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ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề).

Họ và tên thí sinh: ………………………..…….…. Số báo danh: ….………. Mã đề thi 191

LƯU Ý: - Thí sinh làm bài vào phiếu trả lời.

- Đề thi gồm 6 trang. Tổng điểm: 100
- Thí sinh không được sử dụng bất cứ tài liệu gì.


I. You will hear a conversation between a girl, Jill, and a boy, Guss, about an adventure park they have both visited.
For questions 1 to 5, listen and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D. (5 pts)
1. What is Guss’s uncle uninterested in?
A. the park B. saving money C. going on rides D. Thunder Mountain
2. How many times has Jill gone on the Thunder Mountain?
A. one B. two C. three D. four
3. Jill might visit the park again on a rainy day because _____.
A. she loves getting wet B. Guss might go riding with her
C. fewer people will wait in line for the ride D. she will have a school break soon
4. Which part of the park may Guss visit on his next trip?
A. Future World B. the Jungle Walk
C. the Sea Life Theatre D. the new food court
5. Certain areas of the park _____.
A. are under construction B. have been closed down
C. are not on the map D. don’t impress the public
II. You will hear a man called Markus Fischer talking about mooncake, a traditional Asian bakery product.
For questions 6-15, complete the sentences with ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each blank. (10 pts)
6. Markus was staying in ………………. when he first tried mooncake.
7. Markus’s favourite kind of mooncake has a filling made of ………………. .
8. Markus says that he likes to have ………………. with mooncake.
9. Mooncake is popular during the Moon Festival, which last year was held in ………………. .
10. The mooncake Marcus was given during the festival had the shape of a ………………. on the top.
11. Markus was surprised to learn that mooncake is rarely made at ………………. in China.
12. The people Markus was staying with received mooncake from their ………………. .
13. His host family gave Markus a mooncake that had a slightly ………………. flavour.
14. Markus was told that, many years ago, people used to send secret messages written on the top of
………………. mooncakes.
15. After people had read what was written on the mooncake, they ………………. it.


I. Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete each of the following sentences. (10 pts)
1. The poor girl raised her eyes (HEAVEN), imploring God to help her out.
2. They invented a device to (MOBILE) the car engine in case of theft.
3. I just stood there and listened in (BELIEVE) as Wendy told me the shocking news.
4. It was reported that neither of the (DEFEND) was found guilty in the trial.
5. What a lovely present! That was very (THINK) of you.
6. I can say in all (SINCERE) that I know nothing of this plan.
7. Good (SECRETARY) skills should enhance your chances of getting a job.
8. There have been complaints about (MANAGE) levels of work recently.
9. She always (PLACE) her keys, so her assistant used to carry spare ones for her.
10. You can relax on the beach or (ALTERNATE) visit the bustling town centre.
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II. Fill each blank with a suitable preposition or adverb particle to complete each of the following sentences. (10 pts)
1. Last year, we visited some islands ………….. the west coast ………….. Ireland.
2. Thomas got ………….. serious trouble after he had treated himself ………….. a new pair of shoes and had no
money left for the bus back home.
3. We can’t use the photocopier ………….. present; it's been ………….. repair since last week.
4. ………….. the absence of medical treatment, the sick man was unable to pull ………….. .
5. The factory has laid ………….. a number of workers ………….. a direct consequence of the pandemic.
6. The terrible accident put him ………….. racing ………….. good.
7. I didn’t want to discuss the matter, but my husband insisted ………….. bringing it ………….. .
8. Having lost engine power, the boat's crew found themselves ………….. the mercy ………….. the wind.
9. The locals there went ………….. with chickenpox one ………….. the other.
10. The public is largely critical ………….. the administration’s slow progress ………….. reuniting families after war.
III. The following passage contains 10 mistakes. Identify the mistakes and write the corrections in the corresponding
numbered boxes. (0) has been done as an example. (10 pts)
0. Line 1: They  There
1 Are dancers really just athletes? They are similarities between them and it has long been acknowledged
2 that its level of fitness is remarkably similar. In fact, experiments which footballers played part in training
3 sessions with dancers showed that it was the players who got tired first!
4 Many people already view dancers like elite athletes. Unfortunately, what is also apparent is that while
5 dancers possess an enviable range of flexibility, not mentioning amazing muscular strength, they are also
6 highly susceptible for injury. And apart from those who are lucky enough to dance at the highest level,
7 they may have little real support when something serious occur, so careers can be cut short.
8 To return to an original question, much would argue that dancers are more than athletes. While training
9 equal hard, they have the added pressure of looking beautiful and making everything appear effortless.
10 So it is not only the physical capabilities of the dancers that people admire but also the grace and
11 artistry with which they perform.


Read the following passage and fill each of the numbered blanks with ONE suitable word. (5 pts)
Linguists believe that early man used many gestures to communicate with one another. This, it is thought, was man’s first
form of (1) ………….. and the only one he had for a long period of time. Even today we use some sign language, for
example, we shake our (2) ………….. to indicate ‘yes’ or ‘no’, we point and we wave.
The first spoken words may have been early man’s attempt to (3) ………….. the sounds made by animals. Then, he may
have developed sounds (4) ………….. his own. Gradually, man may have repeated certain sounds (5) ………….. often that
they became familiar and understandable to others. Once spoken language had begun, perhaps man invented new words
as he needed them to (6) ………….. himself verbally or to name new objects. In this (7) ………….., we can imagine language
By using words, parents were able to teach them to their children. The children in (8) ………….. probably made up new ones.
Each generation, therefore, in the development of language, knew more words than the generation (9) ………….. it.
Language is still growing and changing. Can you think of some words you use today (10) ………….. were not used by
your parents or grandparents when they were children?
I. Finish the second sentence in such a way that its meaning is similar to that of the original one. (10 pts)
1. My parents think that I should take a gap year after leaving school.  My parents would prefer ..........
2. Tom said, “Let me drive you to the airport tomorrow, Helen.”  Tom offered ..............................
3. I only found out about the meeting when the office called me.  Not until.....................................
4. Andy is a much better pianist than Joe.  Joe is nowhere ..........................
5. Despite the teacher’s clear instructions, many students didn’t perform the task well.  Clearly .......................................
6. The patient made an amazingly quick recovery from the operation.  That the patient made ...............
7. Brian is having a lot of trouble now because he lied to the police about the theft.  Had
8. The celebrity would do anything to keep her life private.  The celebrity would go ..............
9. Tim was always an optimist even when things were going wrong.  Tim invariably looked ...............
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10. When the girl was told about her failure, she broke down and cried.  On ............................................
II. Rewrite each of the sentences below in such a way that its meaning is similar to that of the original one, using the
word given in brackets. Do not change this word in any way. You must use no more than SIX words. (5 pts)
1. Don’t tell your colleagues anything about this. (BREATHE)
 Don’t ……………………………………………….…… to your colleagues.
2. John is a bit too ill to go out. (UP)
 John doesn’t ……………………………………………….…… out.
3. The residents protested loudly against the closure of the local library. (ARMS)
 The residents were ……………………………………………….…… of the local library.
4. We found it absolutely astonishing that Manchester City lost in the final match. (ABSOLUTE)
 To ……………………………………………….…… lost in the final match.
5. Harry made a very quick decision and he didn’t think about the matter enough. (WITHOUT)
 Harry made a very quick decision ……………………………………………….…… to the matter.


I. Mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the
others in each group. (2.5 pts)
1. A. precaution B. preference C. predator D. president
2. A. devour B. downpour C. flour D. scour
3. A. illusion B. occasion C. dimension D. evasion
4. A. giraffes B. myths C. recipes D. lyrics
5. A. ballet B. gadget C. duvet D. gilet
II. Mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose main stress position is placed differently from that of the
others in each group. (2.5 pts)
6. A. surname B. surpass C. surface D. surplus
7. A. contributory B. incompatible C. psychological D. unadventurous
8. A. cultivate B. extrovert C. apprehend D. magnitude
9. A. majesty B. apprentice C. flamingo D. detergent
10. A. magnificent B. parameter C. automobile D. provocative


I. Read the following passage and mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions
from 11 to 20. (10 pts)
Urban life has always involved a balancing of opportunities and rewards against dangers and stress; its motivating force
is, in the broadest sense, money. Opportunities to make money mean competition and competition is stressful; it is often
most intense in the largest cities, where opportunities are the greatest. The presence of huge numbers of people inevitably
involves more conflict, more traveling, the overloading of public services and exposure to those deviants and criminals
who are drawn to the rich pickings of great cities. Crime has always flourished in the relative anonymity of urban life, but
today’s ease of movement makes its control more difficult than ever; there is much evidence that its extent has a direct
relationship to the size of communities. City dwellers may become trapped in their homes by the fear of crime around
As a defense against these developments, city dwellers tend to use various strategies to try and reduce the pressures
upon themselves: contacts with other people are generally made brief and impersonal; doors are kept locked; telephone
numbers may be ex-directory; journeys outside the home are usually hurried, rather than a source of pleasure. There are
other strategies, too, which are positively harmful to the individuals, for example, reducing awareness through drugs or
alcohol. Furthermore, all these defensive forms of behavior are harmful to society in general; they cause widespread
loneliness and destroy the community’s concern for its members. Lack of informal social contact and indifference to the
misfortunes of others, if they are not personally known to oneself, are amongst the major causes of urban crime.
Inner areas of cities tend to be abandoned by the more successful and left to those who have done badly in the competitive
struggle or who belong to minority groups; these people are then geographically trapped because so much economic
activity has migrated to the suburbs and beyond.
Present-day architecture and planning have enormously worsened the human problems of urban life. Old established
neighborhoods have been ruthlessly swept away, by both public and private organizations, usually to be replaced by huge,
ugly, impersonal structures. People have been forced to leave their familiar homes, usually to be re-housed in tower
blocks which are drab, inconvenient, and fail to provide any setting for human interaction or support. This destruction of
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established social structures is the worst possible approach to the difficulties of living in a town or city. Instead, every effort
should be made to conserve the human scale of the environment, and to retain familiar landmarks.
11. According to the author, living in a city causes stress because there are so many people who are _____.
A. naturally aggressive B. likely to commit crime C. anxious to succeed D. in need of help
12. The word “its” used in paragraph 1 refers to _____.
A. control B. movement C. urban life D. crime
13. The author thinks that crime is increasing in cities because _____.
A. people feel anonymous there B. the trappings of success are attractive to criminals
C. the population is too large D. people do not communicate with their neighbors
14. The word “anonymity” used in paragraph 1 can be replaced by _____.
A. intensity B. vagueness C. isolation D. disaster
15. All of the following strategies to reduce pressure are mentioned EXCEPT _____.
A. never use telephones B. limit one’s contact
C. use alcohol D. make quick journeys outside
16. According to the article, what may be the most serious consequence of these defensive forms of behaviour?
A. Tracing the criminals B. Drugs and alcoholism
C. Finding somewhere to live D. Social isolation
17. Architectural changes have affected city life by _____.
A. giving the individual a plan for rehousing B. making people move to the suburbs
C. dispersing long-established communities D. forcing people to limit the interaction with others
18. The word “drab” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to _____.
A. inconsiderable B. colourful C. trapped D. monotonous
19. The word “impersonal” in the last paragraph is CLOSEST in meaning to _____.
A. remote B. abstract C. businesslike D. unfriendly
20. What does this passage mainly discuss?
A. Problems facing people living in cities B. City dwellers and their defensive strategies against crimes
C. Costs of urbanized cities D. Stressful competitions in inner areas of cities
II. Read the following passage and mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase to complete
each of the numbered blanks from 21 to 30. (5 pts)
Sunday May 4th will be World Laughter Day. Dr Madan Kataria, who introduced this annual event, says we need more
laughter in our lives to combat the global rise of stress and loneliness. But surely that strange sound that we make
periodically can’t be the (21) _____ to such problems.
If an alien were to land on our planet and take a stroll among a crowd of earthlings, it would hear a lot of ‘ha-ha’ noises. It
might wonder what (22) _____ this strange habit served. If we ask ourselves what (23) _____ a good laugh, the obvious
answer is that it is a response to something funny. But one scientist, Robert Provine, says humour has surprisingly (24)
_____ to do with that. (25) _____, it lies at the root of such issues as the perception of self and the evolution of language
and social behaviour.
Provine realised that you cannot capture (26) _____ laughter in the lab because as soon as you place it under scrutiny, it
vanishes. So, instead, he gathered data by (27) _____ with groups of people, noting when they laughed.
He collected 1,200 laugh episodes - an episode being defined as the comment immediately preceding the laughter and
the laughter itself. His analysis of this data (28) _____ some important facts about laughter. “It's a message we send to
other people - it (29) _____ disappears when we're by ourselves,” he says. “And it’s not a choice. Ask someone to laugh
and they’ll (30) _____ try to fake a laugh or say they can’t do it on demand.”
21. A. answer B. resolution C. introduction D. response
22. A. purpose B. reason C. idea D. meaning
23. A. prompts B. conceals C. inhibits D. concludes
24. A. much B. few C. little D. many
25. A. Instead B. In conclusion C. As a result D. Whereas
26. A. authentic B. complete C. contemporary D. current
27. A. showing up B. ending up C. coming around D. hanging around
28. A. declared B. investigated C. displayed D. revealed
29. A. undoubtedly B. constantly C. virtually D. absolutely
30. A. sooner B. either C. neither D. whether
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III. Read the following passage and mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions
from 31 to 35. (5 pts)
Beads were probably the first durable ornaments humans possessed, and the intimate relationship they had with their
owners is reflected in the fact that beads are among the most common items found in ancient archaeological sites. In the
past, as today, men, women, and children adorned themselves with beads. In some cultures, still, certain beads are often
worn from birth until death, and then are buried with their owners for the afterlife. Abrasion due to daily wear alters the
surface features of beads, and if they are buried for long, the effects of corrosion can further change their appearance.
Thus, interest is imparted to the bead both by use and the effects of time.
Besides their wearability, either as jewelry or incorporated into articles of clothing, beads possess the desirable
characteristics of every collectible: they are durable, portable, available in infinite variety, and often valuable in their original
cultural context as well as in today's market. Pleasing to look at and touch, beads come in shapes, colors, and materials
that almost compel one to handle them and to sort them.
Beads are miniature bundles of secrets waiting to be revealed: their history, manufacture, cultural context, economic role,
and ornamental use are all points of information one hopes to unravel. Even the most ordinary beads may have traveled
great distances and been exposed to many human experiences. The bead researcher must gather information from many
diverse fields. In addition to having to be a generalist while specializing in what may seem to be a narrow field, the
researcher is faced with the problem of primary materials that have little or no documentation. Many ancient beads that
are of ethnographic interest have often been separated from their original cultural context.
The special attractions of beads contribute to the uniqueness of bead research. While often regarded as the "small change
of civilizations”, beads are a part of every culture, and they can often be used to date archaeological sites and to designate
the degree of mercantile, technological, and cultural sophistication.
31. What is the main subject of the passage?
A. Materials used in making beads B. How beads are made
C. The reasons for studying beads D. Different types of beads
32. The word “adorned” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. decorated B. protected C. purchased D. enjoyed
33. All of the following are given as characteristics of collectible objects EXCEPT _____.
A. portability B. scarcity C. value D. durability
34. It is difficult to trace the history of certain ancient beads because they _____.
A. have been moved from their original locations B. have been buried underground
C. are small in size D. are frequently lost
35. Knowledge of the history of some beads may be useful in the studies done by which of the following?
A. Medical researchers B. Agricultural experts C. Economists D. Anthropologists


Mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase to complete each of the following sentences. (10 pts)
36. One of my favourite sayings is “Absence makes the heart grow _____”.
A. kinder B. warmer C. keener D. fonder
37. The recommendation that all people affected by the storm _____ immediately was approved.
A. be evacuated B. evacuated C. would be evacuated D. being evacuated
38. We had an argument last week. Now I want to have a long calm talk with her to _____.
A. have a go B. clear the air
C. keep my eyes open D. jump down my throat
39. _____ has resulted in what is known as deforestation.
A. That excessive logging of forests in the past century
B. It is that excessive logging of forests in the past century
C. That is excessive logging of forests in the past century
D. It is excessive logging of forests in the past century that
40. The wedding marked the beginning of a new _____ in Catherine’s life.
A. stint B. duration C. span D. phase
41. For the last few days, I _____ in Jane’s office as mine _____.
A. have worked – is redecorated B. had worked – was being redecorated
C. was working – was being redecorated D. have been working – is being redecorated
42. Emily was _____ disappointed when she learnt that she hadn’t won the beauty contest.
A. heavily B. strongly C. seriously D. bitterly

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43. Frank is at a shoes store.
Frank: “Can I try on these shoes?”
Shop assistant: “_____.”
A. First come, first served B. Oh, to your liking
C. By all means, sir D. Just enjoy yourself
44. Alan is talking with Mandy after coming back from a fair.
Alan: “I met your brother at the fair.”
Mandy: “You _____ my brother. I haven't got one!”
A. mustn't have met B. couldn't meet C. can't have met D. can't meet
45. A wife is talking to her husband before he leaves for work.
Wife: “Will you be home late tonight?”
Husband: “_____. The meeting won't start until six.”
A. No problem B. I'm afraid so C. I hope so D. No worries
46. It's always difficult to know what she's thinking because she's so _____.
A. selfless B. indecisive C. reserved D. inactive
47. There are other factors _____ those we have discussed.
A. out and about B. over and above C. up and down D. to and fro
48. It’s been announced that the officer will _____ trial for leaking secret data to the enemy’s intelligence.
A. sit B. go C. take D. stand
49. We walked through a park, _____ had been uprooted in the storm. It was a scene of utter desolation.
A. that the most trees B. most of whose trees C. most trees of it D. whose most trees
50. Explorers are said _____ a primitive tribe in the Amazon not long ago.
A. finding B. to have found C. to find D. having found
51. The bank will give an immediate refund _____ an error being made.
A. as an account of B. in the event of C. as a means of D. in recognition of
52. Staying in a hotel costs _____ renting a room in a dormitory for a week.
A. as much twice B. twice as much as C. more than twice as D. twice more
53. In spite of all the interruptions, Sheila _____ with her work.
A. pressed on B. tried out C. held off D. came down
54. Ted: What _____ make of car do you drive?
George: It’s _____ Toyota Camry.
A. the – Ø B. Ø – a C. the – a D. Ø – Ø
55. He’d rather not have been trusted with that money, _____ he?
A. had B. would C. wouldn’t D. hadn’t

---- THE END ----

Cán bộ coi thi số 1: …………………………. Cán bộ coi thi số 2: ……………………………….

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