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The Crusades - Document Set 2

Impacts of the Crusades - Digital

Essential Question: Describe the positive impacts that
the Crusades had on Europe and the Middle East

Document 1: Crusaders Settle in the East

After the Franks had settled and created the Crusader

states, the storyteller Fulcher of Chartres had this

“We who were Europeans now have been made people

of the East. He who was a Roman or a Frank is now a
Galilean or a Palestinian. We have already forgotten the
places of our birth… Some already possess here homes
and servants which they have received through
inheritance. Some have taken wives not of European
(western) decent but of native Syrians, and Armenians,
who have converted to Christianity. For those who were
poor in Europe, here God makes rich. Those who had few
coins, here possess countless coins; and those who had not Eastern Mediterranean in
had a villa, here, by the gift of God, already possess a 1135. Crusader states are
city….Why should one who has found the East want return indicated with a red cross ☩
to the West?

The East – Eastern Mediterranean, today “Middle East” where Jerusalem was located .

The West – Used to refer to Europe

1) What happened to some Europeans that ventured to the Middle East during the Crusades?

They caused massive death tolls, shifted power dynamics, and fostered trade and learning.

2) What are these European’s views of the Middle East, why do they stay?

the Europeans seem to have no interest or knowledge about the Middle East and don't plan on having
any because they are in a position of higher power.

3) Pick 2 pieces of evidence that demonstrate these Europeans were happier in the Middle East:

4)Overall does this source demonstrate a positive, or negative impact of the Crusades?
Document 2: Overview of the Crusades:

The First Upon the Byzantine Empire losing the Holy Land of Jerusalem to the Seljuk Turks, Pope
Crusade Urban II declared the first Crusade. The Armies from Europe drove out the Turks and
(1095- took control of Jerusalem. This would be the most of successful the Crusades
The In 1146 the Christian city of Edessa was conquered by the Turks, where many Christians
Second were killed or sold into slavery. Because of this, a second Crusade was launched, but
Crusade was unsuccessful, Christians still maintained the city of Jerusalem
In 1187 Egyptian ruler Saladin, recaptured the city of Jerusalem. A third Crusade was
The Third led by Germany, France, and King Richard the Lionheart of England. Richard the
Crusade Lionheart fought for years but did not conquer Jerusalem. He did, however, win the
(1187-1192): right for Christians to travel to the holy city of Jerusalem again.

The Fourth Pope Innocent III once again hoped to take back the Holy Land. However, the
Crusade Crusaders got sidetracked and greedy and ended up conquering and plundering
(1202- Constantinople instead.

Final There were 4 more smaller crusades. Not to topple Muslim forces in the Holy Land
Crusades but to combat those seen as enemies to Christianity. However, in the end of all 8
(1208-1271) crusades the death tolls range from 1,000,000 – 3,000,000

1) Which two Crusades would you say were most successful? Why?

2) How can the 3rd Crusade be seen as a partial victory?

3) Why was the 4th Crusade, along with later ones, different compared to the others?

4) Overall does this source demonstrate a positive, or negative impact of the Crusades?
Document 3: Mediterranean Trade & the Exchange of Goods

The 200 years of constant coming and going between Europe and the Middle
East gave trade a tremendous boost. Merchants, studying the routes to bring
Crusaders across the Mediterranean Sea discovered the most direct routes
between the Middle East and Europe. Venice, Italy was a particularly active port
for goods brought in from the Middle East and India. From here goods would
travel throughout Europe along established trade routes.

Many items and ideas were brought back to Europe from the East during the

• Spices (cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg & pepper)

• Food (sugar cane, lemons, plums, almonds, watermelons)

• Use of coined money increased

• Art (mosaics, stained glass windows)

• Math (geometry & algebra)

• Military techniques and technology

1) How did the Crusades lead to increased cultural interaction between Europe
and the Middle East?

2) Examine the items brought to Europe during this time, pick 3 and describe how
they might help European life.

3) Overall does this source demonstrate a positive, or negative impact of the

Document 4: Lasting Legacies of the Crusades

Wholly unsuccessful and drawn out, The Crusades left in the

Middle East with a few legacies. First, they created a long
struggle between Islam and Christianity, of which both sides
bear some responsibility, resulting in deep bitterness
between these two religions. Relations and tensions
between Muslims, Christian, and Jewish subjects would
worsen throughout different periods of time.

Secondly, European merchants, mainly Italians, established

communities of in the Crusader states. Even after Christian
control weakened, Muslim rulers still encouraged trade with
European businessmen. Commerce with the West
benefited both Muslims and Europeans, and it continued
to flourish. The goods brought into Europe from Italian
merchants from the Asia would have both positive and
negative impacts. These trade routes would lead to the
spread of Bubonic Plague in Europe only a few hundred
years later. The desire for these Asian goods also
increased, eventually leading to the Age of Exploration in
the 15 th and 16 th Centuries, where Europeans wanted to get
these goods from the source.

1) State two positive, and two negative impacts the crusades had.

2) How might trade lead to the spread of the Bubonic Plague and other diseases?

3) How did the Crusades eventually lead to the Age of Exploration ?

4) Overall does this source demonstrate a positive, or negative impact of the Crusades?
Document 5: Cultural Exchange Between East and West

Despite the struggle between East and West, there were

cultural contributions between the two, and the world of
Islam helped “light up” a darkened Europe. The Crusades
greatly expanded European knowledge of the East. With
Crusaders coming from all parts of Europe, the East was
no long a mystery to Europeans.

Cultural exchange also took place in many ways. Arab

builders learned about military construction from the
Crusaders and adopted aspects of European Castles into
their architecture. Similarly, windows of stained glass on
European Cathedrals used a technique which had originated
with the ancient Phoenicians of Syria.
While from a military perspective, the Crusades should be
considered a failure, they drastically changed European
society. The Crusades caused a shift in power in Europe.
The failures of the Crusades weakened the pope’s power.
The feudal system also was weakened as many nobles did
not return home. This strengthened the position of kings.
Merchants also became more powerful and wealthy as
trade increased.

Source: Adapted from Legacy of the Crusades,” Aramco

World, VII, May 1956

1) What is meant by when it says Islam was able to “Light up” Europe?....How did the
Crusades help contribute to this?

2) Describe two examples of cultural exchange from this document:

3) How did European society change from the Crusades?...Explain why/how these
changes would happen:

4) Overall does this source demonstrate a positive, or negative impact of the Crusades?

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