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Steps to follow for an INDUCTIVE lesson teaching a Grammatical point:

Engagement: Begin with a real-life scenario, story, or question that relates to the grammar concept
you're teaching. This helps to capture students' interest and establish context.

Exposure to Examples: Provide students with a set of sentences that illustrate the target grammar
concept. There should be plenty of sentences as examples

Observation: Encourage students to analyze the provided sentences and identify patterns or
common elements. Ask them to work in pairs or small groups to discuss what they notice.

Guided Discovery: Lead students through a series of questions that prompt them to identify the rules
or patterns underlying the grammar concept. For example, "What do you notice about the placement
of the adjectives in these sentences?"

Rule Formulation: Based on their observations and discussions, guide students to formulate the
grammar rule or pattern. This can be done as a class or in small groups. Make sure to focus on their
understanding rather than providing the rule outright. After the class discussion and hypotheses,
students should know clearly what the rules are.

Practice: Provide practice exercises that allow students to apply the newly discovered grammar rule.
These exercises can include gap-fill activities, sentence transformations, etc.

Collaborative Learning: Engage students in collaborative activities, such as peer editing or group
discussions, where they can share their understanding of the grammar concept and learn from each

Creative Use: Encourage students to apply the grammar concept in creative writing tasks. This could
involve writing stories, dialogues, or poems that demonstrate their grasp of the rule.

Feedback and Discussion: Review the practice exercises together as a class. Discuss any
challenges or questions students may have encountered.

Reflection: Lead a class discussion where students reflect on the learning process. Ask them to
share how they felt about discovering the grammar rule on their own and its impact on their

Homework: Assign homework that reinforces the grammar concept. This could involve exercises
from the textbook, writing assignments, or even watching videos where the concept is used.

Assessment: Use formative assessment methods, such as quizzes or short assignments, to gauge
students' understanding of the grammar concept.

Review: As the lesson comes to an end, summarize the key points and grammar rule. Ensure that
students have a clear understanding of the concept and how to apply it.

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