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Module 2: 002

"Facebook Case Study"

My WINNING Facebook Store is

For this store, the whole game plan was to bulk-test products. I would test about 10
products a DAY and double down on any winning ads. Even if I lost money advertising
certain products, it rarely made a difference in the long run because 1 successful product
and ad would make up for the loss immediately and skyrocket my sales.

My Facebook profile is

You can look through my Facebook account and see the ads I made, and also the ad copy to
give you a little insight into how my store is advertised.

PLEASE NOTE, this store is old and it was different times in e-commerce and Facebook
advertising when I was operating this store. I would not advise in today's time to create a
store similar to this. I think there are far greater opportunities in the e-commerce space than
bulk testing clothing. However, if this is something you want to try out, you can look into my
entire framework from the links above.

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