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Module 4: 008


Key Things To Remember

1. Omnipresence is creating a wheelhouse of online presence for your brand.
2. The goal is to trap potential customers in an ecosystem where they keep seeing your ads.
3. On average, it takes someone 7-12 views of an ad before they make a purchasing decision.
4. Ice-cold traffic is people who have never seen your product before and the goal is to hook
them and grab their attention.
5. Cold traffic is people who have seen your ads and the goal is to build a deeper interest in
your brand and product.
6. Warm traffic is people who have engaged with your ads by visiting your website but have
not purchased yet, and the goal is to sell harder to convert them into customers.
7. Hot traffic is people who have added items to their cart but have not checked out, and the
goal is to create urgency and get them to complete the purchase.
8. To be successful, you need to be hyper-focused on your demographic and test different
ad strategies to find what works.
9. When crafting ads, focus on speaking the customer’s language and selling solutions and
results rather than just listing features.
10. Each type of traffic needs to be separated into its own campaigns, there is a lot of moving
parts so try your best to keep track of everything.

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