then, only 17 percent of
Republicans had a “very unfavorable” view of Democrats. Now, 43 percent do. When the Pew Research Center asked Democrats and
Republicans to talk about each other, they tended to use the same words: closed-minded, dishonest, immoral, lazy, and unintelligent.
Furthermore, it won’t be easy to go back to the common-humanity form of politics. King was operating when there was high social trust.
He could draw on a biblical metaphysic debated over 3,000 years. He could draw on an American civil religion that had been refined
over 300 years.

Over the past two generations, however, excessive individualism and bad schooling have corroded both of those sources of cohesion.

In 1995, the French intellectual Pascal Bruckner published “The Temptation of Innocence,” in which he argued that excessive
individualism paradoxically leads to in-group/out-group tribalism. Modern individualism releases each person from social obligation, but
“being guided only by the lantern of his own understanding, the individual loses all assurance of a place, an order, a definition. He may
have gained freedom, but he has lost security.”

In societies like ours, individuals are responsible for their own identity, happiness and success. “Everyone must sell himself as a person
in order to be accepted,” Bruckner wrote. We all are constantly comparing ourselves to others and, of course, coming up short. The
biggest anxiety is moral. We each have to write our own gospel that defines our own virtue.

The easiest way to do that is to tell a tribal oppressor/oppressed story and build your own innocence on your status as victim. Just about
everybody can find a personal victim story. Once you’ve identified your herd’s oppressor — the neoliberal order, the media elite, white
males, whatever — your goodness is secure. You have virtue without obligation. Nothing is your fault.

The writer uses the maypole example in order to …

Explain that when the centrifugal force exceeds the centripetal force the chain breaks.
Resolve the differences between the political attitudes of various people, who act in ways similar to these forces that are centrifugal
or centripetal.
Explain the current political scenario in which the force of identity politics has broken the chain of common humanity.
Capture the fundamental notions of forces acting around a centre point and the reasons these forces always are of two opposing
Video Explanation:

Paragraph 2 states – “That’s essentially what is happening in this country, ………..some of the reasons centrifugal forces may now
exceed centripetal: the loss of the common enemies we had in World War II and the Cold War, an increasingly fragmented media, the
radicalization of the Republican Party, and a new form of identity politics, especially on campus.” The objective of using the maypole
as an example was thus to lead to an understanding of these opposing forces playing out in the political landscape. Option 1 is incorrect.
The example that occurs at the beginning of the essay is not used to literally explain what happens when the centrifugal force exceeds
the centripetal force. Reject option 1. Option 2 is incorrect. The maypole example is used as a starting point to explain the ideas of
forces that pull things apart and those that bring things together. It is clearly not meant to “resolve” any issues. Option 3 is correct. The
maypole example leads to an understanding of how these centrifugal and centripetal forces can be seen to operate in the political lives of
human beings. Thus option 3 correctly states that the example is used to correctly explain the current political scenario in which identity
politics has overwhelmed the binding force of a sense of common humanity. Retain option 3. Option 4 is incorrect. The example is not
meant to literally capture the notions of forces running around a centre point. Hence, [3].

Correct Answer:

Explain the current political scenario in which the force of identity politics has broken the chain of common humanity.

Time taken by you: 348 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 241 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 68 %
2)According to the passage, in terms of the political situation, what are the two forces that are of a centripetal nature?
Abstract religious notions that have been debated for thousands of years and national identities honed over hundreds of years.
Humanitarian values that have been upheld by democratic societies and individual morality that makes for a society based on
Democratic institutions that rely on individual sincerity and legal institutions that protect individual rights.
Political identities that are based on homogeneous social and religious structures and recourse to the law when individual liberties
are threatened.
Video Explanation:
Explanation: Option 1 is correct. Refer to paragraph 4: “King was operating when there was high social trust. He could draw on a
biblical metaphysic debated over 3,000 years. He could draw on an American civil religion that had been refined over 300 years.”
Option 1 refers to this when it talks of ‘Abstract religious notions that have been debated for thousands of years and national identities
honed over hundreds of years’. These two aspects are seen as the two “forces of social cohesion” or centripetal forces. This is implied in
the next line which says – “Over the past two generations, however, excessive individualism and bad schooling have corroded both of
those sources of cohesion”. Option 2 is incorrect. Humanitarian values and individual morality are not referred to in the passage as two
centripetal or cohesive forces. Option 3 is incorrect. Democratic and legal institutions are also not stated in the passage as two forces of
social cohesion. Option 4 is incorrect. Political identities and recourse to the law are not stated to be centripetal forces in the passage.
Hence, [1].
Correct Answer: Abstract religious notions that have been debated for thousands of years and national identities honed over hundreds
of years.
Time taken by you: 105 secs
Avg Time taken by all students: 28 secs
Your Attempt: Wrong
% Students got it correct: 18 %

According to the author, the ‘new form of identity politics on campuses’ is mainly a manifestation of which of the following?

The deliberate attempt to radicalise the youth on campuses by making them see themselves as belonging to a particular victim
The youth find it easy to identify themselves with a certain tribe or group, as humans have evolved to view things from the
perspective of tribalism.
The campus is a breeding ground for feelings of inferiority and superiority.
The youth on campuses are only capable of seeing situations in a binary form and cannot grasp the unity of things.
Video Explanation:

Option 1 is incorrect. The writer states that “The easiest way to do that is to tell a tribal oppressor/oppressed story and build your own
innocence on your status as victim. Just about everybody can find a personal victim story”. However, it is incorrect to say that this is the
result of a deliberate attempt to radicalise the youth – nothing in the passage can lead to this conclusion. Option 2 is correct. The sixth
paragraph states that “….when you take young human beings, whose minds evolved for tribal warfare and us/them thinking, and you
fill those minds full of binary dimensions. You tell them that one side in each binary is good and the other is bad. You turn on their
ancient tribal circuits, preparing them for battle. Many students find it thrilling; it floods them with a sense of meaning and purpose.”
Therefore option 2 is correct when it states that “The youth find it easy to identify with a certain tribe or group as humans have evolved
to view things from the perspective of tribalism.”.Option 3 is incorrect. There is no such reference to feelings of inferiority or superiority
in the passage. Option 4 is incorrect. The passage states that the minds of youth, that have evolved with tribal instincts, are filled ‘full of
binary dimensions’ on campus. It does not state or imply that the youth are only capable of ‘seeing situations in a binary form’. Hence,

Correct Answer:

The youth find it easy to identify themselves with a certain tribe or group, as humans have evolved to view things from the perspective
of tribalism.

Time taken by you: 166 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 34 secs
Your Attempt: Wrong
% Students got it correct: 26 %
4)Who does the writer refer to when he says - You have virtue without obligation – in the last paragraph.
The person who is the innocent victim of an oppressor and who has become aware of the fact that he/she is oppressed.
The person who has identified his/her status as a victim and the group that has made him/her a victim.
The person who understands that in order to fit in with those who are better than oneself, one must find one’s own story of victim
The person who decides to be a victim of circumstances and is thus able to navigate the future course of action, based on this
Video Explanation:
Explanation: Option 1 is incorrect. Refer the last paragraph where it states: “The easiest way to do that is to tell a tribal
oppressor/oppressed story and build your own innocence on your status as victim. Just about everybody can find a personal victim
story. Once you’ve identified your herd’s oppressor — the neoliberal order, the media elite, white males, whatever — your goodness is
secure. You have virtue without obligation. Nothing is your fault.” The writer sarcastically suggests that one must “build your own
innocence on your status as victim”. Therefore the person who has virtue without obligation is not actually the innocent victim. Option
2 is correct. As the last paragraph states, the person who has a tribal oppressor/oppressed story to tell, and has identified his own
victimhood as well as his herd’s oppressor can go ahead and “have virtue without obligation”. Option 3 is incorrect. There is no
reference to fitting in with those who are better than oneself. Option 4 is incorrect. The passage doesn’t imply that the “the person
decides to be a victim of circumstances” or that he is then clear about any future course of action.
Hence, [2].
Correct Answer: The person who has identified his/her status as a victim and the group that has made him/her a victim.
Time taken by you: 0 secs
Avg Time taken by all students: 33 secs
Your Attempt: Skipped
% Students got it correct: 29 %
5)According to the writer, how has Identity politics changed since Martin Luther King?
Identity politics today has more to do with politics than identities whereas earlier it was about identities and not politics.
Identity politics today is about the population following a leader whereas earlier it was about a leader understanding his followers.
Identity politics today is ubiquitous – with everyone choosing a tag to identify with, whereas earlier it was a matter of pertinence
and relevance to real issues.
Identity politics today is about grabbing power from those who have unfairly retained it and earlier it was about emphasising
common ground with the oppressor.
Video Explanation:
Explanation: Option 1 is incorrect. The passage states that identity politics was always there, even during the time of Martin Luther
King. And it was about identity, both earlier and now. Option 2 is incorrect. The passage does not make any statements about leaders
understanding their followers or populations following leaders. Option 3 is incorrect – the passage does not imply that the difference lies
in the ubiquity of identity politics. Option 4 is correct. The answer can be deduced from the fourth and the fifth paragraph. “King
“framed our greatest moral failing as an opportunity for centripetal redemption,” Haidt observed. From an identity politics that
emphasized our common humanity, we’ve gone to an identity politics that emphasizes having a common enemy. On campus these days,
current events are often depicted as pure power struggles — oppressors acting to preserve their privilege over the virtuous oppressed.”
Thus option 4 correctly states the difference in identity politics as one that is about grabbing power and about emphasising common
ground. The focus on power leads to the difference. Hence, [4].

Correct Answer: Identity politics today is about grabbing power from those who have unfairly retained it and earlier it was about
emphasising common ground with the oppressor.
Time taken by you: 38 secs
Avg Time taken by all students: 42 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 35 %

One may infer from the passage that according to Pascal Bruckner, the individualist reverts to tribalism essentially because

He feels besieged by conflicting thoughts.

He feels insecure in his individualism.
He has to sell himself as a person in order to be accepted.
He is uncertain about his own individual self
Video Explanation:

Towards the end of the passage the writer states, “In 1995, the French intellectual Pascal Bruckner published “The Temptation of
Innocence,” in which he argued that excessive individualism paradoxically leads to in-group/out-group tribalism. Modern individualism
releases each person from social obligation, but “being guided only by the lantern of his own understanding, the individual loses all
assurance of a place, an order, a definition. He may have gained freedom, but he has lost security”.” Thus, Bruckner concludes that the
individual is insecure and from this one can infer that it is the loss of security that pushes him towards tribalism. Option 1 is incorrect.
“Conflicting thoughts”, as option 1 suggests, are not the reason for the return to tribalism. Option 2 is correct. Because of “the lack of
assurance of a place”, Bruckner states that while the individual gains freedom, he loses security. And given what is said earlier about
the natural urge of humans to identify with a tribe, one can correctly infer that this insecurity acts as a trigger to tribalism in the person
who believes in individualism. Option 3 is incorrect. Bruckner is quoted as saying that the individual today “has to sell himself in order
to be accepted”. However the question as to why the individualist reverts to tribalism is answered by the quote earlier in the passage
which explains the individualist’s insecurity arising from his reliance only on himself. Thus the reason the individualist moves to
tribalism is because of insecurity and not because he has to sell himself as a person. Option 4 is incorrect. The individual is “insecure”
because of the absence of a base and not because he is “uncertain of his own individual self”. Hence, [2].

Correct Answer:

He feels insecure in his individualism.

Time taken by you: 82 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 68 secs
Your Attempt: Wrong
% Students got it correct: 52 %



The passage below is accompanied by a set of six questions. Choose the best answer to each question.

Imagine three kids running around a maypole, forming a chain with their arms. The innermost kid is holding the pole with one hand. The
faster they run, the more centrifugal force there is tearing the chain apart. The tighter they grip, the more centripetal force there is
holding the chain together. Eventually centrifugal force exceeds centripetal force and the chain breaks.

That’s essentially what is happening in this country, N.Y.U.’s Jonathan Haidt argued in a lecture delivered to the Manhattan Institute in
November. He listed some of the reasons centrifugal forces may now exceed centripetal: the loss of the common enemies we had in
World War II and the Cold War, an increasingly fragmented media, the radicalization of the Republican Party, and a new form of
identity politics, especially on campus.

Haidt made the interesting point that identity politics per se is not the problem. Identity politics is just political mobilization around
group characteristics. The problem is that identity politics has dropped its centripetal elements and become entirely centrifugal.

Martin Luther King described segregation and injustice as forces tearing us apart. He appealed to universal principles and our common
humanity as ways to heal prejudice and unite the nation. He appealed to common religious principles, the creed of our founding fathers
and a common language of love to drive out prejudice. King “framed our greatest moral failing as an opportunity for centripetal
redemption,” Haidt observed.

From an identity politics that emphasized our common humanity, we’ve gone to an identity politics that emphasizes having a common
enemy. On campus these days, current events are often depicted as pure power struggles — oppressors acting to preserve their privilege
over the virtuous oppressed.

“A funny thing happens,” Haidt said, “when you take young human beings, whose minds evolved for tribal warfare and us/them
thinking, and you fill those minds full of binary dimensions. You tell them that one side in each binary is good and the other is bad. You
turn on their ancient tribal circuits, preparing them for battle. Many students find it thrilling; it floods them with a sense of meaning and

The problem is that tribal common-enemy thinking tears a diverse nation apart. This pattern is not just on campus. Look at the negative
polarization that marks our politics. Parties, too, are no longer bound together by creeds but by enemies.

In 1994, only 16 percent of Democrats had a “very unfavorable” view of the G.O.P. Now, 38 percent do. Then, only 17 percent of
Republicans had a “very unfavorable” view of Democrats. Now, 43 percent do. When the Pew Research Center asked Democrats and
Republicans to talk about each other, they tended to use the same words: closed-minded, dishonest, immoral, lazy, and unintelligent.
Furthermore, it won’t be easy to go back to the common-humanity form of politics. King was operating when there was high social trust.
He could draw on a biblical metaphysic debated over 3,000 years. He could draw on an American civil religion that had been refined
over 300 years.

Over the past two generations, however, excessive individualism and bad schooling have corroded both of those sources of cohesion.

In 1995, the French intellectual Pascal Bruckner published “The Temptation of Innocence,” in which he argued that excessive
individualism paradoxically leads to in-group/out-group tribalism. Modern individualism releases each person from social obligation, but
“being guided only by the lantern of his own understanding, the individual loses all assurance of a place, an order, a definition. He may
have gained freedom, but he has lost security.”

In societies like ours, individuals are responsible for their own identity, happiness and success. “Everyone must sell himself as a person
in order to be accepted,” Bruckner wrote. We all are constantly comparing ourselves to others and, of course, coming up short. The
biggest anxiety is moral. We each have to write our own gospel that defines our own virtue.

The easiest way to do that is to tell a tribal oppressor/oppressed story and build your own innocence on your status as victim. Just about
everybody can find a personal victim story. Once you’ve identified your herd’s oppressor — the neoliberal order, the media elite, white
males, whatever — your goodness is secure. You have virtue without obligation. Nothing is your fault.

The writer uses the maypole example in order to …

Explain that when the centrifugal force exceeds the centripetal force the chain breaks.
Resolve the differences between the political attitudes of various people, who act in ways similar to these forces that are centrifugal
or centripetal.
Explain the current political scenario in which the force of identity politics has broken the chain of common humanity.
Capture the fundamental notions of forces acting around a centre point and the reasons these forces always are of two opposing
Video Explanation:

Paragraph 2 states – “That’s essentially what is happening in this country, ………..some of the reasons centrifugal forces may now
exceed centripetal: the loss of the common enemies we had in World War II and the Cold War, an increasingly fragmented media, the
radicalization of the Republican Party, and a new form of identity politics, especially on campus.” The objective of using the maypole
as an example was thus to lead to an understanding of these opposing forces playing out in the political landscape. Option 1 is incorrect.
The example that occurs at the beginning of the essay is not used to literally explain what happens when the centrifugal force exceeds
the centripetal force. Reject option 1. Option 2 is incorrect. The maypole example is used as a starting point to explain the ideas of
forces that pull things apart and those that bring things together. It is clearly not meant to “resolve” any issues. Option 3 is correct. The
maypole example leads to an understanding of how these centrifugal and centripetal forces can be seen to operate in the political lives of
human beings. Thus option 3 correctly states that the example is used to correctly explain the current political scenario in which identity
politics has overwhelmed the binding force of a sense of common humanity. Retain option 3. Option 4 is incorrect. The example is not
meant to literally capture the notions of forces running around a centre point. Hence, [3].

Correct Answer:

Explain the current political scenario in which the force of identity politics has broken the chain of common humanity.

Time taken by you: 348 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 241 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 68 %
2)According to the passage, in terms of the political situation, what are the two forces that are of a centripetal nature?
Abstract religious notions that have been debated for thousands of years and national identities honed over hundreds of years.
Humanitarian values that have been upheld by democratic societies and individual morality that makes for a society based on
Democratic institutions that rely on individual sincerity and legal institutions that protect individual rights.
Political identities that are based on homogeneous social and religious structures and recourse to the law when individual liberties
are threatened.
Video Explanation:
Explanation: Option 1 is correct. Refer to paragraph 4: “King was operating when there was high social trust. He could draw on a
biblical metaphysic debated over 3,000 years. He could draw on an American civil religion that had been refined over 300 years.”
Option 1 refers to this when it talks of ‘Abstract religious notions that have been debated for thousands of years and national identities
honed over hundreds of years’. These two aspects are seen as the two “forces of social cohesion” or centripetal forces. This is implied in
the next line which says – “Over the past two generations, however, excessive individualism and bad schooling have corroded both of
those sources of cohesion”. Option 2 is incorrect. Humanitarian values and individual morality are not referred to in the passage as two
centripetal or cohesive forces. Option 3 is incorrect. Democratic and legal institutions are also not stated in the passage as two forces of
social cohesion. Option 4 is incorrect. Political identities and recourse to the law are not stated to be centripetal forces in the passage.
Hence, [1].
Correct Answer: Abstract religious notions that have been debated for thousands of years and national identities honed over hundreds
of years.
Time taken by you: 105 secs
Avg Time taken by all students: 28 secs
Your Attempt: Wrong
% Students got it correct: 18 %

According to the author, the ‘new form of identity politics on campuses’ is mainly a manifestation of which of the following?

The deliberate attempt to radicalise the youth on campuses by making them see themselves as belonging to a particular victim
The youth find it easy to identify themselves with a certain tribe or group, as humans have evolved to view things from the
perspective of tribalism.
The campus is a breeding ground for feelings of inferiority and superiority.
The youth on campuses are only capable of seeing situations in a binary form and cannot grasp the unity of things.
Video Explanation:

Option 1 is incorrect. The writer states that “The easiest way to do that is to tell a tribal oppressor/oppressed story and build your own
innocence on your status as victim. Just about everybody can find a personal victim story”. However, it is incorrect to say that this is the
result of a deliberate attempt to radicalise the youth – nothing in the passage can lead to this conclusion. Option 2 is correct. The sixth
paragraph states that “….when you take young human beings, whose minds evolved for tribal warfare and us/them thinking, and you
fill those minds full of binary dimensions. You tell them that one side in each binary is good and the other is bad. You turn on their
ancient tribal circuits, preparing them for battle. Many students find it thrilling; it floods them with a sense of meaning and purpose.”
Therefore option 2 is correct when it states that “The youth find it easy to identify with a certain tribe or group as humans have evolved
to view things from the perspective of tribalism.”.Option 3 is incorrect. There is no such reference to feelings of inferiority or superiority
in the passage. Option 4 is incorrect. The passage states that the minds of youth, that have evolved with tribal instincts, are filled ‘full of
binary dimensions’ on campus. It does not state or imply that the youth are only capable of ‘seeing situations in a binary form’. Hence,

Correct Answer:

The youth find it easy to identify themselves with a certain tribe or group, as humans have evolved to view things from the perspective
of tribalism.

Time taken by you: 166 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 34 secs
Your Attempt: Wrong
% Students got it correct: 26 %
4)Who does the writer refer to when he says - You have virtue without obligation – in the last paragraph.
The person who is the innocent victim of an oppressor and who has become aware of the fact that he/she is oppressed.
The person who has identified his/her status as a victim and the group that has made him/her a victim.
The person who understands that in order to fit in with those who are better than oneself, one must find one’s own story of victim
The person who decides to be a victim of circumstances and is thus able to navigate the future course of action, based on this
Video Explanation:
Explanation: Option 1 is incorrect. Refer the last paragraph where it states: “The easiest way to do that is to tell a tribal
oppressor/oppressed story and build your own innocence on your status as victim. Just about everybody can find a personal victim
story. Once you’ve identified your herd’s oppressor — the neoliberal order, the media elite, white males, whatever — your goodness is
secure. You have virtue without obligation. Nothing is your fault.” The writer sarcastically suggests that one must “build your own
innocence on your status as victim”. Therefore the person who has virtue without obligation is not actually the innocent victim. Option
2 is correct. As the last paragraph states, the person who has a tribal oppressor/oppressed story to tell, and has identified his own
victimhood as well as his herd’s oppressor can go ahead and “have virtue without obligation”. Option 3 is incorrect. There is no
reference to fitting in with those who are better than oneself. Option 4 is incorrect. The passage doesn’t imply that the “the person
decides to be a victim of circumstances” or that he is then clear about any future course of action.
Hence, [2].
Correct Answer: The person who has identified his/her status as a victim and the group that has made him/her a victim.
Time taken by you: 0 secs
Avg Time taken by all students: 33 secs
Your Attempt: Skipped
% Students got it correct: 29 %
5)According to the writer, how has Identity politics changed since Martin Luther King?
Identity politics today has more to do with politics than identities whereas earlier it was about identities and not politics.
Identity politics today is about the population following a leader whereas earlier it was about a leader understanding his followers.
Identity politics today is ubiquitous – with everyone choosing a tag to identify with, whereas earlier it was a matter of pertinence
and relevance to real issues.
Identity politics today is about grabbing power from those who have unfairly retained it and earlier it was about emphasising
common ground with the oppressor.
Video Explanation:
Explanation: Option 1 is incorrect. The passage states that identity politics was always there, even during the time of Martin Luther
King. And it was about identity, both earlier and now. Option 2 is incorrect. The passage does not make any statements about leaders
understanding their followers or populations following leaders. Option 3 is incorrect – the passage does not imply that the difference lies
in the ubiquity of identity politics. Option 4 is correct. The answer can be deduced from the fourth and the fifth paragraph. “King
“framed our greatest moral failing as an opportunity for centripetal redemption,” Haidt observed. From an identity politics that
emphasized our common humanity, we’ve gone to an identity politics that emphasizes having a common enemy. On campus these days,
current events are often depicted as pure power struggles — oppressors acting to preserve their privilege over the virtuous oppressed.”
Thus option 4 correctly states the difference in identity politics as one that is about grabbing power and about emphasising common
ground. The focus on power leads to the difference. Hence, [4].

Correct Answer: Identity politics today is about grabbing power from those who have unfairly retained it and earlier it was about
emphasising common ground with the oppressor.
Time taken by you: 38 secs
Avg Time taken by all students: 42 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 35 %

One may infer from the passage that according to Pascal Bruckner, the individualist reverts to tribalism essentially because

He feels besieged by conflicting thoughts.

He feels insecure in his individualism.
He has to sell himself as a person in order to be accepted.
He is uncertain about his own individual self
Video Explanation:

Towards the end of the passage the writer states, “In 1995, the French intellectual Pascal Bruckner published “The Temptation of
Innocence,” in which he argued that excessive individualism paradoxically leads to in-group/out-group tribalism. Modern individualism
releases each person from social obligation, but “being guided only by the lantern of his own understanding, the individual loses all
assurance of a place, an order, a definition. He may have gained freedom, but he has lost security”.” Thus, Bruckner concludes that the
individual is insecure and from this one can infer that it is the loss of security that pushes him towards tribalism. Option 1 is incorrect.
“Conflicting thoughts”, as option 1 suggests, are not the reason for the return to tribalism. Option 2 is correct. Because of “the lack of
assurance of a place”, Bruckner states that while the individual gains freedom, he loses security. And given what is said earlier about
the natural urge of humans to identify with a tribe, one can correctly infer that this insecurity acts as a trigger to tribalism in the person
who believes in individualism. Option 3 is incorrect. Bruckner is quoted as saying that the individual today “has to sell himself in order
to be accepted”. However the question as to why the individualist reverts to tribalism is answered by the quote earlier in the passage
which explains the individualist’s insecurity arising from his reliance only on himself. Thus the reason the individualist moves to
tribalism is because of insecurity and not because he has to sell himself as a person. Option 4 is incorrect. The individual is “insecure”
because of the absence of a base and not because he is “uncertain of his own individual self”. Hence, [2].

Correct Answer:

He feels insecure in his individualism.

Time taken by you: 82 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 68 secs
Your Attempt: Wrong
% Students got it correct: 52 %


Video Explanation:

Option 1 is incorrect. The paragraph states that the threat is exemplified by Putin and other leaders. However the option states that Putin
and other leaders directly put our civilization and open society at risk. Also, it is a misrepresentation to say “our inability to govern
ourselves”. The paragraph refers to our inability to govern ourselves properly. We can eliminate option 1. Option 2 is incorrect. It can be
more easily eliminated because the option misses the point of the threat to open societies and the civilization itself. Option 3 is correct. It
is an appropriate summary of the main points that we identified at the beginning. It also does away with the examples; instead, properly
highlights the essence of the paragraph.. Option 4 is inferior to option 3. The examples are directly blamed for the threat to our
civilization. Thus, it misses the bigger picture (of world history). Also the threat to open societies does not find any mention. Option 4 is
thus an inferior representation of the passage. Eliminate option 4 in favor of option 3. Hence, [3].

Correct Answer:

The current rise of dictatorships and mafia states threatens not only open societies but also the survival of our civilization, as these
regimes are willing to risk a nuclear war. The root cause lies in our ability to govern ourselves properly which is now outweighed by our
destructive technologies.

Time taken by you: 173 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 69 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 37 %



The passage below is accompanied by a set of six questions. Choose the best answer to each question.

As Arctic permafrost thaws, it unleashes a vicious cycle—the unfrozen soil releases its carbon reserves that intensify climate change, in
turn accelerating the thaw. Now researchers have reported another disturbing discovery: The permafrost holds a much greater cache of
mercury than thought—and as the ground warms, it could potentially release that toxic metal on the world.

In the new study, published in Geophysical Research Letters, an international team of scientists drilled 13 permafrost soil cores at
various locations in Alaska. Back at their lab they analysed the frozen cores to measure factors such as moisture, organic carbon and
mercury content. The 50- to 100-centimeter cores spanned a time between 22,000 and 2,400 years ago, meaning the vast majority of
mercury they hold came from nonhuman sources. The researchers used their measurements to extrapolate an estimate of how much
mercury is stored in the entire Northern Hemisphere’s permafrost.
Their results indicate Arctic permafrost holds about 793 gigagrams of mercury—more than 15 million gallons, or the equivalent of about
23 Olympic swimming pools, says Paul Schuster, a research geologist for the U.S. Geological Survey and one of the study authors.
When the researchers calculated the amount of mercury likely stored in both the permafrost and the layer of soil that sits above it (and
routinely thaws for part of the year), they estimated there is a total of 1,656 gigagrams. “The active layer and the permafrost together
contain nearly twice as much [mercury] as all the other soils, the ocean and the atmosphere combined,” the researchers wrote in their

Permafrost is frozen soil, rock or sediment that stays at or below freezing for at least two consecutive years. It covers about a quarter of
the Northern Hemisphere’s landmass, which helps explain why it holds so much mercury. But permafrost is also unique in that its frozen
state traps the mercury in the soil, rather than allowing it to be mobile in the environment. “In [other locations such as] the Lower 48
[U.S. states], soils are hydrologically connected and mercury cycles through. It’s part of the whole global mercury cycle,” Schuster says.
“In the Arctic you’re locking in the mercury—it’s not reacting with the rest of the world.”

The new findings have potentially massive implications for ecosystems and human health. Between 30 and 99 percent of the Arctic’s
near-surface permafrost is predicted to thaw by 2100, according to the study. As it does so, at least a portion of the previously locked-
away mercury will probably become mobile. “It becomes not just an Arctic problem, but a global problem,” says Elsie Sunderland, an
associate professor of environmental science and engineering at Harvard University who was not involved in the study. “It doesn’t just
stay in the [same] place.”

The mercury could either be washed into the Arctic Ocean and then circulate through the global marine system or escape into the
atmosphere and travel to other parts of the planet. Either in the Arctic soil or in the broader environment, mercury can get converted into
a form dangerous to humans and other wildlife, including marine animals. “The other half of the story—the one that most people are
concerned with—is how does this affect the health of our environment, our aquatic systems, us?” Schuster says. “This has major

Other experts concur: “It really reinforces the [idea] that climate change can make a lot of other environmental issues worse,” says
Noelle Selin, an associate professor of data, systems, and society, and atmospheric chemistry at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Carl Lamborg, an assistant professor of ocean sciences at the University of California, Santa Cruz, agrees it is definitely a concern that
humans have potentially “added a whole bunch of mercury into the global mercury cycle.” But he also notes, “it’s a little hard to know
exactly what’s going to happen when this permafrost soil thaws. Just because the soil warms, is all of the mercury going to get released?
I don’t think we know, but it’s definitely something to be worried about.”

Schuster says this is exactly what experts want to find out now: “The next question is, if it’s going to be released, where is it going to


Which of the following best describes what the writer is attempting to do in this passage?

To caution mankind of the consequences of the large amounts of mercury in the Arctic that may become mobile sooner than
expected in view of climate change owing to human activities.
To bring to light the hitherto unknown existence of enormous amounts of mercury in the Arctic permafrost and the risk it poses to
the environment.
To explain the findings of a recent study related to the Arctic permafrost that has potentially massive implications for ecosystems
and human health.
To point out that Northern Hemisphere’s huge cache of mercury has troubling implications for wildlife and human health.
Video Explanation:

Option 1 is incorrect. The writer explains the discovery of large amounts of mercury in the Northern Hemisphere’s permafrost and says
that it may get released owing to natural thawing – he calls it a vicious cycle. The writer does not attribute the potential release to man-
made climate change. His position is that “climate change can make a lot of other environmental issues worse.” Option 1 which states
‘sooner than expected” and ascribing a direct cause effect relationship between an environmental issue and human activities is not his
purpose. Option 2 is incorrect. The option says“hitherto unknown existence” of mercury on the Northern Hemisphere. This distorts the
passage and the purpose. The discovery helped the scientist to understand that ‘the permafrost held a much greater cache of mercury
that thought.’ Option 3 is incorrect. Option 3 is too general, though it can apply to the passage. The specific nature of the discovery that
has massive implications is not specified in the option. Option 4 is correct. It captures the purpose of the writer in brief. He points out
that scientists have only recently realized the extent of mercury in the permafrost in the Northern Hemisphere. And that its potential
release owing to natural thawing of the permafrost can become a global problem. And, like many other environmental issues this
problem can also be aggravated by human made climate change. Hence, [4].

Correct Answer:

To point out that Northern Hemisphere’s huge cache of mercury has troubling implications for wildlife and human health.

Time taken by you: 338 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 17 secs
Your Attempt: Wrong
% Students got it correct: 5 %

According to the passage, all these are true EXCEPT:

A quarter of Northern Hemisphere’s landmass contains almost twice as much mercury as all other soils, the ocean, and the
atmosphere combined.
Mercury occurring in the active layer and the permafrost is a naturally occurring phenomenon.
Mercury from the Arctic routinely gets washed into the Arctic Ocean and circulates through the global marine system in the
‘mercury cycle’.
A global ‘mercury cycle’ is a natural phenomenon at places other than the Arctic.
Video Explanation:

Option 1 is factually correct. One fourth of the Northern Hemisphere is Permafrost and this permafrost and the active layer together
contain as much mercury as all other sources put together – in effect 1/4th of the Northern Hemisphere holds this mercury. Options 2 and
4 are true according the passage. Option 2 is stated in the second paragraph. The researchers found that the vast majority of mercury the
permafrost holds came from non-human sources. The cores they examined spanned a time between 22000 and 2400 years ago. So
Mercury occurring in the active layer and the permafrost is a naturally occurring phenomenon. Option 3 is factually incorrect. Mercury
in the permafrost is locked up in the permafrost and not part of the mercury cycle. Paragraph 4 states “… permafrost is also unique in
that its frozen state traps the mercury in the soil, rather than allowing it to be mobile in the environment. … In the Arctic you’re locking
in the mercury—it’s not reacting with the rest of the world.” Option 4 is factually correct. The fourth paragraph explains this cycle. It is
only in the permafrost keeps the mercury locked in. At places other than the Arctic, for example, in the Lower 48 US states, soils are
hydrologically connected and mercury cycles through. The passage then states that it is a part of the global phenomenon. Hence, [3].

Correct Answer:

Mercury from the Arctic routinely gets washed into the Arctic Ocean and circulates through the global marine system in the ‘mercury

Time taken by you: 144 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 75 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 60 %
3)In the light of the passage, the enormous amount of mercury locked-in in the Arctic permafrost is “something to be worried about”
Mercury can get converted into a form dangerous to humans and other wildlife, including marine animals.
According to the study, between 30 and 99 percent of the Arctic’s near-surface permafrost is predicted to thaw by 2100.
According to Carl Lamborg, humans have potentially added a whole bunch of mercury into the global mercury cycle.
The ‘active layer’ or the layer of soil that sits above the permafrost routinely thaws for part of the year.
Video Explanation:
Explanation: The reason for the worry can be briefly explained this way: A recent research estimated the quantity of mercury held
sealed by the permafrost to be massive. As permafrost thaws, this mercury can be potentially released into the environment causing
harm to humans and animals. The worry mainly springs from the possibility of the thawing of the arctic permafrost.
Option 1 is incorrect. It is a fact that mercury exists in the Arctic. That it can get converted into harmful forms cannot be worrisome
only if it is released into the environment. Option 1 does no indicate nay such possibility. Option 2 is correct. As explained in the
passage, the thaw of the Arctic will make the mercury so far sealed within the permafrost mobile. Its release into the environment has
major ramifications. These ramifications are worrisome. Option 3 is incorrect. t talks about the human contribution to the store of
mercury. It cannot answer the question why mercury in the Arctic permafrost is worrisome. Option 4 is incorrect. The routine and
periodical thaw of the ‘active layer’ is not advanced as of any major concern in the passage. It is explained as a periodical occurrence
and a part of the mercury cycle, hence not worrisome or elated to the mercury locked in by the arctic permafrost. Hence, [2].
Correct Answer: According to the study, between 30 and 99 percent of the Arctic’s near-surface permafrost is predicted to thaw by
Time taken by you: 51 secs
Avg Time taken by all students: 35 secs
Your Attempt: Wrong
% Students got it correct: 35 %
4)It can be inferred from the passage that …
The permafrost contributes is one of the natural factors affecting climate change.
Arctic’s near surface permafrost is predicted to thaw completely by 2100 releasing 1656 gigagrams of locked-in mercury.
The consequences of the thaw of arctic permafrost are beginning to be felt in the Northern Hemisphere.
The mercury held locked-in by the Arctic permafrost has an otherwise important role to play in the mercury-cycle in the
5)Which one of the following, about permafrost, is NOT asserted in the passage?
Stays frozen for at least two consecutive years.
Thaw of Permafrost periodically releases the mercury locked-in inside.
Covers a quarter of the landmass of the Northern Hemisphere.
Holds totally 793 gigagrams of mercury.
Video Explanation:
Explanation: Options 1, 3 and 4 are explicitly stated in the passage. An explanation of what the permafrost is, can be found in the 4th
paragraph. The permafrost is frozen soil, rock or sediment that stays at or below freezing for at least two consecutive years. This makes
option 1 correct. Option 3 is stated in the same paragraph that it (permafrost) covers about a quarter of the Northern Hemisphere’s
landmass. The beginning of paragraph 3 states that Arctic permafrost holds about 793 gigagrams of mercury. This makes option 4 also
correct. Option 2 is not correct. The first paragraph states that “As Arctic permafrost thaws, it unleashes a vicious cycle—the unfrozen
soil releases its carbon reserves that intensify climate change, in turn accelerating the thaw.” The fourth paragraph states that the
mercury in the permafrost does not react with the rest of the world. Hence, [2].

Correct Answer: Thaw of Permafrost periodically releases the mercury locked-in inside.
Time taken by you: 35 secs
Avg Time taken by all students: 56 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 68 %
6)According to the passage, the findings of the study highlight which of the following?
The consequences of human activities that have added a whole bunch of mercury into the global mercury cycle.
The unpredictable effects of natural and man-made climate change.
How climate change can affect other natural phenomena and make them worse.
How a local phenomenon restricted to the Arctic can become a global problem.



Video Explanation:

Option 1 is incorrect. The paragraph states that the threat is exemplified by Putin and other leaders. However the option states that Putin
and other leaders directly put our civilization and open society at risk. Also, it is a misrepresentation to say “our inability to govern
ourselves”. The paragraph refers to our inability to govern ourselves properly. We can eliminate option 1. Option 2 is incorrect. It can be
more easily eliminated because the option misses the point of the threat to open societies and the civilization itself. Option 3 is correct. It
is an appropriate summary of the main points that we identified at the beginning. It also does away with the examples; instead, properly
highlights the essence of the paragraph.. Option 4 is inferior to option 3. The examples are directly blamed for the threat to our
civilization. Thus, it misses the bigger picture (of world history). Also the threat to open societies does not find any mention. Option 4 is
thus an inferior representation of the passage. Eliminate option 4 in favor of option 3. Hence, [3].

Correct Answer:

The current rise of dictatorships and mafia states threatens not only open societies but also the survival of our civilization, as these
regimes are willing to risk a nuclear war. The root cause lies in our ability to govern ourselves properly which is now outweighed by our
destructive technologies.

Time taken by you: 173 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 69 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 37 %



The passage below is accompanied by a set of six questions. Choose the best answer to each question.

The fact that GDP may be a poor measure of well-being, or even of market activity, has, of course, long been recognized. But changes in
society and the economy may have heightened the problems, at the same time that advances in economics and statistical techniques may
have provided opportunities to improve our metrics.

For example, while GDP is supposed to measure the value of output of goods and services, in one key sector – government – we
typically have no way of doing it, so we often measure the output simply by the inputs. If government spends more – even if inefficiently
– output goes up. In the last 60 years, the share of government output in GDP has increased from 21.4% to 38.6% in the US, from 27.6%
to 52.7% in France, from 34.2% to 47.6% in the United Kingdom, and from 30.4% to 44.0% in Germany. So what was a relatively minor
problem has now become a major one.

Likewise, quality improvements – say, better cars rather than just more cars – account for much of the increase in GDP nowadays. But
assessing quality improvements is difficult. Health care exemplifies this problem: much of medicine is publicly provided, and much of
the advances are in quality.

The same problems in making comparisons over time apply to comparisons across countries. The United States spends more on health
care than any other country (both per capita and as a percentage of income), but gets poorer outcomes. Part of the difference between
GDP per capita in the US and some European countries may thus be a result of the way we measure things.

Another marked change in most societies is an increase in inequality. This means that there is increasing disparity between average
(mean) income and the median income (that of the “typical” person, whose income lies in the middle of the distribution of all incomes).
If a few bankers get much richer, average income can go up, even as most individuals’ incomes are declining. So GDP per capita
statistics may not reflect what is happening to most citizens.

We use market prices to value goods and services. But now, even those with the most faith in markets question reliance on market prices,
as they argue against mark-to-market valuations. The pre-crisis profits of banks – one-third of all corporate profits – appear to have been
a mirage.
This realization casts a new light not only on our measures of performance, but also on the inferences we make. Before the crisis, when
US growth (using standard GDP measures) seemed so much stronger than that of Europe, many Europeans argued that Europe should
adopt US-style capitalism. Of course, anyone who wanted to could have seen American households’ growing indebtedness, which would
have gone a long way toward correcting the false impression of success given by the GDP statistic.

Recent methodological advances have enabled us to assess better what contributes to citizens’ sense of well-being, and to gather the data
needed to make such assessments on a regular basis. These studies, for instance, verify and quantify what should be obvious: the loss of a
job has a greater impact than can be accounted for just by the loss of income. They also demonstrate the importance of social

Any good measure of how well we are doing must also take account of sustainability. Just as a firm needs to measure the depreciation of
its capital, so, too, our national accounts need to reflect the depletion of natural resources and the degradation of our environment.

Statistical frameworks are intended to summarize what is going on in our complex society in a few easily interpretable numbers. It should
have been obvious that one couldn’t reduce everything to a single number, GDP. The report by the Commission on the Measurement of
Economic Performance and Social Progress will, one hopes, lead to a better understanding of the uses, and abuses, of that statistic.

The report should also provide guidance for creating a broader set of indicators that more accurately capture both well-being and
sustainability; and it should provide impetus for improving the ability of GDP and related statistics to assess the performance of the
economy and society. Such reforms will help us direct our efforts (and resources) in ways that lead to improvement in both.


The primary purpose of the passage is to:

Identify some critical shortcomings of GDP and suggest that better indicators of economic well-being and sustainability are
Show that incorrect interpretation of GDP numbers lead to a false notion that US growth was much stronger than that of Europe.
Suggest ways in which inferences from GDP numbers could be improved so that economic well-being and sustainability can be
assessed more accurately.
Argue that changes in society and the economy and simultaneous advances in economics and statistical techniques have diminished
the relevance of GDP as an indicator of the nation’s economic well-being.
Video Explanation:

Option 1 is correct. The passage lists the shortcomings of the GDP and how ‘one couldn’t reduce everything to a single number GDP.’
The last paragraph then states that “the report of the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress
should also provide guidance for creating a broader set of indicators that more accurately capture both well-being and sustainability;
and it should provide impetus for improving the ability of GDP and related statistics to assess the performance of the economy and
society. Such reforms will help us direct our efforts (and resources) in ways that lead to improvement in both. ” Option 2 is incorrect.
This point is made in the passage to show the consequences of incorrect inferences made from GDP numbers. It is not the main point of
the passage. Option 3 is incorrect. The passage does not suggest ways to improve inferences from GDP numbers; it merely states that
inferences from GDP numbers must be improved. Option 4 is incorrect. The passage mentions this point to argue against chasing GDP
growth. It is not the primary purpose of the passage. Hence, [1].

Correct Answer:

Identify some critical shortcomings of GDP and suggest that better indicators of economic well-being and sustainability are needed.

Time taken by you: 333 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 223 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 64 %
2)The function of paragraph 3 in the passage as a whole is to:
Narrow the scope of discussion pertaining to limitations of GDP.
Present examples to assert that GDP may be a poor measure of well-being.
Cite the most prominent limitation of GDP.
Explain the need for quality improvements.
Video Explanation:
Explanation: Option 1 is incorrect. 3rd paragraph does not narrow down the scope of the passage. Option 2 is correct. Paragraph 1
states that GDP has limitations and there is an opportunity to improve the economic metrics. Paragraphs 2 and 3 provide examples
corresponding to the assertion made in paragraph 1. Option 3 is incorrect. Para 3 makes no mention of the most prominent limitation of
GDP. Option 4 is incorrect. In context of the passage as a whole, paragraph 3 serves to provide examples of limitations of GDP. The
function of paragraph 3 is not to explain the need for quality improvement per se. Hence, [2].
Correct Answer: Present examples to assert that GDP may be a poor measure of well-being.
Time taken by you: 87 secs
Avg Time taken by all students: 48 secs
Your Attempt: Wrong
% Students got it correct: 51 %
3)The author of the passage would most likely agree with which of the following?
GDP measure may actually impede economic development by limiting the application of statistical techniques to improve general
GDP is a comprehensive and accurate indicator of a nation’s well-being and market activity.
Market prices of goods and services are usually less than the intrinsic value of those goods and services.
GDP is calculated differently in capitalist countries like US than in non- capitalist European countries.
Video Explanation:
Explanation: Option 1 is correct. The author states that “The fact that GDP may be a poor measure of well-being … has long been
recognized.” Also, it states that “… in most societies [there] is an increase in inequality … GDP per capita statistics may not reflect
what is happening to most citizens.” This implies that GDP might not capture the growing inequality.” In the 8th paragraph the writer
says that “Recent methodological advances have enabled us to assess better what contributes to citizens’ sense of well-being, and to
gather the data needed to make such assessments on a regular basis” GDP, by being a false metric in itself may hinder the application of
these methodological advances. Option 2 is incorrect. In fact, the author states the opposite that GDP is a poor measure of a nation’s
wellbeing. Option 3 is incorrect. The passage does not mention of intrinsic value of goods and services. Option 4 is incorrect. The
passage makes no mention of capitalist vs. non-capitalist countries. Hence, [1].
Correct Answer: GDP measure may actually impede economic development by limiting the application of statistical techniques to
improve general well-being.
Time taken by you: 111 secs
Avg Time taken by all students: 54 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 61 %
The passage mentions all of the following as not included in GDP, EXCEPT:

Importance of social connectedness.

Degradation of environment.
A country’s growing indebtedness.
Depletion of natural resources.
Video Explanation:

Option 1 is incorrect. The passage states that recent methodological advances demonstrate importance of social connectedness. It is
implied that GDP did not factor in social connectedness. Therefore this is not an exception. Option 2 is incorrect. The passage states that
“Any good measure … must also take account of sustainability. … our national accounts need to reflect the depletion of natural
resources and the degradation of our environment.” Option 3 is correct. The passage does not mention whether or not a country’s
growing indebtedness is a parameter of GDP. Option 4 is incorrect. Similar to option 2 the need for GDP to take account of depletion of
natural resources is mentioned by the author. Hence, [3].

Correct Answer:

A country’s growing indebtedness.

Time taken by you: 93 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 53 secs
Your Attempt: Wrong
% Students got it correct: 54 %
5)The reference to “American households’ growing indebtedness” serves to do which of the following?
Argue that Europe should not adopt US-style capitalism.
Highlight the limitations of GDP.
Show that the pre-crisis growth of US was stronger than that of Europe.
Demonstrate the importance of recent methodological advances to measure economic well-being.
Video Explanation:
Explanation: Option 1 is incorrect. The author states that “…many Europeans argued that Europe should adopt US-style capitalism.”
The author does not argue for or against it. Option 2 is correct. In paragraph 7, the author states that “before the crisis, when US growth
(using standard GDP measures) seemed so much stronger than that of Europe, many Europeans argued that Europe should adopt US-
style capitalism. Of course, anyone who wanted to could have seen American households’ growing indebtedness, which would have
gone a long way toward correcting the false impression of success given by the GDP statistic.” Hence, the author highlights that
limitations of GDP could have been observed by looking at American households’ growing debts.” Option 3 is incorrect. The passage
mentions that pre-crisis growth of US only “seemed” to be stronger than that of Europe. Rather the author argues that the perceived
growth was actually a false impression given by GDP statistics. Option 4 is incorrect. The author does not mention “American
households’ growing indebtedness” to show the importance of recent methodological advances. Hence, [2].
Correct Answer: Highlight the limitations of GDP.
Time taken by you: 64 secs
Avg Time taken by all students: 44 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 58 %
6)All of the following can be inferred from the passage, EXCEPT:
GDP per capita statistics do not reveal the increase in inequality.
A good measure of economic well-being should evaluate the destructive impact of economic activities on the environment. (GDP
does not measure the destructive impact of economic activities on the environment.)
Nations that rely heavily on economic indicators such as the GDP tend to become increasingly capitalistic in nature.
Sustainability is one of the key factors to measure economic well-being of a nation.
Video Explanation:
Explanation: Option 1 is incorrect. The passage states that “Another marked change in most societies is an increase in inequality …
GDP per capita statistics may not reflect what is happening to most citizens.” This option can be inferred from the passage and is NOT
an exception. Option 2 is incorrect. The passage mentions that “… our national accounts need to reflect … the degradation of our
environment.” Option 3 is correct. The passage makes no correlation between reliance on GDP and tendency of a nation to become
increasingly capitalistic. We cannot infer this option from the passage. Option 4 is incorrect. The passage states that “Any good measure
… must also take account of sustainability.” Hence, [3].

Correct Answer: Nations that rely heavily on economic indicators such as the GDP tend to become increasingly capitalistic in
Time taken by you: 55 secs
Avg Time taken by all students: 55 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 76 %



Video Explanation:

Option 1 is incorrect. The paragraph states that the threat is exemplified by Putin and other leaders. However the option states that Putin
and other leaders directly put our civilization and open society at risk. Also, it is a misrepresentation to say “our inability to govern
ourselves”. The paragraph refers to our inability to govern ourselves properly. We can eliminate option 1. Option 2 is incorrect. It can be
more easily eliminated because the option misses the point of the threat to open societies and the civilization itself. Option 3 is correct. It
is an appropriate summary of the main points that we identified at the beginning. It also does away with the examples; instead, properly
highlights the essence of the paragraph.. Option 4 is inferior to option 3. The examples are directly blamed for the threat to our
civilization. Thus, it misses the bigger picture (of world history). Also the threat to open societies does not find any mention. Option 4 is
thus an inferior representation of the passage. Eliminate option 4 in favor of option 3. Hence, [3].

Correct Answer:

The current rise of dictatorships and mafia states threatens not only open societies but also the survival of our civilization, as these
regimes are willing to risk a nuclear war. The root cause lies in our ability to govern ourselves properly which is now outweighed by our
destructive technologies.

Time taken by you: 173 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 69 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 37 %



The passage below is accompanied by a set of three questions. Choose the best answer to each question.

The human intellect is said to be so constituted that general ideas arise by abstraction from particular observations, and therefore come
after them in point of time. If this is what actually occurs, as happens in the case of a man who has to depend solely upon his own
experience for what he learns — who has no teacher and no book — such a man knows quite well which of his particular observations
belong to and are represented by each of his general ideas. He has a perfect acquaintance with both sides of his experience, and
accordingly, he treats everything that comes in his way from a right standpoint. This might be called the natural method of education.

Contrarily, the artificial method is to hear what other people say, to learn and to read, and so to get your head crammed full of general
ideas before you have any sort of extended acquaintance with the world as it is, and as you may see it for yourself. You will be told that
the particular observations which go to make these general ideas will come to you later on in the course of experience; but until that time
arrives, you apply your general ideas wrongly, you judge men and things from a wrong standpoint, you see them in a wrong light, and
treat them in a wrong way. So it is that education perverts the mind.

This explains why it so frequently happens that, after a long course of learning and reading, we enter upon the world in our youth, partly
with an artless ignorance of things, partly with wrong notions about them; so that our demeanor savors at one moment of a nervous
anxiety, at another of a mistaken confidence. The reason of this is simply that our head is full of general ideas which we are now trying
to turn to some use, but which we hardly ever apply rightly. This is the result of acting in direct opposition to the natural development of
the mind by obtaining general ideas first, and particular observations last: it is putting the cart before the horse. Instead of developing the
child’s own faculties of discernment, and teaching it to judge and think for itself, the teacher uses all his energies to stuff its head full of
the ready-made thoughts of other people. The mistaken views of life, which spring from a false application of general ideas, have
afterwards to be corrected by long years of experience; and it is seldom that they are wholly corrected. This is why so few men of
learning are possessed of common-sense, such as is often to be met with in people who have had no instruction at all.
1)What is the main idea of the passage?
The abstraction of one’s general ideas should follow from and be rooted in direct experience and observation.
The artificial method of education is essentially the inverse of the natural method.
Artificial education produces at once a nervous anxiety and mistaken confidence.
Common-sense is uncommon among learned men.
Video Explanation:
Explanation: Option 1 is correct. The author argues for natural method of education i.e. to first observe the world by ourselves and
then form general ideas about those observations and against the artificial method. Option 2 is incorrect. The author mentions that
artificial method is contrary to the natural method but it is not the main idea of the passage. Option 3 is incorrect. The author uses this
point to argue against the artificial method but it is not the central point of the passage. Option 4 is incorrect. The author again uses this
argument against the artificial method of education but it does not convey the main idea of the passage. Hence, [1].
Correct Answer: The abstraction of one’s general ideas should follow from and be rooted in direct experience and observation.
Time taken by you: 36 secs
Avg Time taken by all students: 143 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 62 %
2)The author contends that artificial method of education leads to “artless ignorance” in the third paragraph to point out that:
We see the world around us as per the ready-made thoughts of other people rather than try to see and think for ourselves.
We tend to be generally ignorant about the art and beauty around us.
Wrong general ideas are filled into our minds and have to be corrected afterwards.
People who have no instructions at all are not ignorant and have better common-sense.
Video Explanation:
Explanation: Option 1 is correct. “Artless ignorance” is used in the context of the subsequent sentence i.e. “The reason of this is
simply that our head is full of general ideas which we are now trying to turn to some use, but which we hardly ever apply rightly.”
Option 2 is incorrect. This option is out of context of the passage. Option 3 is incorrect. “Artless ignorance” does not refer to wrong
ideas filled into our minds. Option 4 is incorrect. In the context of the passage, “Artless ignorance” does not refer to people with no
instructions and their common-sense. Hence, [1].
Correct Answer: We see the world around us as per the ready-made thoughts of other people rather than try to see and think for
Time taken by you: 140 secs
Avg Time taken by all students: 70 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 83 %
3)In the author’s view, education perverts the mind because
We judge men and things from a wrong standpoint.
We are filled with general ideas but have no practical observations.
We apply general ideas wrongly.
We treat men in a wrong way.
Video Explanation:
Explanation: Option 1 is incorrect. This option is a consequence of education perverting the mind, but is not the reason why
education perverts the mind option 2 is correct. Paragraph 2 mentions that “You will be told that the particular observations which go to
make these general ideas will come to you later on in the course of experience;…”. This is the reason why education perverts the mind.
Option 3 & 4 are incorrect. Again like option 1 these are the consequences and not the reason. Hence, [2].
Correct Answer: We are filled with general ideas but have no practical observations.
Time taken by you: 75 secs
Avg Time taken by all students: 47 secs

Your Attempt: Wrong

% Students got it correct: 63 %



Video Explanation:

Option 1 is incorrect. The paragraph states that the threat is exemplified by Putin and other leaders. However the option states that Putin
and other leaders directly put our civilization and open society at risk. Also, it is a misrepresentation to say “our inability to govern
ourselves”. The paragraph refers to our inability to govern ourselves properly. We can eliminate option 1. Option 2 is incorrect. It can be
more easily eliminated because the option misses the point of the threat to open societies and the civilization itself. Option 3 is correct. It
is an appropriate summary of the main points that we identified at the beginning. It also does away with the examples; instead, properly
highlights the essence of the paragraph.. Option 4 is inferior to option 3. The examples are directly blamed for the threat to our
civilization. Thus, it misses the bigger picture (of world history). Also the threat to open societies does not find any mention. Option 4 is
thus an inferior representation of the passage. Eliminate option 4 in favor of option 3. Hence, [3].

Correct Answer:

The current rise of dictatorships and mafia states threatens not only open societies but also the survival of our civilization, as these
regimes are willing to risk a nuclear war. The root cause lies in our ability to govern ourselves properly which is now outweighed by our
destructive technologies.

Time taken by you: 173 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 69 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 37 %


Given below is a paragraph, followed by four options. From the given options, choose the one that summarises the paragraph in
the most appropriate way.

The current moment in world history is a painful one. Open societies are in crisis, and various forms of dictatorships and mafia states,
exemplified by Vladimir Putin’s Russia, are on the rise. In the United States, President Donald Trump would like to establish his own
mafia-style state but cannot, because the Constitution, other institutions, and a vibrant civil society won’t allow it. Not only is the
survival of open society in question; the survival of our entire civilization is at stake. The rise of leaders such as Kim Jong-un in North
Korea and Trump in the US have much to do with this. Both seem willing to risk a nuclear war in order to keep themselves in power. But
the root cause goes even deeper. Mankind’s ability to harness the forces of nature, both for constructive and destructive purposes,
continues to grow, while our ability to govern ourselves properly fluctuates, and is now at a low ebb.

Putin in Russia, Trump in the US and Kim Jong-un in North Korea put our civilization and open society at risk with their craze for
power and threats of nuclear war. This root cause lies in our inability to govern ourselves combined with the destructive capabilities
of technology.
The current moment in world history is a painful one because of the rise of dictatorships and Mafia states like Russia, US and North
Korea. Their threat of nuclear war arises from their craze for power and the destructive technologies at their disposal.
The current rise of dictatorships and mafia states threatens not only open societies but also the survival of our civilization, as these
regimes are willing to risk a nuclear war. The root cause lies in our ability to govern ourselves properly which is now outweighed
by our destructive technologies.
The current rise of dictatorships and mafia states, Russia, US, and North Korea puts the survival of our civilization at stake with
threats of nuclear war as they want to remain in power. Our ability to govern ourselves is at its lowest ebb compared to the
destructive potential of science.

Video Explanation:
NoSuchBucketThe specified bucket does not


Option 1 is incorrect. The paragraph states that the threat is exemplified by Putin and other leaders. However the option states that Putin
and other leaders directly put our civilization and open society at risk. Also, it is a misrepresentation to say “our inability to govern
ourselves”. The paragraph refers to our inability to govern ourselves properly. We can eliminate option 1. Option 2 is incorrect. It can be
more easily eliminated because the option misses the point of the threat to open societies and the civilization itself. Option 3 is correct. It
is an appropriate summary of the main points that we identified at the beginning. It also does away with the examples; instead, properly
highlights the essence of the paragraph.. Option 4 is inferior to option 3. The examples are directly blamed for the threat to our
civilization. Thus, it misses the bigger picture (of world history). Also the threat to open societies does not find any mention. Option 4 is
thus an inferior representation of the passage. Eliminate option 4 in favor of option 3. Hence, [3].

Correct Answer:

The current rise of dictatorships and mafia states threatens not only open societies but also the survival of our civilization, as these
regimes are willing to risk a nuclear war. The root cause lies in our ability to govern ourselves properly which is now outweighed by our
destructive technologies.

Time taken by you: 173 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 69 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 37 %


Given below is a paragraph, followed by four options. From the given options, choose the one that summarises the paragraph in
the most appropriate way.

Alongside Paul Rée, Nietzsche came to the conviction that values, whether moral, political, aesthetic, or even metaphysical, were a
function of drives which were themselves conditioned subconsciously throughout a long historical process. Old religious and Platonic
beliefs in good and evil as static metaphysical entities were, for both Rée and Nietzsche, to be replaced with a naturalistic and
developmental account about how present-day values derive from a convoluted process of practical and often egoistical considerations.

Paul Ree and Nietzsche believed that values were not static metaphysical entities but were a result of long environmental and
psychological conditioning.
For both Paul Ree and Nietzsche the metaphysical values of good and evil differed from the old religious and Platonic belief that
they were static entities.
Alongside Paul Ree, Nietzsche believed that values were static metaphysical entities like good and evil and independent of practical
and egoistical considerations.
Paul Ree and Nietzsche held that Platonic beliefs in good and evil as static metaphysical entities that replaced the naturalistic and
developmental account about how values were derived.

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Option 1 is correct. It succinctly captures the essence of the paragraph. Though it fails to mentions that value as static entities was the
Platonic viewpoint, other options are worse and unacceptable. Option 2 is incorrect. it limits its description to good and evil and fails to
mention the concept of values that Ree and Nietzsche held. Option 3 is incorrect. It is contrary to what is stated in the paragraph. The
Platonic belief about values is attributed to Ree and Nietzsche. Option 4 is incorrect. It is misrepresentation of the paragraph. The
concept of values of Plato was replaced by that of Ree and Nietzsche. The option appears to say the reverse. Hence, [1].

Correct Answer:

Paul Ree and Nietzsche believed that values were not static metaphysical entities but were a result of long environmental and
psychological conditioning.

Time taken by you: 180 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 50 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 30 %


Given below is a paragraph, followed by four options. From the given options, choose the one that summarises the paragraph in
the most appropriate way.

The Greek Stoic philosopher Epictetus once said, “We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.”
The same principle applies to dialogue, which requires that we listen to different perspectives, and always keep an open mind. That
means heeding the public’s grievances, and working together toward collective solutions. Only joint responses will suffice to tackle the
complex problems we face. The indispensability of multi-stakeholder dialogue to global progress should be the guiding ethos.

The principle of ‘one mouth and two ears’ applies to dialogue. The guiding ethos to global progress is heeding the public’s
grievances, multi-stakeholder dialogue with an open mind, and working for collective solutions.
The fact that we have one mouth and two ears implies that we must listen more than we speak. Multi-stakeholder dialogue with an
open mind for joint responses and collective solutions is indispensable for global progress.
Epictetus’ principle to dialogue, multi-stakeholder dialogue, heeding public’s grievances and perspectives, and working towards
collective solutions to complex problems should be our guiding ethos.
Epictetus’ principle of ‘Listen more than you speak’ applies to dialogue. Heeding public’s grievances and different perspectives,
and working towards collective solutions is indispensable for global progress.


Video Explanation:
NoSuchBucketThe specified bucket does not


Option 1 is incorrect. It does not mention Epictetus who is invoked in the paragraph. The reference to Epictetus is a crucial element to the
précis as the principle invoked for the entire paragraph comes from Epictetus. Option 2 is incorrect. Similar to option 1, option 2 also
captures the essence without the mention of Epictetus. Option 3 is incorrect. The principle of ‘listen more than youspeak’ is not specified
in this option which makes it unclear as to what the Epictetus principle to dialogue may mean, also the paragraph does not call it
Epictetus’ principle of dialogue. Option 4 is correct. Without the figurative use of mouth and ears for speech and listening the option
accurately captures the essence of the paragraph. Hence, [4].

Correct Answer:

Epictetus’ principle of ‘Listen more than you speak’ applies to dialogue. Heeding public’s grievances and different perspectives, and
working towards collective solutions is indispensable for global progress.

Time taken by you: 0 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 57 secs
Your Attempt: Skipped
% Students got it correct: 41 %


The question below has a set of five sequentially ordered statements. Each statement can be classified as one of the following: ​
Facts, which deal with pieces of information that one has heard, seen or read, and which are open to discovery or verification
(the answer option indicates such a statement with ‘1’).
Inferences, which are conclusions drawn about the unknown, on the basis of the known (the answer option indicates such a
statement with ‘2’). ​
Judgments, which are opinions that imply approval or disapproval of persons, objects, situations and occurrences in the past, the
present or the future (the answer option indicates such a statement with ‘3’).
Enter the answer sequence (ex: 1231, 1121, 2233 or any such sequence) that best describes the set of four statements. (Fact -1;
Inference - 2; Judgment - 3).

1. At the Madinat Jumeirah in Dubai, there is art in every nook and corner.

2. One can’t help being caught up in the whirl of feverish activity.

3. Sprawling halls display cutting-edge contemporary art, symposiums discuss art and there are several film screenings too.

4. The list of things to see, hear and do is endless but the time, limited.


Video Explanation:
NoSuchBucketThe specified bucket does not


Statement 1 is a fact. The location and the presence of works of art are open to direct experience, hence fact or label 1. Statement 2 is a
judgment. That one can’t help being caught in the whirl of feverish activity is a subjective and personal reaction to some event. Hence
this is a judgment and gets the label 3. Statement 3 is a fact. The sprawling halls, the cutting edge contemporary art, symposiums and the
film screenings are all open to direct verification or discover. Hence this statement is a fact and gets the label 1. Statement 4 is a
judgment. The reference to the list is a fact, but the when the speaker terms it as endless; it is an exaggeration or personal opinion. Hence
this statement is a judgment, and the statement gets the label 3. Hence, 1313.

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 5 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 13 secs

Your Attempt: Wrong
% Students got it correct: 11 %


The question below has a set of five sequentially ordered statements. Each statement can be classified as one of the following: ​
Facts, which deal with pieces of information that one has heard, seen or read, and which are open to discovery or verification
(the answer option indicates such a statement with ‘1’).
Inferences, which are conclusions drawn about the unknown, on the basis of the known (the answer option indicates such a
statement with ‘2’). ​
Judgments, which are opinions that imply approval or disapproval of persons, objects, situations and occurrences in the past, the
present or the future (the answer option indicates such a statement with ‘3’).
Enter the answer sequence (ex: 1231, 1121, 2233 or any such sequence) that best describes the set of four statements. (Fact -1;
Inference - 2; Judgment - 3)

1. After a run of nearly one thousand years, quipped the French philosopher and writer Voltaire, the fading Holy Roman Empire was
neither holy nor Roman nor an empire.

2. Today, some two and a half centuries later, the problem is that the fading liberal world order is neither liberal nor worldwide nor

3. The United States, along with the United Kingdom and others, established the liberal world order in the wake of World War II.

4. The goal was to ensure that the conditions that had led to two world wars in 30 years would never again arise.


Video Explanation:
NoSuchBucketThe specified bucket does not


Statement 1 is a fact “quipped (utter taunting words)… Voltaire” overrides everything else in the sentence to make it a fact. Hence F or 1
Statement 2 is a judgment. ‘the problem that fading liberal world order is neither liberal nor worldwide nor orderly” is a writer’s
opinion- personal and subjective. Hence J or 3. Statement 3 is a Fact. ‘…established the liberal world order..’ is a fact. Hence F or
1.Statement 4 is a Fact. The goal as a stated aim “to ensure that the conditions … would never rise again” is a fact. Since ‘to ensure’
means it is a potential event/action, whether it can be a fact is a legitimate doubt. However, the goal was to go to the market, or the goal
was to ensure success in the CAT etc. would not qualify to be an inference or a judgment. So the goal – as the potential end or the current
purpose is a fact. Hence Fact or 1.. The sequence thus is FJFF Hence, 1311.

Correct Answer:


Time taken by you: 10 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 3 secs
Your Attempt: Wrong
% Students got it correct: 4 %

In the following question, there are sentences that form a paragraph. Identify the sentence(s) or part(s) of sentence(s) (numbered
1 to 4) that is/are INCORRECT in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, and logical consistency. Ignore punctuation
errors if any). Then key in the numbers in the ascending order.

1. Brand narrative is more controlled by the consumers as it is by the companies.

2. Not just online purchases, even offline purchases are being influenced by digital media.

3. It is estimated that over 50 percentage of today’s online population

4. claims to do online comparison shopping when buying products online or offline.


Video Explanation:
NoSuchBucketThe specified bucket does not


Fragment 1 is incorrect. ‘Brand narrative is more controlled by the consumers as it is by the companies. The comparison is in fragment 1
should be either ‘more… than’ or ‘as….as’ So. the sentence should read either more controlled by consumers than it is by companies or
as controlled by consumers as it is by the companies. Fragment 2 is incorrect. The standard conjunction is Not… but. Hence the sentence
should read ‘Not just online purchases, but even offline purchases …” Fragment 3 is incorrect. when the numeral is mentioned we do not
use the word percentage with it, we use per cent. A large percentage or 50 percent will be correct usage. Fragment 4 is correct.

Correct Answer:


Time taken by you: 75 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 1 secs
Your Attempt: Wrong
% Students got it correct: 1 %


In the following question, there are sentences that form a paragraph. Identify the sentence(s) or part(s) of sentence(s) (numbered
1 to 4) that is/are INCORRECT in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, and logical consistency. Ignore punctuation
errors if any). Then key in the numbers in the ascending order.

1. Although, all major political parties in India wax eloquence about patriotism
2. every time a soldier is killed in a terror attack or a counter-insurgency operation

3. against Pakistan-sponsored terrorists in Kashmir, when it comes to equip soldiers

4. who lie down their lives for the nation, patriotism often amounts to little more than lip-service.


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NoSuchBucketThe specified bucket does not


Fragment 1 is incorrect. The correct idiom is ‘wax eloquent’. Fragment 2 is correct. Fragment 3 is incorrect. ‘Comes to’ is always
followed by a noun or a gerund and not a verb. e.g “when it comes to reading (gerund) or when it comes to books (noun) are correct
usage, but “when it comes to read.” Is incorrect. Fragment 4 is incorrect. Soldiers “lay down their lives’ is the correct idiom, not “lie
down their lives”. Hence, 134.

Correct Answer:


Time taken by you: 68 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 4 secs
Your Attempt: Wrong
% Students got it correct: 5 %


The five sentences (labeled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each
sentence is labeled with a number. Decide on the proper order for the sentences and key in this sequence of five numbers as your

1. For writers like George Orwell, there is a whole honest politics in lucidity.

2. When it comes to the English language, long words are a clear enemy, say most of the style guides.

3. They remind you that concrete words like ‘stony’ evoke the thing itself, while abstract words like ‘lapidarian’ convey nothing unless
you know them.

4. Cloudy language is just a cover for insincerity.

5. They tell you to take out every extra word, starve your sentences, murder your pet phrases.

Video Explanation:
NoSuchBucketThe specified bucket does not


Sentences 1, 3, and 5 are unlikely to be the starter sentence because of their abrupt start and their reference to something else – they are
danglers which depend on some other sentence to get their clear meaning. We can consider sentence 4 and sentence 2 as the starter
sentence. Sentence 4 cannot be followed by any of the other 4 sentences logically – so sentence 2 is clearly the starter. “the style guides’
mentioned in sentence 2 then is referred to as ‘they’ in sentences 3 and 5. ‘they tell you’ and ‘they remind you’ are more meaningful in
that order rather than in the reverse. So weget our sequence of 2-5-3 which gives clear sense and coherency. Whether sentence 1 should
come next or sentence 4 is not an easy choice. However, the clue lies in Orwell’s ‘honest politics in lucidity’. This honest politics in
lucidity is explained as “cloudy language is just a cover for insincerity’. Thus 1-4 need to be placed in that order. This gives us the
sequence 2-5-3-1-4. Hence the correct answer is 25314.

Correct Answer:


Time taken by you: 5 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 7 secs
Your Attempt: Wrong
% Students got it correct: 5 %


The five sentences (labeled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each
sentence is labeled with a number. Decide on the proper order for the sentences and key in this sequence of five numbers as your

1. The British Empiricists, following Locke, subscribed to a tabula rasa theory, denying innate ideas and maintaining that our knowledge
must ultimately be based on sense experience.

2. Descartes and his followers were convinced that a priori knowledge of the existence of God, as an infinitely perfect Being, was
possible and favored (what Kant would later call) the Ontological Argument as a way to establish it.

3. The Continental Rationalists, following Descartes, subscribed to a theory of a priori innate ideas that provide a basis for universal and
necessary knowledge.

4. By contrast, Locke and his followers spurned such a priori reasoning and resorted to empirical approaches, such as the Cosmological
Argument and the Teleological Arguments or Design Arguments.

5. Before Kant, modern European philosophy was generally split into two rival camps.

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The camps are mentioned in sentences 1 and 3 - the followers of Locke (The British Empiricists,) and the followers of Descartes (the
continental rationalists). These sentences can be fixed as 5-1-3 or 5-3-1 as they merely name the two rival camps mentioned in sentence
1. We have to carefully look at both the sequences. Sentence 1 says the British Empiricists subscribed to the tabula theory which denied
“innate ideas” – they denied the ‘innate ideas”. This is a denial of “a priori innate ideas...” already mentioned in sentence 3. Hence 3-1 is
a mandatory pair. We can now be sure that the sequence so far is 531 and not 513. Sentence 4 which talks about “Locke and his
followers’ begins with “by contrast. Hence it is easy to see that 2-4 is mandatory pair as well. So this 2-4 pair can be placed after 531 to
get a meaningful paragraph. Hence 53124.
Correct Answer:
Time taken by you: 9 secs
Avg Time taken by all students: 21 secs
Your Attempt: Wrong
% Students got it correct: 14 %


The five sentences (labeled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each
sentence is labeled with a number. Decide on the proper order for the sentences and key in this sequence of five numbers as your

1. Such a failure erodes the gains made by many communities, because lost natural capital contributes to material losses.

2. The impact of such a terrible loss must be seen against the backdrop of the Northeast representing a global biodiversity hotspot.

3. The Environment Ministry’s report has calculated a cumulative loss of forests in Mizoram, Nagaland and Arunachal of nearly 1,200 sq

4. Naturally, environmental economists have come to regard the calculation of national accounts of wealth and development as weak,
because governments do not add the benefits of functions such as flood control and climate moderation to the value of forests.

5. Any gains achieved through remediation programs in these States cannot compensate for it adequately.


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NoSuchBucketThe specified bucket does not


The starter sentence is easy to identify through comparison: such a failure in sentence 1, ‘such a terrible loss in sentence 2, “in these
states” in sentence 5 are danglers and will need another sentence before them to make sense. Comparing sentence 3 and 4, we can safely
settle that 3 is the best available starter sentence. 3-2 is a mandatory pair because “cumulative loss” in sentence 3 is referred to as “such a
terrible loss” in sentence 2. Sentence 5 comes next because it refers to “these states” – the reference to ‘these states can be found in both
sentences 3 and 2 , as Mizoram, Nagaland etc. in sentence 3 and “the Northeast” in sentence 2. So, we get 3-2-5 as a sequence. Placing
the remaining two sentences is easy. Sentence 1 has to be placed after sentence 4 because ‘such a failure’ mentioned in sentence 4 will be
without a reference if placed anywhere else. This gives the correct sequence of 41 placed after 325. Hence the correct answer is 32541.

Correct Answer:


Time taken by you: 10 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 7 secs
Your Attempt: Wrong
% Students got it correct: 5 %


From the given options, choose the one that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way. Then key in the number of
that option as your answer.
A hypothetical alien visitor, sent to observe all of human culture – art and architecture, music and medicine, storytelling and science –
would quickly conclude that we as a species are obsessed with patterns. The formal gardens of 18th-century England, the folk tales of
medieval Germany and the traditional woven fabrics of Mayan civilisation have little in common, ___________

1. but, they are perfectly symmetrical unlike the patterns in the universe elsewhere.

2. except that they are reflections of the symmetry in the patterns of art and science.

3. but they owe their charm to smaller parts being arranged into a harmonious whole.

4. except that at a deeper level, they are representations of the very patterns of the Universe.


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Option 1 is incorrect – “unlike the patterns in the universe elsewhere…” is not indicated by the passage and even contrary to fact. Option
2 is incorrect. An alien is unlikely to conclude that the examples reflect the patterns in our art and science. Aliens are unaware of our arts
and sciences. The only thing that they will observe is the patterns. For them the patterns are real, and they are not reflections of
something else. Option 3 is correct. Most objectively, without being aware of the significance of our arts and sciences, an alien’s most
superficial observation of the examples would be that they follow particular patterns. It helps to reinforce that our obsession with patterns
is reflected in everything that we create, and impart it a particular charm. Option 4 is incorrect. The passage does not give us any
information about what these patterns are at a deeper level, and whether they are representations of the universe in general. Such
assumptions are unwarranted. Hence, 3.
Correct Answer:
Time taken by you: 2 secs
Avg Time taken by all students: 17 secs
Your Attempt: Wrong
% Students got it correct: 17 %

From the given options, choose the one that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way. Then key in the number of
that option as your answer.
Can psychological “big data” be leveraged to make you buy products? Or, even more concerning, can such techniques be weaponized to
influence the course of history, such as the outcomes of elections? On one hand, we’re faced with daily news from insiders attesting to
the danger and effectiveness of micro-targeted messages based on unique “psychographic” profiles of millions of registered voters.

1. On the other hand, analytics show that repeatedly targeting people with misinformation that is designed to appeal to their political
biases may well influence public attitudes.

2. On the other hand, academic writers warn that the political power of targeted online ads and bots are widely overblown.

3. On the other hand, we need to distinguish the attempts to manipulate and influence public opinion, from actual voter persuasion.

4. On the other hand, academics maintain that classic prediction models that only contain socio-demographic data aren’t very
informative on their own in predicting behavior.


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Option 1 is incorrect. It is not contrasting to the second last sentence. It expresses a view similar to that of the ‘insiders’ and explains their
methodology, that by repeatedly targeting people with misinformation, it is possible to exploit their political biases and influence election
outcomes. Option 2 is correct. It provides a contrasting view – that of the academic writers who warn that the effectiveness and the
potential of using psychological big data as a weapon are overrated. Thus it answers the question at the beginning of the paragraph, can
“psychological “big data” be leveraged to influence elections? The answer is – it is debatable. Option 3 is incorrect. Since the insiders’
view is already stated that the efforts to influence are effective, the point of view that we need todistinguish between the effectiveness in
different areas does not provide the contrast we are looking for. The option can make sense and provide the contrast only if we assume
that the efforts to influence elections are futile. Option 4 is incorrect and more easily eliminated. ‘Socio- demographic data’ in the option
vis a vis “psychological big data” in the passage, and the ‘classical prediction models’ in the option vis a vis ‘weaponization of data’ in
the passage, make option 4 unsuitable.
Hence, 2.

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 3 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 20 secs
Your Attempt: Wrong
% Students got it correct: 20 %


From the given options, choose the one that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way. Then key in the number of
that option as your answer.

Researchers have long known that people choose friends who are much like themselves in a wide array of characteristics: of a similar
age, race, religion, socioeconomic status, educational level, political leaning, pulchritude rating, even handgrip strength. The impulse
toward homophily, toward bonding with others who are the least other possible, is found among traditional hunter-gatherer groups and
advanced capitalist societies alike.______________.

1. A new study of 30,000 pairs of friends revealed that friends often have diverse tastes in aesthetics.

2. The misunderstanding, if any, between friends, is something that one can expect to be minimal, or of low intensity.

3. New research too, suggests that the roots of friendship extend even deeper than previously suspected.

4. Most of us have best friends who share the characteristics in ourselves that we most relate to as defining of our identity.


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NoSuchBucketThe specified bucket does not


Option 1 is incorrect. The paragraph begins by stating that “researchers have long known” that friendships thrive on similarities.
Therefore it cannot lead to a statement that new research leads to a negation. Option 2 is incorrect. The paragraph does not preclude
misunderstanding between friends, or suggest that misunderstanding will be minimal. It is beyond the scope of the paragraph. The
paragraph merely says that research shows that people choose friends who are more like themselves. Option 3 is correct. It endorses the
firm conclusion about similarities forming the basis of friendships and continues to discuss further research on the subject. Option 4 is
incorrect. That we relate to others in terms of what defines our identity goes much beyond what is suggested in the paragraph. The tone
of option 4 is also inconsistent with the preceding lines. Hence, 3.

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 4 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 71 secs
Your Attempt: Wrong
% Students got it correct: 28 %



Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.

The information given below indicates the movement of trucks between any pair of towns, from among six towns – A, B, C, D, E and F.
All these six towns are on the Yamuna Express Highway connecting Delhi and Agra along a straight line. The distance between any two
adjacent towns is 50 km.
All truck movements are direct movements. For example, as per the table given above, 6 trucks moved directly from town B to town A,
without stopping at any intermediate cities.
Total truck movement between any two towns i and j = tij + tji
tij = Number of trucks that moved from town i to town j
tji = Number of trucks that moved from town j to town i
Total truck travel distance = Sum of the distances travelled by all the trucks put together
It was observed that the total truck travel distance is minimum possible.


Which two towns are the farthest from each other?

Video Explanation:

Let us find the sequence of towns that can give minimum truck travel distance. The table given below provides the total truck
movements between the towns.

The maximum number of truck movements are between (A & B = 7); (B & C = 8); (D & E = 8); (A & E = 6). Therefore, A must be
adjacent to towns B & E. Similarly, B must be adjacent to both towns A & C.
C must be adjacent to B & F and town E must be adjacent to towns D & A.
Also, D & F = 0, therefore towns D & F can be farthest from each other.
Therefore, there are two possible sequences of towns:
Case 1: D, E, A, B, C, F
Case 2: F, C, B, A, E, D

D & F are the farthest from each other. Hence, [2].

Correct Answer:


Time taken by you: 2 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 113 secs
Your Attempt: Skipped
% Students got it correct: 27 %
What is the sum of the number of truck movements between all the pairs of adjacent towns put together?


Let us find the sequence of towns that can give minimum truck travel distance. The table given below provides the total truck
movements between the towns.

The maximum number of truck movements are between (A & B = 7); (B & C = 8); (D & E = 8); (A & E = 6). Therefore, A must be
adjacent to towns B & E. Similarly, B must be adjacent to both towns A & C.
C must be adjacent to B & F and town E must be adjacent to towns D & A.
Also, D & F = 0, therefore towns D & F can be farthest from each other.
Therefore, there are two possible sequences of towns:
Case 1: D, E, A, B, C, F
Case 2: F, C, B, A, E, D

D & E = 8, A & E = 6, A & B = 7, B & C = 8 and C & F = 4. Required sum = 33. Hence, [3].

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% Students got it correct: 23 %

What is the total truck travel distance (in km)?

Cannot be determined

Let us find the sequence of towns that can give minimum truck travel distance. The table given below provides the total truck
movements between the towns.

The maximum number of truck movements are between (A & B = 7); (B & C = 8); (D & E = 8); (A & E = 6). Therefore, A must be
adjacent to towns B & E. Similarly, B must be adjacent to both towns A & C.
C must be adjacent to B & F and town E must be adjacent to towns D & A.
Also, D & F = 0, therefore towns D & F can be farthest from each other.
Therefore, there are two possible sequences of towns:
Case 1: D, E, A, B, C, F
Case 2: F, C, B, A, E, D

Required answer = 350 + 200 + 200 + 300 + 300 + 400 + 450 + 400 + 450 + 200 + 400 + 400 = 4050 km. Hence, [1].

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Time taken by you: 60 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 110 secs
Your Attempt: Skipped
% Students got it correct: 45 %

What was the sum of the truck travel distances (in km) covered by all the trucks that involved town E?


Let us find the sequence of towns that can give minimum truck travel distance. The table given below provides the total truck
movements between the towns.

The maximum number of truck movements are between (A & B = 7); (B & C = 8); (D & E = 8); (A & E = 6). Therefore, A must be
adjacent to towns B & E. Similarly, B must be adjacent to both towns A & C.
C must be adjacent to B & F and town E must be adjacent to towns D & A.
Also, D & F = 0, therefore towns D & F can be farthest from each other.
Therefore, there are two possible sequences of towns:
Case 1: D, E, A, B, C, F
Case 2: F, C, B, A, E, D

Required answer = 300 + 400 + 450 + 400 + 400 = 1950 km. Hence, [4].

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% Students got it correct: 49 %



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Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.

A company has seven business units – I, II, III, IV, V, VI and VII.
Each business unit generates some revenue for the company and incurs some cost on its operations.
The stacked bar-charts given below show:
First chart: The percentage contribution of each business unit in the total revenue generated by the company in the year 2017.
Second chart: The percentage contribution of each business unit in the total cost incurred by the company in the year 2017.
Third chart: The percentage break-up of the total number of employees working in the company in the year 2017.

If business unit IV made a profit, then how many of the other six business units may have made a loss?

Cannot be determined
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Let the total revenue generated, total cost incurred and the total number of employees be 100A, 100B and 100C respectively.

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 141 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 128 secs
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% Students got it correct: 40 %
If profit per employee made by the business units IV and VI is same, then how many business units made a profit in the given year?
(Write 8 if your answer is 'Cannot be determined')

Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard.


Let the total revenue generated, total cost incurred and the total number of employees be 100A, 100B and 100C respectively.

Therefore, the required answer is 7.

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 213 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 93 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 38 %

If none of the business units made a loss in the year 2017, then the profit percentage of business unit III would have been at least

Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard.


Let the total revenue generated, total cost incurred and the total number of employees be 100A, 100B and 100C respectively.

Therefore, the required answer is 26.

Correct Answer:


Time taken by you: 280 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 43 secs
Your Attempt: Wrong
% Students got it correct: 27 %

The senior management of the company decided to shut down the top three business units with highest average cost per employee. It was
found that the average cost per employee in only these three departments was more than one unit and it was less than one unit in the
remaining four departments. Which of the following can be the ratio of the total cost incurred to the total number of employees in the

8 : 15
Cannot be determined

Let the total revenue generated, total cost incurred and the total number of employees be 100A, 100B and 100C respectively.
Correct Answer:

8 : 15

Time taken by you: 0 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 94 secs
Your Attempt: Skipped
% Students got it correct: 46 %



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Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.

Aplela, Bluy, Caspa, Dastrye, Eim and Fluana are the only six countries on an alien planet named ‘Bungaplanet’. Each of these countries
trades (i.e. imports goods from and/or exports goods to other countries) with at least one of the remaining five countries every year. Both
imports and exports are denominated in million BD (where BD is the currency of Bungaplanet, called Bunga Dollar).
For all countries, we define trade surplus and trade deficit as follows:
Trade surplus = Total Exports – Total Imports (if Total Exports > Total Imports)
Trade deficit = Total Imports – Total Exports (if Total Imports > Total Exports)
The following table shows the information about the exports and imports of the six countries in 2017. (Certain entries have been
deliberately kept blank):

Additionally, the following points are known about the import/exports of the six countries in 2017:

1. The sum of the total imports of the six countries was 1000 million BD.

2. Only country Bluy had neither trade surplus nor trade deficit. Two other countries had trade surplus while the remaining three
countries had trade deficit.

3. All the total imports/exports were non-zero multiples of 10 million BD.


Which of the following cannot be the value of total imports of country Aplela in 2017?

170 million BD
200 million BD

230 million BD
260 million BD
Video Explanation:

We have total exports of the 6 countries = total imports = 1000 million BD. Using variables, m & n, we get the following values for

Given: CountryBluy had neither trade surplus nor trade deficit in 2017.
Clearly, country Caspa had a trade surplus in 2017. Out of the remaining four countries, exactly one country had a trade surplus in 2017
and three countries had a trade deficit in 2017.

Since total imports and exports values were non-zero multiples of 10 million BD, we have,
10 < m < 190 (in million BD). If m = 10, Fluana will have a zero trade surplus or deficit. Also if m = 200, country Fluana will have zero
total exports, which is not possible. Therefore, we have 20 < m < 190. Therefore, countries Dastrye and Fluana definitely have trade

To ensure that both Aplela and Eim have non-zero exports that are multiples of 10, we have 10 < n < 290.

Out of Aplela and Eim, one country had a trade surplus and the other country had a trade deficit in 2017. We have the following cases:

1. Country Aplela had a surplus and country Eim had a deficit in 2017: For that, we must have 10 < n < 170.
2. Country Aplela had a deficit and country Eim had a surplus in 2017. For that, we must have 230 < n < 290.

Combining the two, the possible values of n are: 10 to 170 (both included) and 230 to 290 (both included).

Thus, n cannot take the value 200 million BD. Other three values are possible. Hence, [2].

Correct Answer:

200 million BD

Time taken by you: 285 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 309 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 71 %

Out of the countries Dastrye and Fluana, how many countries had trade deficit in 2017? (Write 3 if your answer is ‘Cannot be

Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard.


We have total exports of the 6 countries = total imports = 1000 million BD. Using variables, m & n, we get the following values for

Given: CountryBluy had neither trade surplus nor trade deficit in 2017.
Clearly, country Caspa had a trade surplus in 2017. Out of the remaining four countries, exactly one country had a trade surplus in 2017
and three countries had a trade deficit in 2017.

Since total imports and exports values were non-zero multiples of 10 million BD, we have,
10 < m < 190 (in million BD). If m = 10, Fluana will have a zero trade surplus or deficit. Also if m = 200, country Fluana will have zero
total exports, which is not possible. Therefore, we have 20 < m < 190. Therefore, countries Dastrye and Fluana definitely have trade
deficit in 2017.

Therefore, the required answer is 2.

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 234 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 52 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 54 %

Additional information: In 2018, following were the numbers for the total exports and total imports for the six countries:

Additionally, the following points were known about imports/exports of the six countries in 2018:

1. Total sum of the imports of the six countries was 1450 million BD. Exactly two countries had a trade surplus and the remaining
four countries had a trade deficit.
2. Both the countries that had a trade surplus in 2017 continued to have a trade surplus in 2018 as well.
3. All the total exports and total imports were non-zero multiples of 10 million BD.
Which of the following countries definitely had a trade surplus in 2018?

None of these

We know that both the countries that had a trade surplus in 2017 continued to have the same in 2018 as well. CountryCaspa definitely
had a trade surplus in 2018. From the explanatory answer to the previous questions, we know that one country out of Aplela and Eim
had a trade surplus while the other had a trade deficit.

Also, the other countries had a trade deficit in 2018.

Using the total volume of trade = 1450 million BD, we have the following for 2018:

We have the following cases:

1. Country Aplela had trade surplus and Country Eim had trade deficit. For this to happen, 10 < n < 210 million BD.

2. Country Aplela had trade deficit and country Eim had trade surplus. For this to happen, 340 < n < 400 million BD.

It can be seen that country Aplela may have a surplus or a deficit in 2018. We have already figured out that countries Dastrye
and Fluana had a trade deficit in 2018. Hence, [4].

Correct Answer:

None of these

Time taken by you: 335 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 85 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 38 %

Additional information: In 2018, following were the numbers for the total exports and total imports for the six countries:
Additionally, the following points were known about imports/exports of the six countries in 2018:

1. Total sum of the imports of the six countries was 1450 million BD. Exactly two countries had a trade surplus and the remaining
four countries had a trade deficit.
2. Both the countries that had a trade surplus in 2017 continued to have a trade surplus in 2018 as well.
3. All the total exports and total imports were non-zero multiples of 10 million BD.

If country Eim had a trade surplus in 2018, what can be the minimum value of the trade surplus of country Eim in 2018 (in million BD)?
(Write 0 if country Eim cannot have a trade surplus in 2018).

Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard.


We know that both the countries that had a trade surplus in 2017 continued to have the same in 2018 as well. CountryCaspa definitely
had a trade surplus in 2018. From the explanatory answer to the previous questions, we know that one country out of Aplela and Eim
had a trade surplus while the other had a trade deficit.

Also, the other countries had a trade deficit in 2018.

Using the total volume of trade = 1450 million BD, we have the following for 2018:

We have the following cases:

1. Country Aplela had trade surplus and Country Eim had trade deficit. For this to happen, 10 < n < 210 million BD.

2. Country Aplela had trade deficit and country Eim had trade surplus. For this to happen, 340 < n < 400 million BD.

Imports of country Aplela in 2018 = n. We know that for country Eim to have trade surplus, 340 < n < 400. Exports of Eim = 190
million BD and imports = (410 – n) million BD. For minimum value of trade surplus, the value of imports should be maximum.
Maximum value of imports = 410 – 340 = 70 million BD.
Therefore, the minimum value of trade surplus = 190 – 70 = 120 million BD.
Therefore, the required answer is 120.

Correct Answer:


Time taken by you: 75 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 34 secs
Your Attempt: Wrong
% Students got it correct: 28 %



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Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.

Automobile companies Honda & Hyundai together sold 1500 cars this year. The cars were categorized as Manual & Automatic. It is
known that the total number of manual cars sold by the two companies together is half the total number of automatic cars sold by the two
companies together. The number of cars sold by Honda is half the number of cars sold by Hyundai. The number of Honda cars priced
above INR 15 lakhs is same as the number of automatic cars priced above INR 15 lakhs. The number of manual cars, priced below INR
15 lakhs and sold by Honda is 10 more than the number of Hyundai automatic cars priced above INR 15 lakhs. Of all the cars sold,
those priced below INR 15 lakhs is 540 more than those priced above INR 15 lakhs. No car costs exactly INR 15 lakhs.


What is the difference between the number of manual Hyundai cars priced below INR 15 lakhs and the number of automatic Honda cars
priced above INR 15 lakhs?

None of these
Video Explanation:

Given that the number of manual cars is half the number of automatic cars.

Manual cars = 500, Automatic cars = 1000

Therefore, a + b + e + f = 500 & c + d + g + h = 1000

Also, a + b + c + d = 500 & e + f + g + h = 1000

From above, we can conclude that c + d = e + f

Also, given that b = 10 + g

Given that (b + d + f + h) – (a + c + e + g) = 540

Also, (a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h) = 1500

Therefore, a + c + e + g = 480 and b + d + f + h = 1020

Given that (c + a) = (c + g) or a = g

We need to calculate f – c.
(a + b + e + f) – (a + c + e + g) = b + f – c – g = 500 – 480 = 20
Also, b – g = 10. Therefore, f – c = 20 – 10 = 10.
Hence, [2].

Correct Answer:


Time taken by you: 3 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 275 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 65 %

If the number of automatic cars priced above INR 15 lakhs is 220, then what could be the minimum percentage of Honda cars that are
automatic and priced below INR 15 lakhs?


Given that the number of manual cars is half the number of automatic cars.

Manual cars = 500, Automatic cars = 1000

Therefore, a + b + e + f = 500 & c + d + g + h = 1000

Also, a + b + c + d = 500 & e + f + g + h = 1000

From above, we can conclude that c + d = e + f

Also, given that b = 10 + g

Given that (b + d + f + h) – (a + c + e + g) = 540

Also, (a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h) = 1500

Therefore, a + c + e + g = 480 and b + d + f + h = 1020

Given that (c + a) = (c + g) or a = g

Correct Answer:


Time taken by you: 19 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 40 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 26 %

Given that the number of manual cars is half the number of automatic cars.

Manual cars = 500, Automatic cars = 1000

Therefore, a + b + e + f = 500 & c + d + g + h = 1000

Also, a + b + c + d = 500 & e + f + g + h = 1000

From above, we can conclude that c + d = e + f

Also, given that b = 10 + g

Given that (b + d + f + h) – (a + c + e + g) = 540

Also, (a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h) = 1500

Therefore, a + c + e + g = 480 and b + d + f + h = 1020

Given that (c + a) = (c + g) or a = g

Correct Answer:


Time taken by you: 83 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 49 secs
Your Attempt: Correct

% Students got it correct: 52 %


If the number of Honda manual cars priced below INR 15 lakhs is minimum possible, then which of the following can be the number of
automatic cars priced below INR 15 lakhs?

More than one of these values

Given that the number of manual cars is half the number of automatic cars.

Manual cars = 500, Automatic cars = 1000

Therefore, a + b + e + f = 500 & c + d + g + h = 1000

Also, a + b + c + d = 500 & e + f + g + h = 1000

From above, we can conclude that c + d = e + f

Also, given that b = 10 + g

Given that (b + d + f + h) – (a + c + e + g) = 540

Also, (a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h) = 1500

Therefore, a + c + e + g = 480 and b + d + f + h = 1020

Given that (c + a) = (c + g) or a = g

Given that b is minimum.

Also, b = g + 10. For b to be minimum, g has to be 0.

Therefore, b = 10 and g = 0.

Since a = g, a = 0

We know a + g + c + e = 480 or c + e = 480

c = 480 – e

Also, c + d + g + h = 1000

d + h = 1000 – c = 520 + e

Since e can take values from 0 to 480, d + h can range from 520 to 1000.

Hence, [2].

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Time taken by you: 0 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 25 secs
Your Attempt: Skipped
% Students got it correct: 37 %



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Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7 and P8 are eight persons working in the JCF bank. The manager of the bank came across some discrepancies
in some banking transactions recently and suggested to form a committee of four persons in order to look into the matter. Any committee
thus formed should have two males and two females. The chairman of the bank, nominated five directors – A, B, C, D and E to suggest
their choice for the committee keeping in mind the guidelines set by the manager of the bank.

The following table provides information about the suggestions made by the five directors.

The number of married couples included in the committee suggested by the five directors A, B, C, D and E is 1, 1, 1, 1 and 0
respectively. It is also known that P2 and P3 are males.


If there are exactly two couples among the eight persons, then which of the following is not a couple?

P2 and P8
P3 and P7
P4 and P5
Cannot be determined
Video Explanation:

We know that P2 and P3 are males.

Consider suggestion made by A: P2 and P3 be males. Therefore, P7 and P8 will be females.
From the suggestion made by E: P1 and P6 will be males.
From the suggestion made by C: P5 will be female.
From the suggestion made by B: P4 will be male.
Since, from the suggestion made by E, P1 and P6 are not married to P7, P8, we can have the following sub cases:

1. (P6, P5); (P4, P8) and (P2, P7) are couples.

2. (P4, P5); (P3, P7) are couples.

3. (P4, P8); (P3, P5) and (P2, P7) are couples.

4. (P4, P8); (P3, P7) and (P2, P5) are couples.

5. (P4, P5); (P3, P7) and (P2, P8) are couples. But then couples suggested by director A would be 2. Hence, this case is ruled out.

Considering case (2), P2 and P8 is not a couple. Hence, [1].

Correct Answer:

P2 and P8

Time taken by you: 10 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 267 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 59 %

If there are exactly three couples among the eight persons, then which of the following must be a couple?

P4 and P8
P2 and P7
P3 and P5
Cannot be determined

We know that P2 and P3 are males.

Consider suggestion made by A: P2 and P3 be males. Therefore, P7 and P8 will be females.
From the suggestion made by E: P1 and P6 will be males.
From the suggestion made by C: P5 will be female.
From the suggestion made by B: P4 will be male.
Since, from the suggestion made by E, P1 and P6 are not married to P7, P8, we can have the following sub cases:

1. (P6, P5); (P4, P8) and (P2, P7) are couples.

2. (P4, P5); (P3, P7) are couples.

3. (P4, P8); (P3, P5) and (P2, P7) are couples.

4. (P4, P8); (P3, P7) and (P2, P5) are couples.

5. (P4, P5); (P3, P7) and (P2, P8) are couples. But then couples suggested by director A would be 2. Hence, this case is ruled out.

Considering cases (1), (3) and (4), P4 and P8 is definitely a couple. Hence, [1].
Correct Answer:

P4 and P8

Time taken by you: 101 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 35 secs
Your Attempt: Wrong
% Students got it correct: 18 %

If there are exactly three couples among the eight persons, then which of the following persons is definitely not married?


We know that P2 and P3 are males.

Consider suggestion made by A: P2 and P3 be males. Therefore, P7 and P8 will be females.
From the suggestion made by E: P1 and P6 will be males.
From the suggestion made by C: P5 will be female.
From the suggestion made by B: P4 will be male.
Since, from the suggestion made by E, P1 and P6 are not married to P7, P8, we can have the following sub cases:

1. (P6, P5); (P4, P8) and (P2, P7) are couples.

2. (P4, P5); (P3, P7) are couples.

3. (P4, P8); (P3, P5) and (P2, P7) are couples.

4. (P4, P8); (P3, P7) and (P2, P5) are couples.

5. (P4, P5); (P3, P7) and (P2, P8) are couples. But then couples suggested by director A would be 2. Hence, this case is ruled out.

P1 is definitely not married. Hence, [1].

Correct Answer:


Time taken by you: 17 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 55 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 68 %

Each of the following persons is of the same gender except


We know that P2 and P3 are males.

Consider suggestion made by A: P2 and P3 be males. Therefore, P7 and P8 will be females.
From the suggestion made by E: P1 and P6 will be males.
From the suggestion made by C: P5 will be female.
From the suggestion made by B: P4 will be male.
Since, from the suggestion made by E, P1 and P6 are not married to P7, P8, we can have the following sub cases:

1. (P6, P5); (P4, P8) and (P2, P7) are couples.

2. (P4, P5); (P3, P7) are couples.

3. (P4, P8); (P3, P5) and (P2, P7) are couples.

4. (P4, P8); (P3, P7) and (P2, P5) are couples.

5. (P4, P5); (P3, P7) and (P2, P8) are couples. But then couples suggested by director A would be 2. Hence, this case is ruled out.

P5, P7 and P8 are females and P6 is a male. Hence, [2].

Correct Answer:


Time taken by you: 18 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 62 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 86 %



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Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.

Eight chairs : A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H – are placed along the boundary of a circular pathway in a park. Each chair is of a different
colour – Red, Green, Blue, White, Black, Yellow, Orange and Purple, not necessarily in the same order.

Two children P & Q started walking along the pathway in opposite direction. P started travelling in clockwise direction from chair F,
which was not orange in colour, while Q started from a chair which was not red in colour and was neither immediately after nor
immediately before the chair from where P started. The blue chair was not adjacent to the black chair, and was diametrically opposite to
either chair C or chair H.

Some of the observations made by P:

1. The black chair was not immediately before the purple chair.

2. The number of chairs between the green chair and D was same as the number of chairs between D and the red chair.

3. G was not black and was after the orange chair.

4. The white chair was immediately after the yellow chair E.

5. B was neither blue nor green.

Some of the observations made by Q:

1. From the black chair, he crossed two other chairs to reach the white chair.

2. F was third chair he reached (including the chair he started from) and the fourth chair he reached (including the chair he started
from) was blue.

3. D was neither white nor black and the red chair was before the white chair an was after the black chair.

4. A and the blue chair were adjacent to each other.

5. Blue chair was neither C nor H.


The chair which P reached immediately after passing the red chair is

Video Explanation:

From P’s 4th and Q’s 1st observation, we get the following arrangement.

From Q’s 3rd and P’s 2nd observation, the red chair cannot be immediately after the white chair and so it must be immediately before
the black chair.

From Q’s 2nd and 4th observation, we can say that blue chair is between the chairs A and F. … (I)

Blue chair is not adjacent to black chair. From P’s 1st observation, purple chair is also not next to black chair. So, it can be concluded
that orange chair is next to black chair. So, D is orange chair. The neighbouring chair of D has to be purple (using I) and blue chair is
opposite to purple chair. So again from Q’s 2nd observation, F is red chair, A is white chair. Now from Q’s 5 th observation, G is blue
chair. So, C and H are purple and green chairs, not necessarily in the same order.

From P’s 5th observation B must be black in colour.

The final arrangement is as follows:

The chair that is immediately after the red chair is B. Hence, [4].

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 0 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 335 secs

Your Attempt: Skipped

% Students got it correct: 46 %

Which of the following is definitely the correct combination of a chair and its colour?

A – Red
H – Purple
F – Green
D – Orange

From P’s 4th and Q’s 1st observation, we get the following arrangement.

From Q’s 3rd and P’s 2nd observation, the red chair cannot be immediately after the white chair and so it must be immediately before
the black chair.

From Q’s 2nd and 4th observation, we can say that blue chair is between the chairs A and F. … (I)

Blue chair is not adjacent to black chair. From P’s 1st observation, purple chair is also not next to black chair. So, it can be concluded
that orange chair is next to black chair. So, D is orange chair. The neighbouring chair of D has to be purple (using I) and blue chair is
opposite to purple chair. So again from Q’s 2nd observation, F is red chair, A is white chair. Now from Q’s 5 th observation, G is blue
chair. So, C and H are purple and green chairs, not necessarily in the same order.

From P’s 5th observation B must be black in colour.

The final arrangement is as follows:

Now all the questions can be answered.

The chair D is orange. Hence, [4].

Correct Answer:

D – Orange

Time taken by you: 0 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 30 secs

Your Attempt: Skipped

% Students got it correct: 31 %

As per the path taken by Q, what is the colour of the chair, which is the third chair after the blue chair?

Cannot be determined

From P’s 4th and Q’s 1st observation, we get the following arrangement.

From Q’s 3rd and P’s 2nd observation, the red chair cannot be immediately after the white chair and so it must be immediately before
the black chair.

From Q’s 2nd and 4th observation, we can say that blue chair is between the chairs A and F. … (I)

Blue chair is not adjacent to black chair. From P’s 1st observation, purple chair is also not next to black chair. So, it can be concluded
that orange chair is next to black chair. So, D is orange chair. The neighbouring chair of D has to be purple (using I) and blue chair is
opposite to purple chair. So again from Q’s 2nd observation, F is red chair, A is white chair. Now from Q’s 5 th observation, G is blue
chair. So, C and H are purple and green chairs, not necessarily in the same order.

From P’s 5th observation B must be black in colour.

The final arrangement is as follows:

The chair that is the third chair after the blue chair is green in colour. Hence, [3].

Correct Answer:


Time taken by you: 0 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 15 secs

Your Attempt: Skipped

% Students got it correct: 33 %

Which of the following statements is false?

As per path taken by Q, the black chair is before the yellow chair
As per path taken by Q, the yellow chair is before the green chair
As per path taken by P, the orange chair is before the black chair
None of these

From P’s 4th and Q’s 1st observation, we get the following arrangement.

From Q’s 3rd and P’s 2nd observation, the red chair cannot be immediately after the white chair and so it must be immediately before
the black chair.

From Q’s 2nd and 4th observation, we can say that blue chair is between the chairs A and F. … (I)

Blue chair is not adjacent to black chair. From P’s 1st observation, purple chair is also not next to black chair. So, it can be concluded
that orange chair is next to black chair. So, D is orange chair. The neighbouring chair of D has to be purple (using I) and blue chair is
opposite to purple chair. So again from Q’s 2nd observation, F is red chair, A is white chair. Now from Q’s 5 th observation, G is blue
chair. So, C and H are purple and green chairs, not necessarily in the same order.

From P’s 5th observation B must be black in colour.

The final arrangement is as follows:

Choice [3] is definitely false. Hence, [3].

Correct Answer:

As per path taken by P, the orange chair is before the black chair

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% Students got it correct: 37 %


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Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.

Eight professional boxers – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H – participated in the world heavyweight championship in Ukraine.
In the 1st round, these eight boxers were divided into two groups of four boxers each. Each boxer has to play two matches against each of
the other boxers in his group. The boxers with the highest and second highest number of wins in both the groups will move to the next
round, i.e. the semi-finals.
The following points about the 1 st round are known:

1. The four boxers that moved to the semi-finals were B, F, G and H.

2. No match in the first round ended in a draw.

3. In both the groups, the four boxers in the group won different number of matches.

4. F lost both of his matches against G.

5. A and H won equal number of matches in the first round.

6. In his group, C lost both of his matches against each of the other boxers except D, who, in turn won at least one match against each of
the other boxers in the group, except one.


Which boxer won highest number of matches in the first round?

Cannot be determined
Video Explanation:
From (2) and (3); scores of players in a group can be

(i) 0 2 4 6
(ii) 0 1 5 6
(iii) 0 3 4 5
(iv) 1 2 3 6
(v) 1 2 4 5

From (5) score of A is same as score of H. But A could not reach the semi-finals. This is possible only if the scores are as in (iii) and

In group 1, A won 3 matches but did not reach the semi-finals. The other boxer who did not reach the semi-finals was E. He must have
lost all matches. Since F lost both matches to G, maximum number of matches he could have won was 4. Therefore F won 4 matches
and G won 5 matches.

In group 2, H won 3 matches and reached the semi-finals. The other boxer who reached the semi-final was B. He must have won 6
matches. The other two boxers ( C and D) won 1 and 2 matches.

Using statement 6, D lost both matches against exactly one boxer. So he must have won one match against C.

Now the table can be completed as follows:

It can be seen that B won all the 6 matches in the first round. Hence, [3].
Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 0 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 161 secs
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% Students got it correct: 36 %

Which boxer won the least number of matches in the first round?

Cannot be determined

From (2) and (3); scores of players in a group can be

(i) 0 2 4 6
(ii) 0 1 5 6
(iii) 0 3 4 5
(iv) 1 2 3 6
(v) 1 2 4 5

From (5) score of A is same as score of H. But A could not reach the semi-finals. This is possible only if the scores are as in (iii) and

In group 1, A won 3 matches but did not reach the semi-finals. The other boxer who did not reach the semi-finals was E. He must have
lost all matches. Since F lost both matches to G, maximum number of matches he could have won was 4. Therefore F won 4 matches
and G won 5 matches.

In group 2, H won 3 matches and reached the semi-finals. The other boxer who reached the semi-final was B. He must have won 6
matches. The other two boxers ( C and D) won 1 and 2 matches.

Using statement 6, D lost both matches against exactly one boxer. So he must have won one match against C.

Now the table can be completed as follows:

It can be seen that E lost all the matches in the first round. Hence, [1].
Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 0 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 31 secs
Your Attempt: Skipped
% Students got it correct: 43 %

What was the total number of matches won by D in the first round?

Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard.


From (2) and (3); scores of players in a group can be

(i) 0 2 4 6
(ii) 0 1 5 6
(iii) 0 3 4 5
(iv) 1 2 3 6
(v) 1 2 4 5

From (5) score of A is same as score of H. But A could not reach the semi-finals. This is possible only if the scores are as in (iii) and

In group 1, A won 3 matches but did not reach the semi-finals. The other boxer who did not reach the semi-finals was E. He must have
lost all matches. Since F lost both matches to G, maximum number of matches he could have won was 4. Therefore F won 4 matches
and G won 5 matches.
In group 2, H won 3 matches and reached the semi-finals. The other boxer who reached the semi-final was B. He must have won 6
matches. The other two boxers ( C and D) won 1 and 2 matches.

Using statement 6, D lost both matches against exactly one boxer. So he must have won one match against C.

Now the table can be completed as follows:

Now all the questions can be answered.

It can be seen that D won 2 matches in the first round.

Therefore, the required answer is 2.

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 0 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 31 secs
Your Attempt: Skipped
% Students got it correct: 56 %

What was the minimum number of matches won by a boxer who reached the semi-finals?

Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard.

From (2) and (3); scores of players in a group can be

(i) 0 2 4 6
(ii) 0 1 5 6
(iii) 0 3 4 5
(iv) 1 2 3 6
(v) 1 2 4 5

From (5) score of A is same as score of H. But A could not reach the semi-finals. This is possible only if the scores are as in (iii) and

In group 1, A won 3 matches but did not reach the semi-finals. The other boxer who did not reach the semi-finals was E. He must have
lost all matches. Since F lost both matches to G, maximum number of matches he could have won was 4. Therefore F won 4 matches
and G won 5 matches.

In group 2, H won 3 matches and reached the semi-finals. The other boxer who reached the semi-final was B. He must have won 6
matches. The other two boxers ( C and D) won 1 and 2 matches.

Using statement 6, D lost both matches against exactly one boxer. So he must have won one match against C.

Now the table can be completed as follows:

Now all the questions can be answered.

A boxer who reached the semi-finals won at least 3 matches.

Therefore, the required answer is 3.

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 0 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 25 secs
Your Attempt: Skipped
% Students got it correct: 53 %



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Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.

Four countries : India, Canada, England and Australia sent five wrestlers, I, II, III, IV and V and six weightlifters, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X
and XI to participate in the 2018 Commonwealth Games held in Australia. Further, it is known that:

A. I and V are the only wrestlers from their respective countries

B. X and XI are the only two participants sent by England to the Commonwealth games.

C. I is not from the country which sent the maximum number of wrestlers and weightlifters put together.

D. Wrestlers came from more number of countries than the weightlifters did.

E. Australia sent more wrestlers than India, which did not send any weightlifters.

F. Each country sent a different number of wrestlers and weightlifters put together.


How many wrestlers and weightlifters put together did Australia send?

Cannot be determined
Video Explanation:

There are a total of eleven wrestlers and weightlifters put together.

From statement (F), the only possibility that exists is that the countries India, Canada, England and Australia sent 1, 2, 3 and 5
participants not necessarily in this particular order.

From statement (B): Only X and XI were sent by England. This implies that England is the country that sent two participants.

From statement (D): Wrestlers came from more number of countries than the weightlifters did. There is one country England which sent
only weightlifters. From the remaining 3 countries, all of them could not send weightlifters.

Wrestlers might have come from at most 3 countries (India, Canada and Australia). This implies that the weightlifters must have been
sent by less than 3 countries. England is not the only country which sent weightlifters as there are 4 more weightlifters.

Number of countries that sent weightlifters is greater than 1 and less than 3. This implies the number is 2. That is, just one country sent
all the remaining 4 weightlifters. It means that the country which has sent 5 participants sent these 4 weightlifters.

This also implies that 2 countries which sent 1 and 3 participants sent only wrestlers

Statement (A): I and V are the only wrestlers from their respective countries. This implies that they do not belong to the country that has
sent 3 wrestlers.

Statement (C): I is not from the country which sent the maximum number of participants. This implies that I is from the country which
has sent only one participant and V is from the country which sent 5 participants. All the other 3 wrestlers belong to the same country,
which has sent exactly three participants.

From statement (E): Australia sent more wrestlers than India, which did not send any weightlifters. India did not send any weightlifter
which implies that India sent I or II, III and IV. But again Australia sent more wrestlers than India implies that I was sent by India.
Australia should have sent more than 1 wrestler implies that Australia sent three wrestlers. Canada sent five participants.

Australia sent three participants. Hence, [3].

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 5 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 323 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 74 %

Which country sent the maximum number of wrestlers and weightlifters put together?


There are a total of eleven wrestlers and weightlifters put together.

From statement (F), the only possibility that exists is that the countries India, Canada, England and Australia sent 1, 2, 3 and 5
participants not necessarily in this particular order.

From statement (B): Only X and XI were sent by England. This implies that England is the country that sent two participants.

From statement (D): Wrestlers came from more number of countries than the weightlifters did. There is one country England which sent
only weightlifters. From the remaining 3 countries, all of them could not send weightlifters.

Wrestlers might have come from at most 3 countries (India, Canada and Australia). This implies that the weightlifters must have been
sent by less than 3 countries. England is not the only country which sent weightlifters as there are 4 more weightlifters.

Number of countries that sent weightlifters is greater than 1 and less than 3. This implies the number is 2. That is, just one country sent
all the remaining 4 weightlifters. It means that the country which has sent 5 participants sent these 4 weightlifters.

This also implies that 2 countries which sent 1 and 3 participants sent only wrestlers

Statement (A): I and V are the only wrestlers from their respective countries. This implies that they do not belong to the country that has
sent 3 wrestlers.

Statement (C): I is not from the country which sent the maximum number of participants. This implies that I is from the country which
has sent only one participant and V is from the country which sent 5 participants. All the other 3 wrestlers belong to the same country,
which has sent exactly three participants.
From statement (E): Australia sent more wrestlers than India, which did not send any weightlifters. India did not send any weightlifter
which implies that India sent I or II, III and IV. But again Australia sent more wrestlers than India implies that I was sent by India.
Australia should have sent more than 1 wrestler implies that Australia sent three wrestlers. Canada sent five participants.

Canada sent the maximum number of participants. Hence, [4].

Correct Answer:


Time taken by you: 4 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 44 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 77 %

Which country sent three wrestlers?

Cannot be determined

There are a total of eleven wrestlers and weightlifters put together.

From statement (F), the only possibility that exists is that the countries India, Canada, England and Australia sent 1, 2, 3 and 5
participants not necessarily in this particular order.

From statement (B): Only X and XI were sent by England. This implies that England is the country that sent two participants.

From statement (D): Wrestlers came from more number of countries than the weightlifters did. There is one country England which sent
only weightlifters. From the remaining 3 countries, all of them could not send weightlifters.

Wrestlers might have come from at most 3 countries (India, Canada and Australia). This implies that the weightlifters must have been
sent by less than 3 countries. England is not the only country which sent weightlifters as there are 4 more weightlifters.

Number of countries that sent weightlifters is greater than 1 and less than 3. This implies the number is 2. That is, just one country sent
all the remaining 4 weightlifters. It means that the country which has sent 5 participants sent these 4 weightlifters.
This also implies that 2 countries which sent 1 and 3 participants sent only wrestlers

Statement (A): I and V are the only wrestlers from their respective countries. This implies that they do not belong to the country that has
sent 3 wrestlers.

Statement (C): I is not from the country which sent the maximum number of participants. This implies that I is from the country which
has sent only one participant and V is from the country which sent 5 participants. All the other 3 wrestlers belong to the same country,
which has sent exactly three participants.

From statement (E): Australia sent more wrestlers than India, which did not send any weightlifters. India did not send any weightlifter
which implies that India sent I or II, III and IV. But again Australia sent more wrestlers than India implies that I was sent by India.
Australia should have sent more than 1 wrestler implies that Australia sent three wrestlers. Canada sent five participants.

Australia sent three wrestlers. Hence, [1].

Correct Answer:


Time taken by you: 7 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 29 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 79 %


Which of the following countries did not send any weightlifter?

Both India and Australia


There are a total of eleven wrestlers and weightlifters put together.

From statement (F), the only possibility that exists is that the countries India, Canada, England and Australia sent 1, 2, 3 and 5
participants not necessarily in this particular order.

From statement (B): Only X and XI were sent by England. This implies that England is the country that sent two participants.

From statement (D): Wrestlers came from more number of countries than the weightlifters did. There is one country England which sent
only weightlifters. From the remaining 3 countries, all of them could not send weightlifters.

Wrestlers might have come from at most 3 countries (India, Canada and Australia). This implies that the weightlifters must have been
sent by less than 3 countries. England is not the only country which sent weightlifters as there are 4 more weightlifters.

Number of countries that sent weightlifters is greater than 1 and less than 3. This implies the number is 2. That is, just one country sent
all the remaining 4 weightlifters. It means that the country which has sent 5 participants sent these 4 weightlifters.

This also implies that 2 countries which sent 1 and 3 participants sent only wrestlers

Statement (A): I and V are the only wrestlers from their respective countries. This implies that they do not belong to the country that has
sent 3 wrestlers.

Statement (C): I is not from the country which sent the maximum number of participants. This implies that I is from the country which
has sent only one participant and V is from the country which sent 5 participants. All the other 3 wrestlers belong to the same country,
which has sent exactly three participants.

From statement (E): Australia sent more wrestlers than India, which did not send any weightlifters. India did not send any weightlifter
which implies that India sent I or II, III and IV. But again Australia sent more wrestlers than India implies that I was sent by India.
Australia should have sent more than 1 wrestler implies that Australia sent three wrestlers. Canada sent five participants.

Both India and Australia did not send any weightlifter. Hence, [4].
Correct Answer:

Both India and Australia

Time taken by you: 28 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 56 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 65 %



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% Students got it correct: 74 %

Kishan offered discounts of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% to five customers who bought 1 kg, 2 kg, 3 kg, 4 kg and 5 kg of rice
respectively and is able to just recover the cost of rice. If he were to give the same discount rate for all the five customers such that he
would neither gain profit nor suffer loss, what would be the approximate value of that discount rate?



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Time taken by you: 174 secs
Avg Time taken by all students: 152 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 67 %


Jayesh has a certain number of 5-rupee and 2-rupee coins. Thickness of each 5-rupee coin is same as thickness of each 2-rupee coin.
Inside a closed cylindrical container, he is able to exactly fit all 5- rupee coins and all but twenty 2-rupee coins when they are piled up
one above the other. If the height of the container is increased by 20%, he is able to exactly fit all 2-rupee coins and all but ten 5-rupee
coins when they are piled up one above the other. What is the total number of 5-rupee and 2-rupee coins available with Jayesh?

Insufficient data


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NoSuchBucketThe specified bucket does not

Let the number of 5-rupee and 2-rupee coins with Jayesh be ‘x’ and ‘y’ respectively.
The original height of the container can hold ‘x’ 5-rupee coins and ‘y – 20’ 2-rupee coins.
When the height of the container is increased by 20%, he is able to fit ‘x – 10’ 5-rupee coins and ‘y’ 2-rupee coins.
Therefore, we have: 1.2(x + y – 20) = (x – 10 + y)
0.2(x + y) = 14
x + y = 70
Hence, [2].

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% Students got it correct: 53 %


Three identical circles with maximum possible area are drawn inside an isosceles trapezium as shown. Find the ratio of the sum of the
circumference of all the three circles combined to the perimeter of the trapezium.

Note: C 1 and C3 touch the trapezium at three points. C 2 touches C 1 and C3 .


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% Students got it correct: 45 %


None of these


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Time taken by you: 118 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 100 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 70 %


Box 1 contains 10 red balls, box 2 contains 20 blue balls and box 3 contains 30 green balls. Abhinav picks some balls from boxes 1 and
2. Bipin picks the remaining balls from box 2 and some balls from box 3. Chetan picks the remaining balls from boxes 1 and 3. The ratio
of the number of red and blue balls with Abhinav is 2 : 3, the ratio of the number of blue and green balls with Bipin is 7 : 5 and the ratio
of the number of green and red balls with Chetan is 10 : 3. Find the ratio of the number of total balls picked up by Abhinav, Bipin and

5 : 12 : 13

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NoSuchBucketThe specified bucket does not


Let the number of red and blue balls with Abhinav be 2x and 3x respectively.
Let the number of blue and green balls with Bipin be 7y and 5y respectively.
Let the number of green and red balls with Chetan be 10z and 3z respectively.
Therefore, 2x + 3z = 10, 3x + 7y = 20 and 5y + 10z = 30.
The only possible integer solutions to this set of linear equations is x = 2, y = 2 and z = 2.
Therefore, the total number of balls picked up by Abhinav, Bipin and Chetan are 10, 24 and 26 respectively.
Therefore, required ratio = 5 : 12 : 13
Hence, [1].

Correct Answer:

5 : 12 : 13

Time taken by you: 339 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 230 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 82 %


If |1 – 2x2 | ≤ 1 – x2 , then which of the following is true?

|x| < 1


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% Students got it correct: 47 %


2 units
3 units

5 units


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Correct Answer:

3 units

Time taken by you: 251 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 116 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 69 %


The product of some natural numbers (all under 25) is 1730520. These numbers are arranged in ascending order. The product of the first
three of those numbers is 3420. The product of the last three of those numbers is 9614. What is the product of the first four of these

Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard.


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NoSuchBucketThe specified bucket does not


3420 = 180 × 19.

Therefore, 19 has to be one of the numbers among the first three.
9614 = 2 × 11 × 19 × 23. Since 11 cannot be among the last three numbers, the last three numbers are 19, 22 and 23.
Therefore, there are a total of 5 numbers, out of which the product of the first two numbers is 180 and the 3rd 4th and 5th numbers are 19,
22 and 23.
Therefore, the product of the first four of these numbers
= 180 × 19 × 22 = 75240.
Therefore, the required answer is 75240.
Correct Answer:


Time taken by you: 23 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 177 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 55 %


A tap fills an empty tank in 12 hours, but due to a leak at the bottom of the tank it took 20 hours to fill the tank that was initially empty.
If the tap is opened at time t = 0 and closed at time t = 10 hours, after how many hours since the beginning, the tank will be empty



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Time taken by you: 9 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 79 secs
Your Attempt: Wrong
% Students got it correct: 50 %


In the year 2018, Carl's father was thrice as old as Carl was. In the year 2033, Carl's father will be twice as old as Carl will be then. In
which Calendar year will Carl's father be 2.5 times as old as Carl will be then?


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NoSuchBucketThe specified bucket does not


If Carl was ‘x’ years old in 2018, his father was ‘3x’ years old in 2018.
Carl’s age in 2033 = x + 15 and his father’s age in 2033 = 3x + 15
3x + 15 = 2(x + 15). Solving for x, x = 15. That means in 2018, Carl was 15 years old and his father was 45 years old.
If Carl’s father will be 2.5 times as old as he will be ‘y’ years after 2018,
we get 2.5(15 + y) = 45 + y.
Solving for y, we get y = 5.
Therefore the required calendar year is 2023.
Hence, [2].

Correct Answer:


Time taken by you: 6 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 140 secs
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% Students got it correct: 80 %


5 : 12

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% Students got it correct: 44 %


Find the number of composite factors of 4320.

Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard.


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4320 = 25 × 33 × 51
Total number of factors = 6 × 4 × 2 = 48
Out of these, 2, 3 and 5 are prime factors and 1 is not a composite number.
Therefore, the required answer is 44.

Correct Answer:


Time taken by you: 13 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 25 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 21 %


The ratio of the compound interest earned over 2 years when compounding a principal annually to the simple interest earned for the
same principal at the same rate for the same duration is 17 : 16. Find the ratio of the compound interest earned over 3 years when
compounding the same principal annually to the simple interest earned for the same principal at the same rate for 3 years.

77 : 64
137 : 128
217 : 192


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Correct Answer:

217 : 192

Time taken by you: 2 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 146 secs
Your Attempt: Correct
% Students got it correct: 59 %



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Time taken by you: 4 secs

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% Students got it correct: 64 %


Which of the following equations has 2 as one of the roots and the other roots in the ratio of –2 : 3?

x3 – 8x2 + 4x + 48 = 0
x3 + 3x2 – 4x – 12 = 0
x3 – 28x + 48 = 0
x3 – 7x2 + 16x – 12 = 0


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Correct Answer:

x3 – 28x + 48 = 0

Time taken by you: 2 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 81 secs
Your Attempt: Wrong
% Students got it correct: 40 %


A sphere is cut into 8 equal parts along 3 mutually perpendicular planes passing through the centre of the sphere. The maximum distance
between any two points within each part is 4 cm. What is the volume of the original sphere?

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Time taken by you: 0 secs

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% Students got it correct: 62 %


What is the remainder when (1011943) 14 is divided by 7?

Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard.

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Therefore, the required answer is 4.

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Time taken by you: 44 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 55 secs
Your Attempt: Wrong
% Students got it correct: 51 %


Two persons A and B start running simultaneously around a circular track from the same point in opposite directions with speeds 5 m/s
and 7 m/s respectively. How many rounds around the track will A make before he meets B for the first time at the point which is
diametrically opposite the starting point?



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NoSuchBucketThe specified bucket does not


Since A and B are running in opposite directions and their speeds are co-prime, they will meet in 5 + 7 = 12 distinct points. These 12
points will be equidistant from each other. Thus, the 6th point will be the one diametrically opposite the starting point.
Therefore, after completing 2.5 rounds (in the third round), A will meet B at the point diametrically opposite the starting point.
Hence, [2].

Correct Answer:


Time taken by you: 146 secs

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% Students got it correct: 38 %




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f(f(f(k))) = 22
f(f(k)) = 11 or 44

Case 1: If f(f(k)) = 11, then f(k) = 22.

If f(k) is 22, then k is either 11 or 44.

Case 2: If f(f(k)) = 44, then f(k) = 88.

If f(k) = 88, then k = 176.

Therefore, all the possible values of k are 11, 44 and 176.

Therefore, required sum = 231.
Hence, [4].
Correct Answer:
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How many 2-digit numbers in base 4 are 2-digit numbers with the same digits (but not necessarily in the same order) in base 10?



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This is only possible if (ab)4 = (ba)10

Therefore, 4a + b = 10b + a.
Therefore, a = 3b.
The only possible solution is when a = 3 and b = 1.
Therefore, there is only one 2-digit number.
Hence, [2].
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If y and x are positive integers, then what is the minimum possible value of x + y for which y log 10 = log 32 + log x?


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Given: y log 10 = log 32 + log x

log 10y = log(32x)
10y = 32x = 25 x
2 y × 5y = 25 × x
For x and y to be integers and for minimizing the value of x + y, y = 5 and x = 5 5 = 3125.
Minimum possible value of x + y = 3130
Hence, [1].

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Farhan, Karan and Shoojit entered into partnership by investing money in the ratio 3 : 5 : 4 respectively. Karan left 3 months before
Farhan left the partnership whereas Shoojit continued the business. At the end of 15 months, the business was closed and the profit was
divided among Farhan, Karan and Shoojit in the ratio 3 : 2 : 12. For how many months did Shoojit run the business by himself?



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Let the number of months that Farhan and Karan worked be ‘x’ and ‘x – 3’.
3 × x : 5 × (x – 3) : 4 × 15 = 3 : 2 : 12
3x : (5x – 15) : 60 = 15 : 10 : 60
Therefore, Shoojit ran the business for 15 – 5 = 10 months by himself.
Hence, [3].

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Gulzarilaal divides his hexagonal farm to be distributed among his three sons. Natwar receives the rectangular region ABDE whose
breadth and length are in the ratio 1 : 2. Mohan and Kamlesh receive regions AFE and BCD respectively that are shaped as isosceles
right triangles. Find the percentage share of Mohan out of the entire farmland.



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There are 25 distinct points on a circle. Khushbu is asked to draw chords using these points as end points. She randomly draws 10 chords
such that none of them have any common end points. In how many ways can she draw the maximum possible number of chords using
the remaining unused points such that none of them have any common end points?

Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard.


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Since 10 chords have been drawn, we are only left with five unused points. Using these, we can draw only two chords with one point
remaining unused. From the chosen four points, the number of distinct pairs will be three. Therefore, total number of ways = 5 × 3 = 15.
Therefore, the required answer is 15.
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Find the number of zeroes at the end of (855!) 2 .

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Cups A and B have equal volumes. Cup A drew acid from beaker A having 150 litres of 20% acid solution such that cup A is filled to
the brim. Cup B drew acid from beaker B having 120 litres of 10% acid solution such that cup B is filled to the brim. Now, contents of
cup A are added to beaker B and that of cup B are added to beaker A. After this, the volume of pure acid in both the beakers becomes
equal. What is the volume of each cup (in litres)?



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Let the volume of each cup be ‘m’ litres.
Final volume of pure acid in beaker A = 0.2 × (150 – m) + 0.1 × m = 30 – 0.1m
Final volume of pure acid in beaker B = 0.1 × (120 – m) + 0.2 × m = 12 + 0.1m
30 – 0.1m = 12 + 0.1m
m = 90 litres.
Hence, [1].
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All students who play hockey in a class play cricket as well. Some football players play cricket as well but none of them plays hockey. It
is known that the number of students who play only one sport is twice the number of players who play two sports. The number of
students who play football is equal to the number of students who play hockey which is equal to half the number of students who play
only cricket. If there are 120 students in the class and each student plays at least one sport, find the number of students who play only

Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard.


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We can draw the Venn diagram as follows:

It is given that the number of students who play only one sport is twice the number of players who play two sports. Therefore, x + z = 80
and y + h = 40
y = 40 – h
Also, x + y = h
x = h – (40 – h) = 2h – 40
z = 80 – x = 80 – (2h – 40) = 120 – 2h
Also, z ÷ 2 = h.
60 – h = h
h = 30
The number of players who play only football = 2 × 30 – 40 = 20.
Therefore, the required answer is 20.

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Let B = 100
Substitute values of x as given in answer options.
Option1 : x = 25
A = 125 and C = 75
125 is not (4 × 25)% more than 75.

Option 2 : x = 40
A = 140 and C = 60
140 is not (4 × 40)% more than 60.

Option 3 : x = 50
A = 150 and C = 50
150 is (4 × 50)% more than 50.

Option 4 : x = 60
A = 160 and C = 40
160 is not (4 × 60)% more than 40.

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(Note: Common difference of the AP > 0)

Insufficient data


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Let the first term and common difference of the AP be ‘a’and ‘d’ respectively.
If we consider just the odd-numbered terms, they form an AP with first term ‘a’ and common difference ‘2d’.
If we consider just the even-numbered terms, they form an AP with first term ‘a + d’ and common difference ‘2d’.

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A straight wire connects the foot of building A and the top of building B, making an angle of 30° with the ground. The same straight wire
is just long enough to connect the top of building B and the top of building A. What will be the ratio of the length of this wire to the
length of the wire that connects the top of building A and the bottom of building B?


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Five numbers are given. All possible sets of three numbers out of these five are chosen and their individual averages are computed. The
Five numbers are given. All possible sets of three numbers out of these five are chosen and their individual averages are computed. The
average of these individual averages is 14. Which is the sum of all the original five numbers?

Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard.


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Consider a case where all the numbers are equal to 14.

Average of any three chosen = 14

Average of averages of all the sets = 14

Hence, sum of original five numbers = 14 × 5 = 70.

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